Kalos Mechanism 4e EN:Gifts

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Gifts range from exceptional human abilities to less flamboyant posthuman abilities. The details of each gift are highly dependent on a character's background, so the player should work with the GM to flesh out these details. Gifts which impact the setting directly, such as Headquarters and Wealthy, should receive more than the usual amount of GM consultation.

Each gift costs 1 character point.

Example: Buying three gifts costs 3 character points. Buying a fourth gift costs 1 character point.

Typical Gifts

These are the typical gifts found in a Kalos Mechanism game. A character may have a gift not listed here, subject to GM approval. Any new gifts should be approximately as useful as these gifts.

Table: Gifts
Gift Type Description
Animal Empathy Noncombat The character can use Diplomacy and Manipulation skills on animals
Astral Travel Noncombat The character's consciousness can travel to anywhere on Earth, to alternate realities, and to divergent time streams
Attentive Combat The character is unaffected by attempts to distract them
Bag Of Tricks Noncombat The character carries a bag, a belt, or a backpack with a number of small, ordinary items (Equipment Level 2)
Blindsight Combat The character can sense symbols, shapes, and textures as clearly as with ordinary vision, but without the ability to distinguish color
Connected Noncombat The character has a wide ranging network of useful friends, rivals, and former associates
Danger Sense Combat The character can sense danger and avoid being surprised
Dimensional Travel Combat The character can traverse dimensional boundaries, visiting alternate realities and divergent time streams
Disarming Expert Combat The character can make disarming attacks without the associated penalty
Escape Artist Combat The character receives a skill bonus (+Template:KM4 SKILL MAJOR BONUS AV, +Template:KM4 SKILL MAJOR BONUS DV) when attempting to break out of a grapple or the Hold power
Expert Reputation Noncombat The character can sometimes gain favors from strangers who are familiar with their work
Famous Noncombat The character can sometimes gain favors from strangers who recognize them
Fascinating Noncombat The character can sometimes gain favors from admirers
Headquarters Noncombat The character has one or more bases of operation, equipped with supplies and workshops reasonable for the character's background and skills
Hyperacuity Noncombat The character can sense details too small, faint, or distant for ordinary human senses to detect
Iron Fists Combat The character's unarmed hand-to-hand normal attacks deal points of Health damage equal to the character's Athletics
Linguist Noncombat The character is fluent in dozens of languages, and they are capable of quickly deciphering new languages when they encounter them
Mental Calculator Noncombat The character can solve complex mathematical equations by thinking about them briefly
Minions Noncombat The character has an assortment of minor, mostly nameless lackeys of marginal usefulness
Night Vision Combat The character can see in pitch darkness as clearly as in daylight
Perfect Recall Noncombat The character can perfectly remember any event, document, or recording which the character has clearly seen or heard
Personal Immunity Noncombat The character is immune to any undesirable effects of their own gifts and powers
Quick Change Noncombat The character can change their entire outfit with a quick action
Radio Communication Noncombat The character can send and receive signals over any standard radio frequency
Ranged Disarm Combat The character can make a disarming attack with a ranged weapon, with the usual associated penalties
Scrounger Noncombat The character can find shelter, food, and personal essentials enough to provide for themselves and a small number of friends
Second Identity Noncombat The character has a second, completely legitimate identity which will withstand even the most focused scrutiny
Sense Auras Noncombat The character can see the invisible emanations around people
Sharpshooter Combat The character may ignore cover in ranged combat, as long as they can see part of the target
Team Player Combat Once per scene, the character can grant a skill bonus (+Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS AV, +Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS DV) to all of their allies
Unsettling Noncombat The character can gain a skill bonus (+Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS AV, +Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS DV) on Manipulation skill rolls pertaining to intimidation and interrogation
Vehicles Noncombat The character has an assortment of vehicles at their disposal
Wealthy Noncombat The character can solve problems by throwing money at them
Weightless Combat Combat The character can fight or perform tasks while weightless without the associated penalties

Ambient Awareness

The character can perceive equally well in every direction simultaneously.

Animal Empathy

The character can use Diplomacy and Manipulation skills on animals. Normal animals are more likely to be calm around the character, although a dangerous, hostile animal might require a moderately difficult (DV 9) Diplomacy or Manipulation roll to keep the animal from attacking.

Once per scene, the character can befriend an animal which is not hostile to the character. The animal will always remember the character and treat them as a friend.

A character's Animal Empathy might be limited to a specific type of animal, such as cats or sea creatures. If this is the case, the character gains a skill bonus (+Template:KM4 SKILL MAJOR BONUS AV, +Template:KM4 SKILL MAJOR BONUS DV) when interacting with that animal type.

Astral Travel

The character can detach their consciousness from their physical body and travel to anywhere on Earth, to alternate realities, and to divergent time streams, leaving their physical body behind. While using Astral Travel, the consciousness of the traveler is typically invisible, but those who possess extraordinary spiritual awareness may be able to see the traveler's "astral body". The "astral body" of the traveler does not require the Environmental Immunity power to survive in other realities or planes of existence, and the traveler is usually unable to interact with the strange vistas around them. However, they can converse with anyone capable of perceiving them. While the "astral body" is separated from the character's physical body, their physical body appears to be in a comatose state, and the traveler is unaware of anything happening to or around their physical form. Astral Travel is a plot dependent ability and may not always be available, at the GM's discretion.


The character is unaffected by attempts to distract them.

Bag Of Tricks

The character carries a bag, a belt, or a backpack with a number of small, ordinary items (Equipment Level 2). The character can use a quick action to pull any needed item from their bag, as long as the item is small enough to fit in the palm of their hand and can be purchased from an ordinary retail shop.


When blinded, the character can sense symbols, shapes, and textures as clearly as with ordinary vision, but without the ability to distinguish color.

Normally, a character who can't perceive their opponent has great difficulty in combat. A character with Blindsight can engage in combat normally while blinded or otherwise unable to perceive their opponent, without any associated penalties. This could be granted by a form of sonar or radar, from extraordinary training, or from some form of alternate perception.


"I know some people." The character has a wide ranging network of friends, rivals, and former associates. From time to time, the character can contact one of these people, and have a reasonable chance of getting a favor from them. When the character wants to get a favor from someone, the player names the NPC and briefly describes how their character knows this contact. When the character meets their contact, they must attempt a moderately difficult (DV 9) Diplomacy roll to see how their contact receives them.

Expert Tip: Failure should never make the game less interesting.

Danger Sense

The character can sense danger and avoid being surprised, even if there is no way for the character to see the attack coming. A character with Danger Sense never suffers a penalty for being surprised.

Additionally, if an attack is imminent, the GM will ask the player to attempt a moderately difficult (DV 9) Survival roll. If the Danger Sense roll is successful, the character senses the danger in time to warn other characters.

Precognition: Some characters with Danger Sense can see into the future, or "read" the destiny of items and people by touching them. Seeing into the future is a plot dependent ability and may not always be available, at the GM's discretion.

Dimensional Travel

The character can traverse dimensional boundaries, visiting alternate realities and divergent time streams. Depending on the method used, the character may be able to take others with them. Survival in other realities or planes of existence may require Environmental Immunity, depending on the local environment. Dimensional Travel is a plot dependent ability and may not always be available, at the GM's discretion.

Disarming Expert

Normally, a character making a disarming attack incurs a skill penalty (-Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS AV, -Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS DV). A character with the Disarming Expert gift can make disarming attacks without the associated penalty.

Escape Artist

A character with the Escape Artist gift receives a skill bonus (+Template:KM4 SKILL MAJOR BONUS AV, +Template:KM4 SKILL MAJOR BONUS DV) when attempting to break out of a grapple or the Hold power. If the character has the Mental Combat skill, they also receive a skill bonus when attempting to break out of the Mind Hold power.

Expert Reputation

The character is an acknowledged expert in a specific, narrowly-defined professional, scholarly, or technical field. Among their peers in that field, the character's name and reputation are widely known. People who respect that reputation may be more likely to cooperate with the character, and the character can sometimes gain favors from strangers who are familiar with their work.

Note that it is possible to have an Expert Reputation without actually being an expert.


The character's name and likeness are widely known, perhaps due to their exploits, or possibly because they are from a notorious family. It is difficult for the character to pass unnoticed, because paparazzi are often nearby. People may be more likely to cooperate with the character, and the character can sometimes gain favors from strangers who recognize them.


The character is naturally, effortlessly compelling. It is difficult for the character to pass unnoticed, because they will be the focus of attention in nearly any circumstances. People may be more likely to cooperate with the character, and the character can sometimes gain favors from admirers.


The character has one or more bases of operation, equipped with supplies and workshops reasonable for the character's background and skills. If the character is a member of a team, the headquarters might be shared with the other team members, at the player's discretion. A headquarters is primarily a convenience for the GM and a fun asset for the character. It is not generally useful in combat.

Additionally, the character can make a moderately difficult (DV 9) Survival roll to remember a "safe house" or a cache of supplies nearby, wherever they happen to be.


The character can make a moderately difficult (DV 9) Investigation roll to sense details too small, faint, or distant for ordinary human senses to detect. On a successful roll, the character can taste the number of salt grains on a pretzel, read text on a computer display by touching it, see a license plate clearly from kilometers away, identify a person by the sound of their heartbeat, track someone through a city by their scent, and so on.

Iron Fists

Normally, an unarmed hand-to-hand attack deals points of Endurance damage equal to the character's Athletics. The unarmed hand-to-hand normal attacks of a character with the Iron Fists gift deal points of Health damage equal to the character's Athletics. Making an unarmed normal attack requires a successful Hand-to-hand Combat roll against 7 + Hand-to-hand Combat of the target. If the attacker succeeds at this roll, then the attacker's damage is equal to their Athletics. The target subtracts their Damage Resistance from the amount the attacker rolled. The target's Health is reduced by the remaining amount.


The character is fluent in dozens of languages, and they are capable of quickly deciphering new languages when they encounter them.

The Linguist gift is not required for a character to know the languages they would reasonably be expected to know based on their background. Such languages are simply part of the character's background.

Mental Calculator

The character can solve complex mathematical equations by thinking about them briefly. Also, the character has an intuitive understanding of higher mathematics, and is able to comprehend and remember intricate formulae and equations after examining them briefly.


The character has an assortment of minor, mostly nameless lackeys of marginal usefulness. Such minions might be guards, administrative staff, or technicians to keep the character's equipment in proper working order. Minions are primarily a convenience for the GM and a fun asset for the character. They are not generally useful in combat.

There is no set limit to the number of minions a character might have, subject to the GM's approval, but the more minions there are, the less competent they are.

Night Vision

The character can see in pitch darkness as clearly as in daylight. This could be granted by infrared vision, ultraviolet vision, or exceptional low-light vision.

Perfect Recall

The character can perfectly remember any event, document, or recording which the character has clearly seen or heard, even if they were not paying particular attention to it at the time.

Personal Immunity

The character is immune to any undesirable effects of their own gifts and powers.

Quick Change

The character can change their entire outfit with a quick action. This could be made possible by super-speed, a costume stored in a ring, or just by wearing a different outfit underneath street clothes. A character with Quick Change and the Alternate Form power can change forms once per round with a quick action.

Radio Communication

The character can send and receive signals over any standard radio frequency.

Encrypted: If the character wishes, the communication is concealed from those not involved in the conversation. Anyone not party to the conversation must make a moderately difficult (DV 9) Investigation roll to notice the conversation and an extremely difficult (DV 12) Computing roll to understand what is being said.

Ranged Disarm

The character can make a disarming attack with a ranged weapon. A ranged disarming attack requires a successful Ranged Combat roll against 7 + Ranged Combat of the target. As with hand-to-hand disarming attacks, the attacker incurs a skill penalty (-Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS AV, -Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS DV).


The character can always find useful items by asking around and keeping their eyes open, whether they are in the wilderness or in an urban environment. The character can find shelter, food, and personal essentials enough to provide for themselves and a small number of friends.

Second Identity

The character has a second, completely legitimate identity which will withstand even the most focused scrutiny. Alternately, at the player's choice, the character has no documented identity at all: any and all records of their existence have been erased.

Sense Auras

The character can see the invisible emanations around people. Sensing the aura of a person requires a standard action.

If the character makes a successful Investigation roll against 7 + Deception of the target, they can sense whether the aura is "warm" (positive, life affirming) or "cold" (negative, life negating). If the character fails this roll, they may not attempt to read that person or object again during that scene. A typical person's aura is slightly "warm".

The aura of a character with Mental Resistance can't be read. Objects do not generally have auras.

Table: Typical aura colors
Color Temperament
Red In a positive light, red indicates a healthy ego: someone powerful, sensual, passionate, and energetic. In a negative light, red indicates anger, an unforgiving nature, or anxiety.
Orange In a positive light, orange indicates productivity and creativity: someone sociable, detail oriented, and courageous. In a negative light, it can indicate stress and addictions.
Yellow Indicates optimism, and easy-going nature, inspiration, and intelligence.
Green Indicates balance, growth, and a willingness to change. It is a strong indication of a love of people, animals, and nature.
Turquoise Indicates a sensitive, compassionate nature, that of a healer or a counselor.
Blue Indicates calm and focus. It is a strong indication of clarity, truthfulness, and an intuitive nature.
Indigo Indicates deep feeling: someone of profound intuition and sensitivity.
Violet Indicates a sensitive nature and greater than average psychic potential. May also indicate an artistic temperament.
Lavender Indicates great vision and imagination.


The character may ignore cover in ranged combat, as long as they can see part of the target.

Team Player

The character works well with others. Once per scene, the character can grant a skill bonus (+Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS AV, +Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS DV) to all of their allies, to use on their next skill roll or their next defense (Team Player's choice).


The character is able to put off a disturbing vibe that makes people and animals nervous. The character can gain a skill bonus (+Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS AV, +Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS DV) on Manipulation skill rolls pertaining to intimidation and interrogation.


The character has an assortment of vehicles at their disposal. If the character is a member of a team, the vehicles might be shared with the other team members, at the player's discretion. A vehicle is primarily a convenience for the GM and a fun asset for the character. It is not generally useful in combat.

Additionally, the character can make a moderately difficult (DV 9) Survival roll to remember a vehicle they have stored nearby, wherever they happen to be.


If a problem can be solved by throwing money at it, the character can probably solve that problem. Food, clothing, and shelter cease to be concerns for a character with Wealth.

Weightless Combat

If a character is underwater or in a zero-gravity environment, they normally incur a skill penalty (-Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS AV, -Template:KM4 SKILL BONUS DV). A character with the Weightless Combat gift can fight or perform tasks while weightless without the associated penalties.