Talk:Bulletproof Blues 3e EN:Contents

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Revision as of 13:52, 14 January 2018 by Admin (talk | contribs) (→‎Changes)
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  • Prowess removed. Absorbed into Brawn
  • Accuracy removed. Absorbed into Agility
  • Willpower changed to Will
  • Endurance removed. Replaced by endurance levels
  • Remove/replace "melee" with "close combat"
  • Add "close" where "hand-to-hand" is mentioned
  • Replace "advantage" with "gift"
  • Eliminate extreme success
  • Remove/replace/update "Routine"
  • Remove/replace "Demanding"
  • Update "nigh-impossible" difficulty
  • Change "(See margin" to "(see margin"
  • Find and replace task difficulty examples; search for "target number" and "difficulty"
  • Find "staggered" and figure out what to do with it
  • Find and replace "protection value"
  • "modifier" is okay as a column heading
  • "Rank" applies only to attributes; deprecated, remove where feasible; equipment has "rating"
  • "Value" applies only to "action", "attack", "defense", and "difficulty"

  • Re-add Endurance. Make equal to Brawn or Will, whichever is greater. Also add it to other games?
  • A character who has lost more than half of their endurance incurs a penalty die on all rolls
  • Make Mass and integrity work the same way in ZeroSpace
  • Replace bonus with "bonus die"
  • Replace penalty with "penalty die"
  • Change task roll to [attribute] roll
  • Rewrite section "Bonuses And Penalties"
  • Check the "Failure" section for correctness
  • Check the "Fire" section for correctness
  • Check the "Poison" section for correctness
  • Write "Margin Of Success (Optional)" section
  • Change "exploding" and "explosive" completely; make radius work like range bands
  • Add section for "Helpless Or Unconscious Targets"
  • Copy Pathogens, Poisons, and Radiation from ZeroSpace
  • "Damage Absorption" and "Penetrating" -- any dice that roll a "1" are re-rolled; if they roll "1" a second time, the roll is kept
  • Synchronize glossaries



The character has greater strength than they are able to use effectively in combat. In hand-to-hand combat, the character's attack value is based on one-half of the character's Brawn (rounded up). The first time a musclebound character misses with a hand-to-hand attack during a game session, they receive one plot point. This plot point is lost if not used by the end of the game session.


Lightning Strike

A character with Lightning Strike can deal devastating blows using speed and finesse rather than brute force. When in close combat, the character may substitute their rank in Agility for their rank in Brawn when determining their attack value (AV). The player may choose which attribute to use on a case by case basis. This can reflect the character's advanced advanced martial arts training, their superhuman speed, the harnessing of the character's chi, or some other effect, depending on the specifics of the character's archetype and abilities.


  • recalculate character costs and point levels for removing 1 attribute (removing Prowess and Accuracy, adding Power).