Warlords Of Kruhl 3e EN:Archetypes

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Archetypes represent the core identity of the character: the niche they fill in the game. The character's first archetype is free: simply choose it, like choosing the character's race. However, a character can partake of more than one archetype. Each archetype after the first costs 5 character points.



"Barbarian" is a pejorative term used by soft city dwellers to refer to those outlanders who embrace brute strength and raw fury. Rather than the honed skills of the warrior or the precision of the monk, the barbarian's combat prowess flows from their ferocious nature. Most barbarians have the Hand-to-hand Combat and Survival skills, although it's not strictly required for the archetype.

Characters with the barbarian archetype have the Berserker ability.


Quick action

A character with Berserker can use a quick action to fly into a terrifying rage. For one minute, the character gains a bonus die on all combat skill rolls and all skill rolls based on Agility, Brawn, or Presence, but they incur a penalty die on all skill rolls based on Reason. After the berserker rage ends, the character incurs a penalty die on all skill rolls for ten minutes.


Bards are wanderers and performers, historians and entertainers. A bard lives by their wits and their ability to enthrall an audience. Bards typically focus on at least one performing art, whether it is dance, storytelling, song, or a musical instrument. Most bards have the Culture and Performance skills, although it's not strictly required for the archetype.

Characters with the bard archetype have the Spellcaster gift for free.

Characters with the bard archetype have the Bardic Lore ability.

Bardic Lore

Free action

A character with Bardic Lore gains a bonus die on all Culture and Performance rolls. Additionally, the first time a character with Bardic Lore encounters a new place, object, or noteworthy person, they may attempt a Culture skill roll to remember a story with relevant useful detailed information.



Mages are students of the arcane forces which permeate the material world. A particular mage might concentrate their studies on the occult qualities behind ordinary material substances, while other mages spend their time deciphering the incomprehensible formulae which define seemingly mundane phenomena. Some mages are reclusive and interested only in theory, while others are adventurous and seek to test their arcane powers in the "laboratory of the world". Most mages have the Thaumaturgy skill, although it's not strictly required for the archetype.

Characters with the bard archetype have the Spellcaster gift for free.

Characters with the mage archetype have the Mage Sight ability.

Mage Sight

Standard action

A character with Assess Opponent can use a standard action to sense the presence of magic and those who can wield it. To perceive a source of magic, the character must succeed at a moderately difficult (DV 3) Perception (Reason + Power Level) roll. If the target of the sorcerer's attention is another magic-using being, the sorcerer knows their opponent's Power Level and the number of magical objects on their person. If the target of the sorcerer's attention is a magical object, the sorcerer learns the general purpose of the object's magic, and has a rough idea how to activate it.

Mage Sight has other uses, as well. For example, if a character with Mage Sight is being spied upon using a scrying spell, they may use a reaction to attempt a moderately difficult (DV 3) Perception (Reason + Power Level) roll to notice the fact (a person without Mage Sight does not have the ability to notice when they are being magically spied upon).




Priests are the representatives for the deities and metaphysical entities that have a proprietary interest in the mortal world. A particular priest might devote themselves to a specific deity, or to a collection of associated deities. Some priests focus entirely on serving their gods, while others place primary importance on the well-being of their deity's worshipers. Most priests have the Theology skill, although it's not strictly required for the archetype.

Characters with the bard archetype have the Spellcaster gift for free.

Characters with the priest archetype have the Repel Undead ability.

Repel Undead

Standard action

Repel Undead is a short range (10 m) ability which allows a character to drive away all undead within range. Repel Undead requires a successful Mental Combat (Power Level) roll against a Mental Combat (Presence) roll of each undead creature within range. If the priest's roll meets or exceeds the target number for an undead within range, that undead must flee from the priest. The undead will continue to flee from the priest until it is injured or until the end of the scene, whichever happens first.

Any undead which has a Power Level greater than that of the priest is immune to this ability.



Rogues are experts in going where they are unwelcome and obtaining information or objects that others don't want them to have. Some rogues serve as part of a larger organization or in the service of some patron, while others are interested in the pursuit of their profession as an end in itself. Most rogues have the Lockpicking and Ranged Combat skills, although it's not strictly required for the archetype.

Characters with the rogue archetype have the Sneak Attack gift for free.

Characters with the rogue archetype have the Sense Danger ability.

Sense Danger


Sense Danger permits a character to use a reaction to sense an imminent attack and avoid being surprised, even if there is no way for the character to see the attack coming. To perceive a source of danger, the character must succeed at a moderately difficult (DV 3) Perception (Reason) roll. If the Sense Danger roll is successful, the character does not incur any penalty dice on their defense roll against the attack, even if the character is at a disadvantage. Sense Danger is a reaction: a character with Sense Danger may attempt to predict as many attacks as they like, as often as they like.




Warriors are experts in the many ways that people have found to hurt one another. A particular warrior might focus on mastering a specific type of weapon, while another might seek to be proficient in every possible form of combat. Some warriors serve as part of a larger unit or in the service of some patron, while others are interested in the martial arts as an end in itself. Most warriors have the Hand-to-hand Combat and Ranged Combat skills, although it's not strictly required for the archetype.

Characters with the warrior archetype have the Hand-to-hand Combat Lethality gift for free.

Characters with the warrior archetype have the Assess Opponent ability.

Assess Opponent

Standard action

A character with Assess Opponent can use a standard action to evaluate the combat prowess of someone they can observe. To evaluate an opponent, the character must succeed at a moderately difficult (DV 3) Perception (Reason) roll. With a successful roll, the soldier knows their opponent's Brawn and Agility, whether the subject has the Hand-to-hand Combat and Ranged Combat skills, and whether the subject has expertise in either of those skills.