Warlords Of Kruhl 3e EN:Folk

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Archaea, the default setting for Warlords Of Kruhl, is home to a number of intelligent humanoids. The most common of these are described below.


"In Corven history there are no coincidences."

  • Typical height: 150-160 cm
  • Typical weight: 41-55 kg
  • An individual is a "corven"; plural "corven" (a tall corven, several corven)
  • The descriptive term is "corven" (a corven weapon)
  • Name style: African

Corven are feathered humanoids resembling flightless birds. Corven plumage can be any colour, from vibrant red or yellow, to deepest blue or black. Their eyes are large, and typically black.

Corven legend states that the corven once had a thriving civilization on an idyllic island far to the west. During the battle between Vanu Mar and Korro Khaitan at the end of the Second World, their island paradise was shattered by the Arnhammer of Korro Khaitan, and the corven were forced to flee. Now they are wanderers, without a homeland to call their own.


Racial Traits

  • Perceptive: Corven are observant by nature. Corven gain a bonus die on Perception rolls.

Dwarf, Stone

"The stone never forgets, and neither do we."

  • Typical height: 132-148 cm
  • Typical weight: 85-110 kg
  • An individual is a "stone dwarf"; plural "stone dwarves" (a tall stone dwarf, several stone dwarves)
  • The descriptive term is "stone dwarven" (a stone dwarven weapon)
  • Name style: German

Stone dwarves are stout humanoids with hard, almost rocklike skin. They are long lived, but not immortal. Stone dwarves have skin that ranges from light grey to deep brown or charcoal grey; their eyes are typically blue, green, or amber. They have straight hair, from pale blonde to dark brown or red, and the men often have beards. Stone dwarves favor sturdy, practical clothing, often ornamented with traditional clan motifs. Stone dwarves have two sexes (male, female), but stone dwarven children are a rarity. A stone dwarven couple may be partnered for centuries without producing any offspring.


Stone dwarven society is organized into approximately two hundred and fifty patriarchal clans. Each clan has a traditional profession that supports the subterranean stone dwarven society, but no stigma is attached to stone dwarves who choose their own path, as long as it serves a useful purpose. The head of each clan swears fealty to the Mountain King, whose primary responsibility is to keep peace between the clans and to defend the stone dwarven civilization from outside attack.

Stone dwarves have a reputation for being sullen and stubborn, but they are also patient and meticulous artisans.

The Underking

Raginwald Thunderdelve is the King Under The Mountain, like his father and his father's father. Raginwald is a wise ruler, but he is not as cunning as the White Queen of the ice elves, and he knows it. He is always suspicious where other races are concerned, particularly when it comes to humans and ice elves. Although he doesn't believe that either have designs on the subterranean civilization of the stone dwarves, he is sure that they would cheerfully manipulate the stone dwarves for their own ends.

Racial Traits

  • Dark Vision: Stone dwarves can see in complete darkness, using the heat of their own bodies and the objects around them for illumination.
  • Deep Adaptation: Stone dwarves are comfortable in the stale air found in the deep places of the earth.
  • Stone Skin: Stone dwarves have exceptionally tough skin which provides protection against most forms of damage. Dwarves add their Power Level to their combat defense rolls. Stone Skin does not stack with conventional armor.

Elf, Ice

"Real nobility is based on scorn, courage, and profound indifference."

  • Typical height: 172-188 cm
  • Typical weight: 60-85 kg
  • An individual is an "ice elf"; plural "ice elves" (a tall ice elf, several ice elves)
  • The descriptive term is "ice elven" (an ice elven weapon)
  • Name style: Icelandic

Ice elves are tall, slender humanoids with delicate features, elongated eyebrows, and pointed ears. Barring accident or injury, an ice elf will live forever. Ice elves' skin is smooth and flawless, and ranges in color from snow white to pale pastel blue or green. Their eyes are large, and typically ice blue, pale green, or silver. Ice elves' hair can be straight or gently wavy, and is usually vibrant in color, such as frost white, glossy black, ruby red, sapphire blue, and so on. Some male ice elves have beards, but it is uncommon.

Ice elves wear little clothing, even in sub-freezing temperatures, but they often wear very delicate pieces of jewelry which other ice elves recognize as symbols of the wearer's status.

Ice elves have two sexes (male, female), but ice elven children are extremely rare: their population may remain unchanged for decades.


Ice elven society is ruled by the White Queen, with the support of a small number of trusted advisors. The authority of the White Queen is absolute, and that of her advisors is nearly so, but they make few demands on the rest of ice elven society.

Magic and social interaction are the two main focuses of ice elven society. Appearances are treated as reality: any decadence or vice is permitted as long as the appearance of elegance and perfection is preserved. Ice elf society is tranquil to a degree that would be stifling to most other races. Disruptions of the peace are not tolerated. This makes the ice elves seem isolationist to the point of being xenophobic -- not just because they consider all other races as inferior (which they do), but because the turmoil that other races bring is perceived as ugly and unpleasant. When forced to deal with this unpleasantness, ice elves usually try to minimize the amount of time and effort required, which makes them seem haughty, abrupt, and uncaring about the welfare of others.

Ice elves have a reputation for being xenophobic and cruel: "as cold as ice elf laughter" is a common saying.

The White Queen

Asfridur has been the queen of the ice elves for thousands of years. In that time she has seen countless human civilizations rise and fall, along with more than a few Kings Under The Mountain. She is not the most powerful sorceress on Archaea, but she is arguably the most cunning living being in the world. The White Queen is ruthless, and she will stop at nothing to ensure the survival of her people.

Racial Traits

  • Cold Adaptation: Ice elves are comfortable in the extreme cold found in the far south.
  • Immortal: Ice elves are immune to the ravages of time. They never grow old or die from "natural causes".
  • Night Vision: Ice elves can see as well at night as in daylight, but they can't see in complete darkness, such as underground.
  • Rational: Ice elves are analytical and quick-witted by nature. Ice elves add +1 to their Reason attribute during character creation, after attributes are initially purchased.


"Family. Friends. Food. These are what matter most."

  • Typical height: 91-115 cm
  • Typical weight: 18-21 kg
  • An individual is a "havlin"; plural "havlins" (a tall havlin, several havlins)
  • The descriptive term is "havlin" (a havlin weapon); "halfling" is considered pejorative
  • Name style: Hindi

Havlins are humanoids around a meter tall, and typically a bit on the plump side. Barring accident or illness, a havlin may typically live from 100 to 130 years. They have skin that ranges from light tan to deep brown: lighter in cool climates, and darker in warmer climates. Their eyes are typically blue or green in cool climates, and range from amber to dark brown (nearly black) in warm climates. Their hair is usually curly, from pale blonde to dark brown or black (rarely red). Most havlins do not grow facial hair, but a few male havlins do. Havlins typically wear comfortable, practical clothing, favoring bright colors and shiny buttons. Havlins have two sexes (male, female). A havlin couple will generally produce between two and four offspring during their lifetimes.


Havlins enjoy farming, food, ales, parties, and the giving and receiving of presents. They are usually friendly and happy-go-lucky, and crime or any kind of antisocial behaviour is rare. Most havlins prefer a quiet, normal, peaceful life. Havlins make little distinction between male and female gender roles: a havlin hunter or weaver is as likely to be male as female.

Havlins have a reputation for being a generous and cheerful people who place family loyalty above all else.

Racial Traits

  • Lucky: Havlins are preternatually lucky. The player begins each game with one extra plot point.
  • Nimble: Havlins are quicker and more agile than most people expect. Havlins add +1 to their Agility attribute during character creation, after attributes are initially purchased.
  • Willful: Havlins are stable and resolute by nature. Havlins add +1 to their Presence attribute during character creation, after attributes are initially purchased.


"A man's worth is no greater than his ambitions."

  • Typical height: 157-168 cm (female), 172-183 cm (male)
  • Typical weight: 60-85 kg (female), 75-100 kg (male)
  • An individual is a "human"; plural "humans" (a tall human, several humans)
  • The descriptive term is "human" (a human weapon)
  • Name style:

Humans are hairy, short lived humanoids, typically living from 30 to 40 years, but extraordinary individuals may live twice that long. They are noteworthy for being physically fragile, yet able to withstand terrible injuries and survive. It is not unusual for a typical human settlement to have several residents with missing eyes or limbs, lost to disease, accident, or warfare. Humans are also capable of exerting themselves for incredible periods of time with little rest or nourishment. Possibly related to their indefatigable nature, humans perspire profusely, making the smell of human settlements profoundly unpleasant for most other races.

Humans are highly adaptable, taking on a distinctive appearance based on their environment after only a half-dozen generations or so. They have skin that ranges from light tan to deep brown: lighter in cool climates, and darker in warmer climates. Their eyes are typically blue or green in cool climates, and range from amber to dark brown (nearly black) in warm climates. Their hair can be straight or curly, from pale blonde to dark brown or black (rarely red), and the men often have beards. Humans usually wear many layers of clothing, even in very warm climates.

Humans breed almost continuously, creating more offspring than almost any other humanoid race on Archaea. If it weren't for their short-sightedness, their tendency for internecine violence, and their short lifespans, they would have long since overrun the world with their progeny. Despite their prolific procreation (or perhaps because of it), most human cultures have a complex system of taboos surrounding courtship, mating, and nudity.


Unlike most of the intelligent humanoid races on Archaea, there is no single human civilization. Most human cultures are based on ancestor worship and the accumulation of material goods. In these, a small number of humans own most of the wealth, and they use their power to ensure that they and their offspring maintain their power and privilege. However, from time to time those at the top of a human society will make things so unpleasant that their peers revolt and overthrow them. Afterward, the leaders of the rebellion seize control, and the cycle begins anew.

Humans have a reputation for being violent and short-sighted, but they can be honorable and hard-working when kept in small groups.


Most humans only have one name. The idea of a "family name" isn't really a thing among humans. The closest thing is "[name], son/daughter of [parent name]" or "[name] of [place name]" (e.g., Mihkel, son of Markus; or Mihkel of Dunwater). Those generally only get used among humans if there is some potential confusion about who is being referred to. Otherwise, Maarl is just called Maarl. Sometimes, if someone is well known for something, like being the only baker in town, they'll get called that (e.g., "The Baker"). Or if there are several Maarls, and several bakers, the baker named Maarl will be called "Maarl the Baker".

For the aristocracy, the matter is slightly different. One might be "Maarl of the House of [famous ancestor]", and that lineage name might persist across many generations.

Racial Traits

  • Indefatigable: Normally, a character who has been reduced to 1 Endurance can speak and take roleplaying actions, but any other action, including combat, incurs a penalty die. A character with Indefatigable is just as close to defeat, but they do not incur a penalty die for this condition.
  • Tenacious: Humans are harder to kill than their size and strength would lead one to expect. When making a close combat or ranged combat defense roll, the character may substitute their Presence for their Agility or Brawn. The player may choose which attribute to use on a case by case basis.


"A khul without family is no khul."

  • Typical height: 162-178 cm
  • Typical weight: 70-95 kg
  • An individual is a "khul"; plural "khuls" (a tall khul, several khuls)
  • The descriptive term is "khul" (a khul weapon)
  • Name style: Hindi

The khuls are humanoid, but have four arms (the second set of arms is attached to the shoulders just behind the first set, making for a rather complex skeletal structure). Barring accident or illness, a khul may typically live from 100 to 150 years. Khuls have bronze skin that ranges from ruddy tan to deep red-brown; their eyes are typically yellow, brown, or black. They have straight hair, from pale blonde to dark brown or black (rarely red). Khul dress warmly in winter, but dress very lightly and simply in the summer. The khuls have two sexes (male, female). A khul couple will generally produce between two and four offspring during their lifetimes.


The khuls are pastoral, practicing basic agriculture, but relying on herds of animals for the bulk of their livelihood. Most of the khuls are settled in small villages, but some members of the village move with the livestock herds from grazing land to grazing land as the seasons pass. They are skilled artisans, and fashion ornate bronze bracelets and anklets. Many khul art objects depict insects, which are considered to be (like the khuls themselves) close to the divine because they have six limbs. Among their warriors, ceremonial dance is considered an important skill. Khuls make little distinction between male and female gender roles: a khul warrior or weaver is as likely to be male as female.

Khuls have a reputation for being ferocious but honorable warriors who place family loyalty above all else.

Racial Traits

  • Extra Hands: Khuls have four arms rather than the usual two, and they are able to use all of them with equal dexterity. This allows a khul to use a two-handed weapon at the same time as a shield, or to engage in combat while carrying a burden.
  • Heat Adaptation: Khuls are comfortable in the extreme heat found in the plains and deserts of Khaitan.
  • Willful: Khuls are stable and resolute by nature. Khuls add +1 to their Presence attribute during character creation, after attributes are initially purchased.


"We make war that we may live in peace."

  • Typical height: 205-225 cm
  • Typical weight: 185-215 kg
  • An individual is a "minotaur"; plural "minotaurs" (a tall minotaur, several minotaurs )
  • The descriptive term is "minotaur" (a minotaur weapon)
  • Name style: Native American

Minotaurs are tall, massive humanoids with bovine features, horns on their heads, cloven hooves, and tails. Minotaurs typically have brown fur (sometimes black, rarely black and white mottled) that turns to gray as they get older. Rare albino minotaurs (roughly 1 in 20,000) are known as Ghost Bulls, and are said to possess the power of divination.

Minotaurs can live to be nearly 100 years old, but most die from injury or illness well before their 50th year. Their eyes are typically black, but may be yellow or grey. Minotaurs generally dress in simple, practical clothing: warmly in winter, but lightly in the summer. Minotaurs have two sexes (male, female), but they rarely form permanent couples in the manner of most other humanoids. A female minotaur will generally produce between two and four offspring during her lifetime; single births are the norm.


Minotaurs have no society to speak of. They may form small groups of three to six for a time, but they may also live for years without seeing another of their kind. As individuals, minotaurs value direct, immediate solutions. They swear fealty to no one, and they resent intrusions on their privacy.

Minotaurs have a reputation for being solitary and dangerous, but they are steadfastly loyal to those who earn their trust.

Racial Traits

  • Frightening: Minotaurs find it easier to intimidate others, providing a bonus die on relevant Presence rolls.
  • Huge: Minotaurs are larger and more massive than most humanoids: typically over 2 meters tall and weighing roughly 200 kilograms. Minotaurs also add +1 to their Brawn attribute during character creation, after attributes are initially purchased.


"If I can hold it, it is mine to hold."

  • Typical height: 157-168 cm (female), 168-178 cm (male)
  • Typical weight: 60-70 kg (female), 70-80 kg (male)
  • An individual is a "zinjan"; plural "zinjan" (a tall zinjan, several zinjan)
  • The descriptive term is "zinjan" (a zinjan weapon)
  • Name style: Nahuatl

Zinjan are humanoids with large eyes, sharp canines, and retractile claws. Barring accident or illness, a zinjan may typically live from 80 to 120 years. A zinjan's body is covered with short soft fur in a striped black-on-white pattern, similar to a zebra or white tiger. Their eyes are typically red or gold (rarely green), and their cranial hair is usually black (sometimes white, rarely striped). Rare zinjan (roughy 1 in 1000) have ram-like horns and a long cat-like tail, which is considered a mark of divine favor. They have two sexes (male, female), but their breeding habits are sufficiently different from those of humans to cause some strained relations between the two races. They wear little clothing.

While zinjan have the same reproductive urges that humans do, for most of the year there is no chance for offspring to result from zinjan liaisons, and for this reason the zinjan do not place the same taboo on sexual activity as human cultures do. Single births are the norm, with two to three children per family usually surviving until adulthood. Only about half of zinjan form permanent mating bonds, so their population grows very slowly. It is not uncommon for a human to look on all zinjan as irresponsible and immoral.


The zinjan are nomadic herders and hunters, with almost no agriculture. They have little respect or understanding for other races' fixation on property. Zinjan make little distinction between male and female gender roles, but males are more likely to be herders, while females are more likely to be hunters.

Zinjan have a reputation for being casually violent and sexually promiscuous, but they also value a healthy sense of humour.

Racial Traits

  • Heat Adaptation: Zinjan are comfortable in the extreme heat found in the plains and jungles of Mrisinnia.
  • Natural Weaponry: Zinjan are born equipped with retractable razor-sharp claws. These natural weapons are difficult to take away, and will re-grow if removed. A Zinjan using their claws adds their Power Level to their combat attack rolls. Natural Weaponry does not stack with conventional weapons.
  • Nimble: Zinjan are flexible and have great reflexes. Zinjan add +1 to their Agility attribute during character creation, after attributes are initially purchased.
  • Night Vision: Zinjan can see as well at night as in daylight, but they can't see in complete darkness, such as underground.