VERS:Universal Advantages

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VERS -> Book I - Player Rules -> What They Can Do -> Advantages -> VERS:Universal Advantages

Universal Advantages
Advantage Description CP
Destiny Be fated to some task or event 10
Resources Increase your ability to purchase 3

The following advantages do not fall directly within any other the basic categories, being based not on the character but their situation in life or other factors.


Some characters are born with a special place in the world. For whatever reason, fate has decided that great events will pivot on the character’s shoulders. A character with Destiny is meant for something. When taking this advantage, the player should work with the GM to decide what that Destiny should be (in loose terms). Examples include things such as *“Fated to raise a king and to lay a king low,”* *“No man can kill him,”* or *“Born to save a kingdom from a fell beast.”* More vague is better because it gives the GM more room to interpret the Destiny and work it into the overall story. The character is then given 3 Destiny Points, which they can spend to avoid some setback that would prevent them from achieving their Destiny. These points do not regenerate. Once they are spent, they are gone forever. Once that character achieves their Destiny, they either die a heroic death or they are retired as a player character. Destiny costs 10 CP.


The Resources advantage is an abstract measure of wealth, acting as an overall gauge of a character’s purchasing power. This could be hard cash, credit, or other trade goods or even exchanges of services or favors. In order to streamline this process, each character has a base Resources roll, equal to 10/-. Items have a Cost rank, which acts as a penalty to the Resource roll, and failure on the roll means the character did not have the right amount to pay for the item. Each rank of Resources adds a bonus to this base roll, thus making it more likely that the character will have the ability to make the purchase. Successful Trading rolls can change this cost by 1 point per 3 degrees of success. A character can purchase, without a roll, any goods for which they have more ranks of Resources than the item costs.

When purchasing multiple items at the same time, a character can treat them as a single larger purchase. Simply remember this simple rule: 2 items of the same cost equal 1 item of that cost +1. So, a character can combine all of the items of the same value together, slowly working up to a smaller number of larger purchases if they want. This is useful when spending Treasure, but is of less use on normal purchases.

Once a purchase is made, temporarily reduce the character’s Resources by 1 rank, to show the temporary decrease in funds. This reduction only lasts to the end of the episode. A character can only recoup 1 rank of Resources per episode, but loses one for every transaction they make. Spending a lot at one time can mean it takes a very long time to recover from it.

In addition, during the course of their adventures, players may find Treasure, which is a temporary rank of Resources. Treasure represents gold, silver, and gems that the character recovers from a dragon’s horde, credit “liberated” from a corrupt senator’s bank accounts, or even a cash bonus from their superiors for a job well done. Points of Treasure can be saved up, but are lost on (successful) use to grant a bonus to the Resource roll. Treasure can be given in increments as small as 0.1 points, although it can only me used in whole points (getting a +0.1 bonus makes no sense).

A character can loan another character Resource ranks as well, shifting ranks temporarily. When this is done, the character who borrowed the Resources treats it like Treasure, however they cannot regain spent Resources until all the borrowed ranks are repaid, either with ranks of Treasure or with the normal 1 rank of Resources per episode. Resources costs 3 CP per rank.

VERSIcon.png VERS Playtest v20.7 - Online Rule Reference
General Rules Basics
Making a Character Character Profile - Mechanical Aspects (Attributes - Skills - Abilities - Gear)
Gameplay Mental Conflict - Physical Conflict - Social Conflict - Stunts
GM Info NPCs
Optional Rules Not Yet Complete
Gamemastering Not Yet Complete
Storytelling and Drama Not Yet Complete
Advanced Techniques Not Yet Complete
Appendices Example Abilities Fantasy - Psionics - Superheroes
Example Gear Prehistoric to Dark Ages - Medieval to Renaissance - Modern - Sci-Fi
Example NPCs Animals - People - Fantasy - Horror - Sci-Fi