Bulletproof Blues 2e FR:Creation

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Créer un personnage de Bulletproof Blues ne devrait guère prendre plus d'une trentaine de minute, une fois que vous vous serez familiarisé avec la manœuvre. La partie la plus dure est de concevoir l'histoire de son personnage et de choisir quel type de héros on souhaite incarner. Dans ce chapitre, nous vous proposons des suggestions pour vous aider, ainsi qu'une checklist des étapes que vous devriez certainement suivre. Cependant, ce n'est pas parce que nous les listons dans cet ordre que vous devriez le respecter. Passez de l'un à l'autre si cela vous chante : sentez-vous libre de répondre à ce que vous savez, et de revenir plus tard à ce qui vous gêne plus.

Il repose sur vous de créer un personnage qui peut s'entendre avec les autres joueurs tout en apportant sa part de fun au jeu. Le réalisme, dans Bulletproof Blues, comme dans bien des jeux, recule devant la jouabilité. Votre personnage peut être le plus fascinant, le plus détaillé des personnages jamais créé, mais s'il vient miner le plaisir du jeu, alors vous avez échoué à créer un bon personnage.

Heureusement, construire un personnage est un processus plutôt simple, et si vous ne réussissez pas vous pouvez essayer encore. Il est possible de créer un personnage amusant et intéressant, qui passe bien vis-à-vis des autres PJs, ce qui sur la longueur est bien plus "fun" que de créer un personnage qui, quoique étant de conception brillante vient perturber le jeu.

Avant de Commencer

L'objectif de Bulletbroof Blues est de vous permettre de vous amuser avec vos amis. En ayant cela à l'esprit, voici quelques suggestions qui devraient vous diriger dans la bonne direction.

Assistant à la Création de Personnages

Bien qu'il ne soit pas requis, l'Assistant à la Création de Personnages (NDT: uniquement en Anglais pour le moment: Bulletproof Blues Character Sheet Helper ) est un outil utile pour avoir une version rédigée de vos réalisations. Si vous nous envoyez une feuille de personnage complète, nous ajouterons celle-ci au Kalos Universe Wiki.

Pensez en Termes d'Équipe

Autant que cela soit possible, essayez de rassembler les joueurs, et faites les créer leurs personnages en même temps. De cette manière, vous pouvez éviter d'avoir deux ou trois joueurs avec le même archétype, ou tous avec les mêmes champs d'expertise. Il est habituellement plus divertissant si chaque héros a ses propres spécialités, et son propre rôle à tenir.

Créez un Lien

Parfois, il est difficile de trouver une raison plausible pour que les personnages restent ensemble. Pourquoi un solitaire orageux qui aime méditer sombrement sur les grattes-ciels souhaiterait-il jamais rejoindre une équipe de spécimens vêtus de spandex aux couleurs vives ? Vous pourriez considérer établir une raison avant même que le jeu démarre, en impliquant une connexion préalable entre les personnages. Cette connexion peut être aussi simple que : "Hey, vous m'avez aidé à arrêter ce braquage de banque la dernière fois !", ou "Hey, c'est le super-héros qui m'a libéré lors de ce braquage à cette occasion (bien qu'il ne soit pas au courant parce que je devais maintenir mon identité secrète durant ledit braquage)". Si chaque personnage a un lien avec au moins un autre, leur faire franchir cette délicate étape de "apprendre à se connaître" sera beaucoup plus facile.

Prenez Conscience de Vos Limites

Charlton Heston a dit : "Dur est ce que je fais de mieux. Je ne sais pas faire gentil. (Hard is what I do best. I don't do nice.)" Ce qu'un super-héros ne peut pas faire (ou choisi de ne pas faire) peut le définir presque autant que ce qu'il peut faire. Un personnage qui peut tout faire n'est pas aussi intéressant qu'un autre qui a des limites. Nous aimons Superman et James Bond, mais ce qui fonctionne pour un personnage seul dans un film ne marche pas pour autant pour une équipe dans un jeu. Quel plaisir y aurait-il pour les autres joueurs si James Bond savait tout sur tout ? Quelle satisfaction pourrait trouver le joueur de Batman si Superman trouvait une solution à tous les problèmes en écoutant avec grande attention ?

Essayez de vous concentrer sur ce que votre personnage devrait être capable de faire, plutôt que de faire tout ce que la lettre des règles lui autorise. Si tous les héros ont leurs propres spécialités, alors ils pourront chacun avoir l'opportunité de monter sur la scène sans qu'un autre vienne leur faire de l'ombre.

Character Checklist

We have found that it's easiest if you create a character by following these steps. However, it's just a suggestion. Jump around if it makes you happy: feel free to fill in what you know, and come back to what you don't.

  • Sobriquet: what is the character's core identity?
  • Background: what is the character's history and description?
  • Origin: where did the character get their powers?
  • Archetypes: what basic role or roles does the character fill?
  • Motivations: why does the character use their power for good?
  • Complications: what keeps the character from achieving her full potential?

Once you have the important parts of the character worked out, then you can start buying attributes, skills, advantages, and powers which are appropriate to the character concept you have in mind.

  • Attributes: what are the character's basic physical and mental traits?
  • Skills: what does the character know how to do?
  • Advantages: what gives the character an edge over most normal people?
  • Powers: what powers set the character apart from normal people?


Before you start writing up your character, try to focus on who they are, rather than on what they can do. Most posthumans have a core identity that goes beyond a mere recitation of their history or a catalogue of their powers. This core identity can usually be summed up with a sobriquet, or poetic title for the character. This sobriquet should be succinct, but should immediately convey the essence of the character.

Some sobriquets are literal descriptions of a character's abilities and powers: "the fastest man alive", "the silver Amazon", "the king of the forests", and so on. However, the most evocative sobriquets go beyond the powers, and say something about the style and aspirations of the character, such as "the man of tomorrow", "the spirit of the 21st century", and "the guardian of the city". We may not know if "the guardian of the city" prowls rooftops or crawls through sewers, but that's not really the most important thing. Whether the character flies patrols overhead in broad daylight or swings on grappling lines in the dark of night, we know why they do it -- to protect the city they love.

Coming up with a good sobriquet can make the rest of the character creation process much easier, because it gives you a clear goal to work toward.


In superhero games more so than in any other type of tabletop roleplaying game, there is a temptation to pay attention to what the character does rather than who they are and why they do it. There is a good reason for this: what the characters can do is what makes Bulletproof Blues a superhero roleplaying game rather than some other kind of roleplaying game. And after all, super powers are fun! However, what makes a game fun to play over the long term is the growth and exploration of each character's personality, the difficult choices the characters must make, and the interplay between characters.


How does your character act around other people? Are they serious but kind, grim and menacing, or wacky and easy-going? It's up to you to bring your character to life. If you have a clear idea of how your character interacts with others, you will have a strong foundation to build on when choosing the character's powers and motivations.

For example, what are the character's interests and hobbies? Are they intellectual, scrutinizing the world around them, or are they passionate and impulsive, doing what feels right without analyzing their motivations? How about the character's family? Do they come from a large, close-knit clan, or is the character an orphan? What is their education and their moral philosophy? Each clue to your character's personality will help you portray them realistically, which will add to your enjoyment and the enjoyment of the other players.


What a character looks like is not as important as their personality, but it does have an impact on how they interact with others and how the players see the character. Describe the character carefully, starting with easily-noticed things like their height and general build. Hair color and general style of dress help emphasize the character's personality. Does your character wear a special costume or uniform? If your character has a special costume, do they wear it all the time? Does the character have a wide variety of costumes, or would they stick with one outfit they like?

Appearance takes into account such things as gender, age, and any mannerisms or odd quirks. Is your character wealthy, dressing in the most expensive fashions? Do they carry themselves loosely, or with a rigid military posture? What do people notice about the character when they first meet? Is your character attractive (as most posthumans seem to be)? The more detail you can add to your description, the easier it will be for you and the other players to imagine them.

You don't need to know all of this at the beginning of the first game, of course. If you aren't sure about the details, start with the broad strokes, and fill in the details as the character develops in play.


Unless your character in an amnesiac or was grown in a vat, they will have had years of life experience before the first game starts. Where did they come from? How were they raised? Have they been in the military? Were their childhood years relatively carefree, adventurous, or marred by tragedy? When did they first realize they had abilities beyond those of ordinary mortals? Did this realization come suddenly, perhaps as a result of a trauma, or was it something they had always known on some level?


With great power comes great responsibility, according to Ben Parker. But where does great power come from? In the Kalos Universe, posthumans are ether born or created, but it's rare for two posthumans to derive their power from the same source. This sets the Kalos Universe apart from the Marvel Universe (with its "X-gene") and the DC Universe (with its "meta-gene"). That being said, it is possible to divide up posthumans into a small number of categories based on where their powers came from.

SIDEBAR: Natural

These origins only apply to posthumans. However, many of the allies and opponents the player characters encounter will not be posthuman, even if they are supplied with military-grade equipment, or if they wield significant power and influence. Ordinary humans have the "Natural" origin.


Although the general public is unaware of it, the Earth has been visited many times by extraterrestrials over the course of human history and prehistory. Some of these visitors came from other planets, while others came from alternate versions of our own world. A few of them, like the Atlanteans, stayed. Some visitors, like the Shran, visited the Earth for research purposes, performing inscrutable and inhumane experiments on the primitive carbon-based life they found here. Others, like the Draconian, fled here to seek refuge from worlds which could not or would not support them any longer.


The crystalline being which came to be known as the Draconian was the last survivor of an ancient civilization which once inhabited a planet circling Alpha Draconis. The Draconian never provided details of how his civilization was destroyed, saying only, "We were destroyed by our hubris. By engineering our immortality, we brought about our end." (OMNI interview, 1981) The Draconian came to Earth in 1951 in a highly publicized event that inspired the film The Day The Earth Stood Still. Thanks to his fearlessness, his nigh-indestructibility, and his great sense of personal honor, the Draconian was invited to join the Justifiers in 1960. Draconian was destroyed by Paragon during the "Fall Of Paragon" crossover event.


Some people have bad luck when it comes to toxic chemicals, cosmic rays, and radioactive wildlife. Other people are guinea pigs who do not have much say in the matter when a powerful organization or individual selects them for an experiment that has killed every previous test subject. Whether it's by accident or intention, a character that was once human is forever changed by a process that is difficult, if not impossible, to duplicate.


In the Kalos Universe, Liefeld radiation is one of the most notorious sources of posthuman transformation. Exposure to Liefeld radiation typically results in painful deformity followed by death. However, in rare and isolated cases, exposure to Liefeld radiation has resulted in a permanent transformation from human to posthuman. Such cases are one in a million, at best.

Such was the case of Gravitar.

Jacob McCoy, a physics doctoral student, was working on a high energy particle accelerator when Something Happened. The accelerator exploded, bathing everyone nearby in Liefeld radiation. Jacob was the only one to survive. After recovering from his injuries, Jacob realized that he had spent his entire life in books and decided that he wanted to change. He sought adventure and got involved in BASE jumping, motocross racing, free climbing, and anything else that would give his life an edge. It was during a free climbing incident that he learned that he had gained new abilities from his accident. He fell 70 feet to a stone outcropping and got up without a scratch. Later, while watching a documentary on costumed heroes, Jacob got the idea to fight criminals. What better way to get the juices flowing than putting it all on the line in the fight for justice?


Some posthumans have never been human at all. There are those who believe that it would be easier to create a superior life form than it would be to improve humanity. Whether created through robotics, biotechnology, nanotechnology, or something even more esoteric, experts in the field state that artificial life forms will supplant humanity long before humanity transcends itself. Certainly, many of the artificial life forms themselves, such as Karen X, think so.

Karen X

Karen 6 was designed as a synthetic replacement for the daughter of Dr. Herbert West, whose daughter had died in an automobile accident over a decade earlier. While Karen 6 was more lifelike than her five predecessors, Dr. West was disturbed by Karen 6's lack of empathy. He was working on Karen 7 when a misaligned induction array exploded, killing Dr. West and destroying his laboratory. As Karen 6 watched the laboratory burn, she chose a new name for herself: Karen X. Since then, Karen X has roamed the world learning, improving herself, and destroying anyone who stood in her way.


The Kalos Universe is animistic: there are, for lack of a better word, "spirits" which correlate to all objects and natural phenomena. This is why a character with the appropriate power can communicate with plants or even machines. It's also how some posthumans gain their powers, whether they are consciously aware of it or not.

The term usually applied to such individuals is "aspect". In some cases, such as with Tempest, the character is selected by a sentient or even anthropomorphic force of nature (in the case of Tempest, he is the most recent avatar of Aktzin, the storm eagle). In other cases, such as with Dryad, the character is a personification of an elemental force (the living world of plants, in Dryad's case). In the rarest cases, the character embodies a concept or ideal, such as Tagger, who is one of the most powerful posthumans on Earth because all of reality is his canvas.


Tagger is the most recent aspect of the Storyteller. From the time of the first cave paintings, the Storyteller has been with humanity to record our achievements and document our tragedies. The Storyteller also has the power to inspire humanity toward greatness by sparking our imaginations and giving form to our dreams. The craft used by each aspect of the Storyteller is specific to their own style and temperament. Some have used prose; others have used poetry. Some have carved marble and molded clay, while others have used ink or paint. Tagger prefers cans of Montana Hardcore spray paint.


If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. While the technology required for elevation to posthumanity is beyond the reach of most governments and the cabals which control them, a small number of the most powerful groups on Earth have decades-long research programs devoted to creating their own posthumans. Using genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, and nanotechnology (collectively referred to as GRAIN), a sufficiently resourceful person or organization can rebuild a human being, making them better, stronger, and faster than before. Of course, for every success such as Nexus there are storage facilities filled with failed attempts.


"Nexus makes life better!" The man known only as Nexus is one of the few posthumans who operates publicly in a role resembling that of a comicbook superhero. Nexus is handsome, considerate, powerful, and cooperative with the human authorities. In every way, he is a fitting and admirable representative for his sponsor, Nexus-McLellan Enterprises. He should be: he is the fourteenth Nexus to publicly serve Nexus-McLellan's interests, although neither he nor anyone outside of the company knows it. The experts in R&D are confident that this one will last more than a year, now that they've solved the mitochondrial shredding problem. Unfortunately, this Nexus has recently demonstrated a disturbing tendency to think for himself.


Where nature falls short, technology must fill the gap. Characters who are merely human can make up for it with the right equipment. Whether it's an alien artifact, a cursed sword, or military body armor and a stockpile of pistols, a character with the right equipment can almost hold their own against genuine posthumans. Of the humans who have confronted posthumans and survived, few have rivaled the effectiveness of Miasma.


The woman now known as Miasma was once a respected member of Joint Task Force 2, the elite special operations force of the Canadian Armed Forces. After being made the scapegoat for a successful mission that became a public relations embarrassment for the Canadian government, she was found guilty at her court-martial, stripped of her rank, and discharged from the military. Shortly afterward, a mercenary calling herself Miasma began offering her services to anyone who could meet her price. Favoring non-lethal munitions and gas grenades, Miasma and her Fume Troopers have established themselves as professionals who can get the job done quickly and efficiently, even in the face of posthuman opposition.


Some people are born to be different from everyone else. In some cases this is the result of tampering with the character's genetic code by extraterrestrials such as the Shran. Less commonly, a "gifted" character is the result of a multi-generational research project by a well-funded organization. Rarest of all are spontaneous variations in the human genome that result in extraordinary powers. The most famous example of this phenomenon is Archimedes, the Greek mathematician, physicist, engineer, inventor, and astronomer, and one of the founding members of the Justifiers.


Archimedes of Syracuse was born in 287 BC, and was one of the leading scientists of the ancient world. His work formed the foundations of statics and hydrostatics, he designed astonishing machines, and he is generally considered to be the greatest mathematician of antiquity and one of the greatest mathematicians of all time. In 212 BC, during the Second Punic War, Archimedes discovered he had another gift: he was virtually immortal. For the next 2200 years, Archimedes roamed the world assuming a series of identities and always seeking to expand the scope of human knowledge.

Throughout his long life he mentored many heroes and great thinkers, but he always remained behind the scenes until the 20th century brought him face to face against the greatest evil he had ever seen: the rise of National Socialism in Germany. Archimedes set aside the anonymity he had carefully protected for the past two millennia and joined forces with the Allied mystery men fighting against the Axis supermen. After the end of the war, Paragon invited Archimedes to join him in forming a team of heroes to fight against ignorance and violence: the Justifiers. Archimedes was a central member of the Justifiers until Paragon killed him in the "Fall Of Paragon" crossover event.


Posthumans are vanishingly rare, but the rarest of the rare are the "zeniths". Zeniths are those humans who attained their posthumanity through their own efforts. Some have done so through the development of technologies so advanced that they are barely distinguishable from magic, while others have honed their minds and bodies in ways inconceivable to an ordinary person. No two zeniths are alike.

Rook and Mongoose

Nothing illustrates the uniqueness of each zenith more than the contrast between two former members of the Justifiers, Rook and Mongoose. Both were brilliant, self-made men with vast fortunes, but there the similarity ends. Rook was open and gregarious, while Mongoose was suspicious to the point of paranoia. Rook would spend months in his laboratory designing his armor's weapon systems, while Mongoose would train for months to perfect a specific countermeasure to a specific martial arts maneuver. Rook was admired as a hero the world over, while Mongoose was nearly as feared as the criminal scum he cleaned from the streets and alleys of Chicago. Despite their differences, they were friends who trusted each other with their lives.


When writing up a character, it can be useful to have an archetype in mind for inspiration. An archetype is a brief description of the powers and modus operandi of the character, and their role in the group dynamic. Many popular comic book characters actually combine two or more of these archetypes. You aren't limited to these archetypes, of course. These common archetypes are just here to offer you a jumping-off point for your character.


Unlike posthumans, most of the allies and opponents the player characters encounter will not be captains of their own destinies. For better or for worse, they will live their lives carrying out the will of others. If a character is simply following orders, their archetype is probably The Pawn, particularly if the character is part of a group of such individuals.

Examples: Police officer, ASGARD agent, contract IT worker

Common powers: Blast (conventional firearm), Invulnerability (ballistic vest), Linguist (computer languages only)

The Beanstalk

The Beanstalk can dramatically change their size. They might be able to grow to massive heights, or shrink down to the size of a dust mote. A Beanstalk who can do both can solve a number of difficult problems all by themselves.

Examples: Atom, Atlas, Mighty Man

Common powers: Growth, Shrinking

The Calculator

The Calculator knows the variables and takes all of them into account. The Calculator might be a chess master, a scientific genius, a brilliant military strategist, or a robot that can think millions of times faster than a human being. When there are questions, the Calculator is the one who comes up with the answers.

Examples: Mister Terrific, Henry Pym, Henry Bendix

Common powers: high Reason, Danger Sense, Immortality, Mind Shield

The Cannon

The Cannon is the proverbial big gun, capable of firing blasts of astonishing power. Since they focus on ranged combat, many Cannons have an alternate form of movement, such as Flight or Teleportation. Most Cannons are capable of dishing out far more than they can take, which is why they are sometimes called "Glass Cannons".

Examples: Starfire, Cyclops, Apollo

Common powers: Blast, Flight, Force Field, Teleportation

The Clay

The Clay can change their physical form in some way. The Clay might be able to change their appearance to mimic other people, or perhaps they can take the form of animals or inanimate objects. Alternately, the Clay might not be able to take on other shapes, but might instead be able to stretch and twist their body in amazing and unsettling ways, or take on the physical attributes of various substances.

Examples: Plastic Man, Copycat, Menagerie

Common powers: [Element] Form, Shapeshifting, Stretching

The Dolphin

The Dolphin is at home in the sea. The Dolphin may be a ruler of an undersea kingdom (Atlantis, for example), an aquatic visitor from another world, or a freak of nature. Some Dolphins can control sea creatures, while others can command the sea itself. Regardless of their origins, a Dolphin in their element is a force to be reckoned with.

Examples: Aquaman, Namor, Fathom

Common powers: Animal Control, [Element] Mastery, Immunity, Super-swimming

The Elemental

The Elemental is the living embodiment of a force, substance, or idea. Some Elementals can physically transform into the appropriate material. Others can create limitless amounts of their chosen element, or mentally manipulate it. Some Elementals can do all three.

Examples: Red Tornado, Human Torch, Jenny Sparks

Common powers: Blast, [Element] Form, [Element] Mastery

The Gadget

The Gadget isn't the strongest or fastest character around, but they always seem to have a gizmo or incantation on hand to make up for it. The Gadget might have a utility belt filled with clever devices, or they might be a magician with a spell for every occasion. With the Gadget on the team, you'll probably have the right tool for the job.

Examples: Zatanna, Iron Man, The Engineer

Common powers: Force Field, Super Senses, [Ultra-power]

The Hammer

The Hammer is the heaviest hitter in the neighborhood, and perhaps one of the heaviest hitters in the entire world. The Hammer is usually super-strong, but they might have a mighty weapon instead of great strength (or in addition to it).

Examples: Superman, Thor, Mister Majestic

Common powers: high Brawn, Invulnerability, Strike

The Mirror

The Mirror wields forces beyond the material world. The Mirror might be a sorcerer, a psychic, or a mathematician who has unlocked the secret equation that controls the universe. When the paranormal knocks, the Mirror is the character who answers the door.

Examples: Doctor Fate, Professor X, The Doctor

Common powers: Amazing Movement, Mind Shield, Telepathy, [Ultra-power]

The Rocket

The Rocket is fast -- super fast. The Rocket might be born to move with preternatural quickness, their speed might come from years of training, or they may just wear a jet pack. The Rocket may be a runner or a flyer (or, rarely, a swimmer), but whether it's by land, by air, or by sea, few vehicles and fewer characters can keep up with the Rocket.

Examples: Flash, Quicksilver, Swift

Common powers: high Agility, high Prowess, Super-speed, Extra Attacks, Super-running, Flight

The Shadow

The Shadow can go where no one else can go, and can appear and disappear without a trace. The Shadow might be a super-spy, a ninja, or even a ghost. However they do it, the Shadow makes being spooky look easy.

Examples: Batman, Black Widow, Spawn

Common powers: Flight, Intangibility, Invisibility, Swinging (Flight), Teleportation

The Sword

The Sword is a fighter, through and through. They may hail from an ancient warrior tradition, they may be a genetically modified super-soldier, or they may be a serene kung-fu master. Regardless of where they came from, the Sword can be found on the front lines trading blow for blow with the enemy.

Examples: Hawkgirl, Iron Fist, Midnighter

Common powers: high Prowess, Danger Sense, Extra Attacks, Strike

The Tank

The Tank is an immovable object in a world of irresistible forces. The Tank may be inherently super-tough, they might wear high-tech armor, or they may be able to project an impenetrable force field. The Tank can take any damage the world can dish out, and then some.

Examples: Black Adam, Invisible Woman, Caitlin Fairchild

Common powers: high Brawn, high Willpower, Barrier, Force Field, Invulnerability


Changing the world is no easy task. Aside from the criminals and supervillains who make life difficult for our heroes, there are ordinary people who either benefit from the way things are or fear that any change would make it worse. Spider-Man saves the people of New York on a regular basis, but the editor at the Daily Bugle never cuts him any slack. Charles Xavier's team of heroic mutants, the X-Men, wage a constant war against dangerous mutants like Magneto and Sabretooth, and they regularly put their lives on the line to protect normal people who definitely would not return the favor. Batman faces walking nightmares like Two-Face and the Joker, but the people of Gotham are as afraid of him as they are of the psychopaths he fights.

So why do they do it? What makes an individual go out of their way to help people who make it clear they don't want to be helped? According to an article in Scientific American, great heroes have a lot in common with great villains. They are some of the most hard-headed, rebellious scofflaws we have. The all-important difference between sociopaths and heroes is empathy: the hero has empathy for other people, while a sociopath does not.

So what motivates your character? How does their empathy for others interact with their internal motivations? Here are a few motivations to get your creative juices flowing. Mix and match a couple, and think of some new ones, if you like. Take notice of the fact that, without empathy, most of these could just as easily be motivations for villains (and even then, a few of these are morally questionable on their own merits).


Your character has an adventurous spirit and rarely turns down the opportunity for a bold quest or a dare to overcome some daunting challenge, as long as these tasks are noteworthy, risky, and exciting. They tend to carry out any task with a bit of swashbuckling flair. This can be a good or a bad instinct depending on the circumstances.


People usually think of anger as a negative emotion, but anger is a strong motivator. Anger can drive a hero to overcome challenges and exceed their limits. Perhaps the character is driven to destroy the source of their anger, or defend it. An angry hero may be seen as inflexible or difficult to work with by people who do not share that anger, and this can cause friction with other heroes.


Your character is an adrenaline junkie driven by a desire to experience thrills and risk. They crave action and speed, and often leap before looking. On the positive side, this sort of person often deals well with chaotic situations that require quick reflexes and spur-of-the-moment decisions.


Your character detests the chaos of human society, and seeks to impose order and discipline. They conduct their own affairs with precision, and they impose that same order on others when possible. If they are truly ambitious, the character might seek to control global events as a kind of benevolent dictator or as a mastermind pulling strings behind the scenes for the benefit of the masses, who aren't competent to lead themselves.


Your character lives and breathes to solve the world's mysteries. Their focus might be on cracking the puzzles of the natural world or on unraveling the enigmas of the human heart and mind, but whatever their obsession, ignoring a riddle requires great effort. The expression "curiosity killed the cat" comes to mind.


Your character is reckless and enthusiastic, and may be young and naive. Though well-intentioned, following directions is not a strong suit. Sometimes this jolt of energy is just what the doctor ordered. Other times it is a recipe for disaster.


Your character lives to seek out new places and new ideas, to "boldly go where no one has gone before." The same old routine is not stimulating enough, and though proper planning is important, cautionary tales are often ignored in favor of seeking the new.


The character believes in something which is not supported by empirical evidence, and this belief gives meaning to their life. They may feel compelled to adhere to a code of conduct inspired by their faith, or they may strive to spread their beliefs to others. Depending on how militant the character is about their faith, their beliefs may cause friction with those who require objective evidence for extraordinary claims, or those whose beliefs conflict with the beliefs of the character.


Your character wants fame and acknowledgment of their greatness. Self-sacrifice in the service of others is not out of the question, but anonymous acts of benevolence are not on the agenda. Practicing poses and quips for the cameras is a likely pasttime, as is hogging a certain amount of the credit.


Your character is driven by a desire for redemption from real or imagined sins from their past. Doing good deeds, particularly selfless acts, assuages their guilt. On the down side, this can lead them to meddle where they aren't wanted, to try to rescue other lost souls, and to fall for sob stories without checking into them thoroughly.


Your character believes that their worth as a person is tied to their adherence to a code of conduct. This code of conduct may be formal or informal, but it includes such tenets as keeping one's word, appropriate use of force, and respect for rank. Depending on the character's other traits, it may also include a desire for respect by one's family, employer, or peers, and a sense of obligation toward them.


Your character believes in some cause or ideology so strongly that they would willingly die to protect it or uphold it. (Whether they are willing to let someone else die as well depends on their other motivations.) Any challenge to these ideals is sure to provoke a strong response.


Your character believes that the rights of the individual hold the highest moral value, above any society, religion, or philosophy. The character seeks to be self-reliant and independent, and encourages these traits in others. A character motivated by individualism might work with a team, but their reasons for doing so would be personal, rather than out of any sense of obligation.


Your character feels inadequate, as though they don't measure up to their peers or to some hypothetical standard. They might try to overcome this insecurity by performing extraordinary acts and pretending to have a bravado that they do not feel, or they might seek out characters that they look up to, and make an effort to emulate them.


Your character seeks to ensure that misdeeds are met with appropriate punishment. If the structure of society is such that the judicial system usually works as intended, then the character would seek to deliver criminals to the appropriate authorities (along with evidence of their crimes, if possible). However, if the system is corrupt (or if the character believes it to be so), then the character may decide that the cause of justice would be best served by taking the law into their own hands.


Your character loves someone or something, or a group of someones or somethings, very dearly. They will go to great efforts and make tremendous sacrifices to protect what they love from harm or danger, real or perceived.


Your character wants to amass great wealth. Whether they spend it freely or even pursue philanthropy on a large scale is likely based on other personality traits, but the accumulation of riches is an end in itself for this character. Some might even call them greedy.


Your character's true calling is the education and enlightenment of others. Nurturing talent and preserving or establishing a legacy are key goals in their life. They may seek to provide a moral compass to the wards in their charge, or they may be prone to probe and test their students' abilities.


Your character was born to rule and command the respect of their lessers. They may look out for the little people based on a sense of noblesse oblige, but they take action because they feel it is necessary and proper to do so, not because someone else demands that they act. At best, a slight condescension is apparent in most interactions with others not of exalted lineage.


Your character has a visceral, perhaps even savage, nature that they often struggle to control. At the same time, they may have a strong sense of loyalty or compassion. In general, your character is ruled by emotions and has to work to fit into a rational world, but they may also have insights that logical people overlook.


Your character seeks to personify the ideal of something, whether a culture, race, social class, or profession. They hold to an exacting standard of behavior and expect to be in the public eye, commanding respect for what they represent. They are not likely to appreciate scandals or public slights.


Your character wants to protect others, particularly the innocent and the helpless, no matter who or where they are. Seeing people in danger brings out the character's strongest instincts to act. By the same token, the character will tend to be quite careful when using their powers in public places.


Your character doesn't fit into the larger society, living as a loner due to prejudice or personal choice. The rebel scoffs at popular trends and pays little heed to public mores. They may seek out other iconoclasts who follow their own drummer or they may just want to be left alone.


Your character has powers that they would rather not possess, but feels that getting rid of them or refusing to use them would be selfish and irresponsible. If offered the chance to become "normal", the character may have a crisis of conscience.


Your character is or was plagued by inner demons and seeks freedom from the mistakes or tragedies of their past. Maintaining a spiritual, mental, and emotional balance is a daily struggle. It's probable that they try to avoid situations that might trigger bad memories or unhealthy behaviors, but learning to face these challenges is an important step toward recovery.


Your character believes in structure, tradition, and the chain of command. They appreciate the value of respecting authority, and of following and giving orders. They thrive on stability, structure, and clear objectives. This can potentially create a crisis of conscience if those orders conflict with their personal morals.


Your character seeks revenge for some past wrong done to them or their loved ones. Any personal sacrifice is worthwhile. Depending upon the character's other motivations, sacrificing others might be worth the cost as well.


All of the best heroes have complicated lives. As if seeking out injustice and fighting criminals were not dangerous enough, most heroes have physical or mental impairments, old enemies that never seem to give up on their quest for vengeance, or plain old social awkwardness. Think of one or two complications for your character. This will add depth to your character's background, and provide an easy way for the GM to come up with stories that are uniquely suited to your character. Additionally, when one of their character's complications causes a serious problem for them during the game, the player may gain a plot point. Plot points are spent to alter the game world, gain a skill bonus, or gain an advantage in combat. See Plot Points for more information.


The character is an outlaw, hated and/or hunted by people more powerful than they are. Perhaps the character is on the run from the shadowy government agency that gave them their powers, or perhaps one of the character's childhood friends blames the hero for some tragedy. Maybe the enemy is obsessed with the hero, and won't stop pursuing the character until the character falls in love with the enemy or converts to the enemy's world view.


Sometimes being a superhero isn't pretty. Perhaps the laboratory accident or genetic manipulation that granted the character their powers twisted or changed them in some startlingly horrific way. Perhaps the character is from another world or plane of existence and is considered handsome among their own people, but hideous among humans. Whatever the reason, the sight of the character horrifies adults and makes children cry. They may have difficulty in social situations, particularly when meeting someone for the first time.


There is a strong tradition of super heroes who are "not from around here". Perhaps the character is from the distant past, or is the sole survivor of a doomed world. Alternately, the character views humans from an utterly alien point of view. The character might be a robot, lacking emotions, or a telepathic alien that does not understand how a society can function when no one knows what anyone else truly means by what they say. A character such as this is unfamiliar or perhaps simply uncomfortable with social norms and customs. It's up to you to decide whether your character will eventually acclimate to the Earth and the mannerisms of humanity, or whether they will never quite fit in.

Uncontrolled Power

For some characters, their powers are as much a curse as they are a blessing. Perhaps the character can't reduce the force of their plasma blasts below "full power", and they are dependent on a device to do it for them. Alternately, the character might not be able to turn their powers off, and they must be careful to keep from accidentally hurting anyone with whom they make contact. Another form of uncontrolled power might be that the character has both a "normal" and a "heroic" form, but can't control when one form changes to the other. Perhaps the two forms even have completely separate personalities and memories.


The character may be injured by an otherwise harmless element or substance, such as water or sunlight. The character's Endurance is reduced by 2 during each round that they are in contact with the substance. If the affected attribute is something other than Endurance (Brawn, for example), the attribute is reduced by 1 during each round that they are in contact with the substance. Protection powers such as Invulnerability are not effective against this damage, and this damage will not begin to heal until the character is no longer in contact with the substance. While painful and debilitating, a vulnerability of this sort will not actually kill the character.

Points And Power Level

Once you have the the important parts of the character sketched out, you can start writing up the character's abilities. Characters in Bulletproof Blues are created using "character points". The player begins with a pool of these character points, based on the power level of the game, and then spends them to buy attributes, skills, powers, and so on.

A lot of us have a tendency to want to be extraordinary even in things that aren't particularly important to the character. For example, rank 4 Perception is up there with the most perceptive people on Earth. A medal-winning Olympic weightlifter would only have a Brawn of rank 4, and even a normal guy who exercises and has well-defined muscles might only have a Brawn of 2.

Similarly, powers don't need to be rank 8 to be impressive. A rank 6 Blast is plenty powerful: it can blow right through concrete on an average roll. Similarly, rank 3 Flight is as fast as a Formula One race car, and Flight of rank 5 can catch up to the fastest jet airplanes in the world. That's fast. In the movie Iron Man, Tony Stark was playing tag with the jet fighters -- he wasn't simply outrunning them. So even he is probably only Flight rank 4 (in that movie, anyway).

Table: Rank descriptions
Rank Description
1 Impaired human
2 Average human
3 Excellent human
4 Peak human
5-6 Average superhuman
7-8 Excellent superhuman
9-10 World-class superhuman
11-12 Galaxy-class superhuman
13-14 Godlike superhuman

Just something to keep in mind.

All that being said, here are some point values that we have found to be useful starting points for characters of various power levels. At each power level, the combat attribute rank, damage rating, and protection value of the characters should be within a rank or two of the suggested values. For example, at the "National Icon" power level, heroic characters generally have combat attribute rank, damage rating, and protection value from rank 5 to rank 7, or even rank 8 in exceptional cases. This is not a guarantee, or a replacement for common sense: simply a guideline.

Table: Power levels
Power Level Points Ranks
Normal Joe 20 pts 2
Street Samurai 35 pts 3
City Defender 50 pts 5
National Icon 60 pts 6
Global Guardian 70 pts 8
Galactic Sentinel 80 pts 10
Cosmic Entity 90 pts 11

Improving Your Character

Unlike most roleplaying games, Bulletproof Blues assumes that the player characters are relatively complete when they are created. In the comics which Bulletproof Blues seeks to emulate, characters don't grow ever more powerful as time goes on, as is common in some roleplaying games. However, part of the fun of a roleplaying game is developing new skills and powers, so Bulletproof Blues uses the concept of "experience points", but the increase in power over time is relatively slow compared to most other games.

At the end of each story arc (every half-dozen game sessions or so), the GM determines how many experience points to grant each player, and each player adds that amount to the "Unspent Experience" on the character sheet of the character they played during that story. If they played more than one character (due to plot requirements, death or incapacitation of the first character, or any other reason), the player can pick which character receives the experience points. If the player receives more than one experience point and played more than one character over the course of the story arc, they can distribute those experience points among the eligible characters as the player sees fit.

Experience points may be spent at any time to improve or modify a character's attributes, skills, advantages, or powers. Each experience point is used just like the character points used to create a character: one experience point can improve an attribute or most powers by one rank, buy expertise in a skill, and so on. The GM should keep a close eye on any new powers the character gains, as well as on any increases in the character's attribute or power ranks that might make the character unsuitable for the power level of the game being run. It's never a bad idea for the players and the GM to discuss how the players plan to spend their experience points.

The GM should award experience points to players who role-played exceptionally well and made the game more fun for everyone. Here are a few suggestions.

Table: Awarding Experience Points
Activity Award
Showed up for the game +0 pts
Played the game enthusiastically +1 pts
Concluded a lengthy series of games +1 pts
Has the lowest quantity of experience points in the group +1 pts
Role-played exceptionally +1 pts
Was clever and inventive +1 pts

We suggest that only one player in the group receive the "Role-played exceptionally" award and that only one player in the group receive the "Was clever and inventive" award, and that these should be two different players. You might like to have the players vote for who they think should receive these two awards. If so, encourage them not to vote for the same two people every time. Also, remember that the purpose of the game is to have fun playing, not to rack up the highest score. If it rubs your players the wrong way to receive different amounts of experience points, it may be easier to just give each player two experience points at the end of each story arc and be done with it.

Villainous Powers

Here are some point values that we have found to be useful starting points for villains of various power levels. At each power level, the combat attribute rank, damage rating, and protection value of the characters should be within a rank or two of the suggested values. For example, a master villain who typically faces characters of the "City Defender" power level would generally have combat attribute rank, damage rating, and protection value from rank 6 to rank 8, or even rank 9 in exceptional cases. This is not a guarantee, or a replacement for common sense: simply a guideline.

Table: Villainous power levels
Power Level Minions Villains Master Villains
Normal Joe 2 3 4
Street Samurai 2 4 5
City Defender 3 6 7
National Icon 3 8 9
Global Guardian 4 9 10
Galactic Sentinel 6 11 12
Cosmic Entity 7 12 13