Kalos Mechanism 4e EN:Equipment

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(NOTE: This is a work in progress.)

Characters use equipment to make their efforts more successful. Equipment is rated by its effectiveness and complexity, from Equipment Level 1 to Equipment Level 3. The effective Power Level of a piece of equipment is its Equipment Level.

There is no character point cost associated with ordinary equipment and vehicles. However, there may be legal or financial obstacles to obtaining such equipment, even if it's relatively commonplace. All equipment requires periodic maintenance, but this usually happens when it is convenient for the character.

Most of these items are generic. Rename them and adjust the details as you and the GM see fit.


The Damage Resistance (DR) provided by armor is equal to its Equipment Level. For example, Equipment Level 2 armor grants 2 points of Damage Resistance. If the character has more than one source of Damage Resistance, only the highest value applies.

Armor does not normally provide Alteration Resistance or Mental Resistance.


The character receives a Defense Value (DV) bonus equal to the Equipment Level of their shield. If the character has more than one Defense Value bonus, only the highest DV bonus applies. Shields do not normally provide a Defense Value (DV) bonus to mental attacks.

Hand-to-hand Weapons

Hand-to-hand weapons are typically useful up to a distance of one meter, and they affect a single target.

Making a hand-to-hand attack requires a successful Hand-to-hand Combat roll against 7 + Hand-to-hand Combat of the target. The character receives an Attack Value (AV) bonus equal to the Equipment Level of their weapon. If the character has more than one Attack Value bonus, only the highest AV bonus applies.

If the attacker's roll succeeds, the player rolls for damage based on the Equipment Level of the weapon (1d6 + Equipment Level). A successful attack reduces the target's current Health. The target's resistance Damage Resistance is deducted from the points of damage.

In general, concealed hand-to-hand weapons are moderately difficult to find with a search (DV 9), but this can vary a great deal, depending on the style of game and the design of the weapon.

Ranged Weapons

Making a ranged attack requires a successful Ranged Combat roll against 7 + Agility + Ranged Combat of the target. A successful attack reduces the target's current Health. Damage Resistance is effective against a ranged weapon. The target takes the points of damage which exceed their Damage Resistance.

Energy weapons usually have a "stun" setting. It is safe to assume that an energy weapon has such a setting, even if the user never enables it.

A weapon's damage is equal to 1d6 + its Equipment Level.

Someone attacking a target beyond a weapon's short range incurs a standard penalty (-3 AV, -3 DV).

Explosives And Grenades

Explosives are generally frowned upon in all but very specific circumstances, most of which involve open warfare or destroying buildings. On the off chance you have a character involved in such endeavors, here are some typical explosive devices.

Unless otherwise noted, explosives are easy to find with a search: anyone will find the item with a routine search. The approximate blast radius of each explosive is given in the Notes column. All explosives are single-use.

Field Kits

A field kit is a tool set which provides an AV bonus to a character using that a specific skill. In fantasy and modern settings, a field kit typically takes the form of a few gadgets worn on the belt, shoulder, or thigh, along with a larger bag or gadget, typically worn on a strap. However, each field kit is tailored to the character's specialty (medical, tactical, scientific, etc.) and personal preferences. Some typical field kits are:

  • Computing
  • Engineering
  • Investigation
  • Medical
  • Piloting
  • Science
  • Warfare

In futuristic settings, field kits are less bulky. They typically take the form of a narrow "mobile" attached to the character's forearm or equivalent appendage. In use, the kit projects a holographic display around the character's head, above the character's hand, or what have you.


A character with special vehicles should usually buy them with the Vehicles gift. However, any character with the appropriate background could conceivably own and drive ordinary vehicles. As with equipment, ordinary vehicles require periodic maintenance, but this usually happens when it is convenient for the character.

Vehicles In Combat

If a vehicle is under the direct control of a character, then the vehicle will move when that character does.

Vehicle weapons are useful up to a distance of 1 kilometer or more. A vehicle attacking a target beyond a weapon's standard range incurs a -3 AV penalty on the attack.

Vehicles vs. Characters

Vehicle weapons are more powerful than the weapons carried by characters. If a vehicle weapon is brought to bear against an individual, the damage roll is increased by 6. Conversely, if a personal weapon is brought to bear against a vehicle, the vehicle's Damage Resistance is increased by 6.