Confederation and Empire:Starship Systems Repair Costs

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Starship Systems Repair and Replacement Costs

Confederation, Far Traveler, and Imperial Civilian Vessels

Bridge Systems

Life Support cr.500 x Maximum Crew Capacity

Gravity Control cr.100 x Maximum Crew Capacity

Communication cr.5000 for standard system

Navigation cr.25000 for standard system

External Sensors cr.15000 for standard (Short, Medium, Long) system

Ship Systems Sensors cr.2500 for standard system

Weapons Systems

Weapons cr.3000 per 15 Active Points of DAM.

Targeting Controls cr.5000 for standard (Short, Medium, Long) system

Power Conduits/Routing cr.1000 per weapons ROF

Defensive Systems

Shield Generators cr.1000 per point of DEF

Armor cr.3000 per point of DEF (ships max Armor=1/2 its Structural Integrity)

Living Areas cr. 250 to repair each hit on a non-specialized area cr. 1000 to install a non-specialized area

Structural Integrity/Hull cr.750 to repair each point of DAM (cost is x2 if ship is Negative BODY)

Engine Room

Batteries cr.500 x ships SIZ array

Power Converters cr.5000 x ships SIZ array Conduits cr.5000 per

Engineering Control Systems cr.2500 x ships SIZ array

Power Routing Systems cr.5000 per

Life Support Control Systems cr. 250 x Maximum Crew Capacity


FTL Engines cr.6000 for standard system

Sublight Engines cr.4000 for standard system

Power Generators cr.8000 for standard system

Fuel Tanks cr.800 per point of DAM.

ECM Systems

Chameleon Stealth Paint cr. 100 x ships SIZ array (+1 DCV/-1 to PER)

Chameleon Stealth Hull cr.250 per point of Structural Int (+2 DCV/-2 to PER)

Silent Running System cr.1250 x ships SIZ array (-2 to Detect)

Electronic Damping System cr.5000 x ships SIZ array x Level (-1 to Detect per LVL)

Passive Damping System cr.200 x ships SIZ array x Level (-1 to Detect per LVL)

Scanner Reflector cr.5000 x ships SIZ array (-2 to Hit)

Scanner Scrambler cr.10000 x ships SIZ array (-3 to Hit)

‘Blacklight’ Generator cr.25000 x ships SIZ array (-2 to PER per Phase)

ECCM Systems

Scanner cr.1200 per Mark (+1 to PER per Mark)

Scanner w/Analyser cr.2400 per Mark (as above w/Discrim)

Gravitic Detector cr.5000 for standard (S,M,L) system (Unusual Detect)

‘Starburst’ Detector cr.5000 for Launcher + 500 per shot (Active Detect)

Feedback Generator cr.10000 for standard (S,M,L) system (+1 to PER or Detect/Hit)

Ships Computer System cr.8000 per Mark (x2 Cost for AI)

Auxiliary Vessels

Auxiliary Craft, Small cr.10000 for a Basic Lifeboat (1 Hardpoint)

Auxiliary Craft, Medium cr.25000 for a Basic Ships Boat (2 Hardpoints)

Auxiliary Craft, Large cr.75000 for a Basic (FTL) Captains Boat (4 Hardpoints)

Auxiliary Life Support Systems

Air Recycler cr.150 x Maximum Crew Capacity

Waste and Water Reclamation cr.250 x Maximum Crew Capacity

Environmental Suits

-Vacc Bag cr.150 for 24 hours Duration

-Basic Vacc Suit cr.500 for 24 hours Duration

-EVA Suit cr.1000 for 24 hours Duration

  • Replacement Air Bottles are 1/10 the cost of the suit

Missile Costs (cr.500 per d6)

-Defensive anti-missile cr.1500 for Standard (3d6)

-Heavy Defensive anti-missile cr.3000 for Standard (6d6- Counts as 2 Hits)

-HE/Flak Missile cr. 5000 for Standard (10d6)

-Plasma Missile cr.7500 for Standard (15d6)

-Nuclear Missile cr.9000 for Standard (18d6)

-AM Missile cr.10000 for Standard (20d6)

-Capitol Ship Missile cr.15000 for Standard (25d6-takes up 2 spaces/Needs 2 Hits)

-EMP Missile cr.12500 for Standard (destroys 1d6 non-Hardened systems)

-‘Flashbang’ Missile cr.10000 for Standard (‘Flashes’ pursuit ship for 1d6 Phases)

-‘Wild Weasel’ Missile cr. 12000 for Standard (Creates a false image of Defending Ship for 1d6 Phases)

-Chaff Missile cr.15000 for Standard (‘Flashes’ everyone in range for 1d6 Phases)

  • Improved Offensive/Defensive Guidance increases the cost (cr.1250 per +1 to Hit or –1 to be Hit)
  • Improved Defenses doubles the cost for each hit the missile can take
  • MIRV Capability increases the cost by 50% for each additional warhead, but decreases DAM by 2d6
  • Shaped Charge Missiles (Armor-Piercing) cost 50% more per Level
  • Penetrating Munitions Missiles (Penetrating) cost 50% more per Level

-A Half-Space Hardpoint can mount a single Missile, Cargo Box, or Sensor Package

-A Single Space Hardpoint can mount a Triple-Shot Missile Rack, one Capitol Ship Missile & Launcher or Small Aux Craft

-A Double Space Hardpoint can mount a Nine-Shot Missile Rack, three Capitol Ship Missiles & Launcher or Medium Aux Craft

-A Quad space Hardpoint can mount a Twenty-Shot Missile Rack, six Capitol Ship Missiles & Launcher or Large Aux Craft

-Hardpoints must be modified to mount Capitol Ship Missiles (+25% Cost) or Auxiliary Craft (+50% Cost)

  • The Average Size for a Missile is 1 Ton (for storage purposes)
  • The Average Size for an Anti-Missile is ½ Ton (for storage purposes)

Basic sizes for vessels are:

-Auxiliary Craft, Small (Lifeboat, Escape Pod)

-Auxiliary Craft, Medium (Ships Boat, Fighter)

-Auxiliary Craft, Large (Captains Boat, Dropship)

-FTL Hull, Small (Federation Express)

-FTL Hull, Medium (Free Trader, Privateer, Escort)

-FTL Hull, Large (Heavy/Bulk Free Trader, Destroyer, Blockade Runner)

-FTL Hull, Oversized (Hansa-Class, Troopship, Light Cruiser)

-Capitol Ship, Small (Confed Cruiser, Imperial Strike Cruiser)

-Capitol Ship, Medium (Confed Deadstop Cruiser, Imperial Heavy Cruiser)

-Capitol Ship, Large (Confed Taskforce Vessel, Imperial Command Ship)

-Custom Hull (Kree Warship, Children Starship)

-Repairing a damaged system normally costs ½ the replacement price (most ‘single-hit’ systems cannot be repaired and must be replaced)

-Repairing a system in an orbital ‘Drydock’ (i.e.-a Repair Dock w/Atmospheric Capacity) doubles the cost of repair

-To install a ‘Hardpoint’ costs cr. 5000 (Max=Ships SIZ array)

-To install a ‘Hardpoint’ weapon, add 10% to the cost (25% of cost if Atmospheric Capable)

-A ‘Launch Rail’ is just a Hardpoint with an airlock to the Mother Ship, specifically designed to launch an Auxiliary Craft (Cost for Launch Rails is 2xHardpoint cost)

-Cargo boxes cost cr.150 for a standard (10 ton) box or cr. 1250 for a large (100 ton) container (on average)

-Hardening any system vs. EMP doubles the cost per level of Hardening