Bulletproof Blues 2e FR:Personnages

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Voici quelques personnages pour vous permettre de commencer. Vous pouvez en trouver d'autres et des informations supplémentaires sur l'Univers Kalos sur le Kalos Universe Wiki dont l'utilisation est gratuite. Si vous nous envoyez vos comte-rendus obtenus avec le Bulletproof Blues Character Sheet Helper, nous ajouterons aussi vos personnages à l'Univers Kalos !

Si vous utilisez n'importe lequel de ces personnages comme vilain, rappelez-vous que les vilains n'ont presque jamais d'expertise avec les compétences de combat. Même Maître Sin, l'immortel et brillant Alchimiste du Crime ne possède pas d'expertise dans ses compétences de combat. Supprimez les expertises de combat chez ces personnages lorsque vous faites d'eux des vilains.

Black Steel

La Lame Cachée

Black Steel
Citation   "L'heure est venue de payer le prix de votre corruption."
Première Apparition   Black Steel #1, 2014
Véritable Nom   Tommy Lee
Identité   Secrète
Joueur   PNJ
Équipe   Solo
Base d'Opérations   San Francisco, CA, USA
Ampleur des Opérations   Globale
Origine   Surdoué
Archétype   Ombre


Âge   26 Nationalité   Coréen-Américain
Taille   182 cm Cheveux   Noirs
Poids   85 kg Yeux   Verts
Genre   Cis Masculin Sexualité   Hétérosexuel

Tommy est pluri-ethnique : mi-coréen et mi-africain-américain, avec des caractéristiques faciales remarquables. Son profil sculptural lui donne l'aspect d'une gravure de mode, mais ses traits sont assez arrondis pour le faire paraître chaleureux plutôt qu'intimidant, bien que sa masse corporelle et son regard d'émeraude vous fassent marquer un temps d'arrêt. Il est toujours impeccablement habillé lorsqu'il ne se présente pas comme son alter ego. Lorsqu'il devient Black Steel, il porte un Black Gi couplé à une profonde capuche et à un loup.


Vigueur 3
Agilité 5
Raison 3
Perception 3
Volonté 3
Vaillance 5
Précision 6

Endurance : 6
Points de Trame : 1

Points de Personnage Dépensés : 61
Expérience Inutilisée : 0


  • Beauté Exceptionnelle
  • Grand Dessein
  • Linguiste
  • Nanti
  • Réseau Personnel


  • Athlétisme
  • Combat
    • Apports Cinétiques +3
    • Lancer +3
  • Culture
    • Philosophie +3
  • Furtivité
    • Déplacements Furtifs +3
  • Informatique
  • Investigation
    • Analyser les Preuves +3
  • Manipulation
    • Conversation +3
  • Social
  • Survie


Contrôle Cinétique (Absorption) 5
Énergie Cinétique, Épuisement Retard (+1)
Apports Cinétiques (Rafale) 5
Utilise un couteau ou d'autres objets (+0)
Super Sens 2
Détection de la Marque de l'Assassin, Expertise avec Détection (+1) (Détection [Élémentaire], Hyperacuité)
Téléportation 4


  • Un assortiment de couteaux
    • Frappe 1
  • M18 Grenade Fumigène
    • Cécité 2, Dégâts Explosifs (dure 10 rounds)
  • M84 Grenade "Flash-Bang" 
    • Cécité 4 + Cécité (contre l'audition) 4, Dégâts Explosifs


  Mouvement de Base     Double Mouvement     Mouvement Intégral  
Course   15 mètres 30 mètres 90 mètres (54 kph)
Nage   3 mètres 6 mètres 18 mètres (11 kph)
Saut   3 mètres 3 mètres 3 mètres
Téléportation   500 mètres 1 000 mètres 3 kilomètres (2 000 kph)


Tommy est un sophiste des temps modernes, il aime la rhétorique, la philosophie et le débat. Il est dans sa nature d'être désinvolte et "zen" dans la majorité des circonstances. Toutefois, lorsque le poids des méfaits de sa famille se fait ressentir, il estime porter toutes responsabilités, et il s'exécute sans relâche. Il devient pragmatique et stoïque, ce qui lui permet de faire les durs choix qui donnent un sens à sa vie. S'il n'y a pas de place pour lui dans la lumière, il accueillera les ténèbres pour éliminer ceux que la justice ne peut pas atteindre.


  • Sérénité : Le personnage cherche à se libérer des erreurs et des tragédies de son passé.
  • Justice : Le personnage cherche à s'assurer que les forfaits de toutes natures sont punis de sanctions appropriées.


  • Étranger : Tommy est un solitaire, accepté ni par les forces de l'ordre, ni par le milieu criminel auquel il s'attaque.


La mère de Tommy était une diplomate américaine stationnée en Corée du Sud, et son père était… compliqué. L'assassin Shindo ne s'infiltra dans la réception que pour tâter le terrain et obtenir des informations, pas pour avoir une liaison avec une diplomate. Mais cet interlude eut pour résultat un fils. Sa mère, toujours pragmatique, ne révéla pas à Tommy qui était son père. Un de ses ennemis le fit, après l'avoir assassinée. Ce fut alors que les pouvoirs du jeune homme se manifestèrent, lui permettant de s'échapper. À partir de là, il vécut sur le qui vive, avec un seul autre but à part la survie -- de ne pas finir comme son père.

Mais ses pouvoirs étaient plus appropriés pour suivre les pas de son géniteur que pour se rebeller contre lui -- taillés sur mesure pour un assassin. Les héros ne l'acceptaient pas, et les vilains… c'est-à-dire que son père s'était fait des ennemis des deux côtés de la loi. Alors Tommy trouva un autre usage à ses capacités : amener à la justice ces vilains que le système ne pouvait pas atteindre, et faire ce que les autres héros ne pouvaient… ou ne voulaient pas, faire.

Pouvoirs et Capacités

Avec sa force, sa vitesse, et ses compétences, Tommy serait un ennemi mortellement dangereux même sans ses pouvoirs. Ses capacités à se téléporter, à contrôler l'énergie cinétique, et à "marquer" ses cibles font de lui un chasseur implacable, apte à atteindre des proies là où elles se pensent en sécurité. La "Marque de l'Assassin" de Tommy est une "balise" quasi-psychique qu'il peut placer sur une seule personne ou un seul objet en les touchant. Il sera ensuite capable de les retrouver (moyennant un test de Perception réussit). Sa Marque de l'Assassin n'est pas éternelle, toutefois, vous vous en doutez : elle disparaît lentement après quelques jours.

La tactique habituelle de Tommy consiste à rassembler ses propres preuves pour arriver à une décision sur sa cible, procéder à des repérages et découvrir ses faiblesses, puis utiliser les connections dont il dispose pour se rapprocher suffisamment d'elle pour la "marquer", et enfin, l'éliminer quand elle s'y attend le moins.


Attributs 28 + Compétences 6 + Avantages 5 + Pouvoirs 22 = 61 / 61


Bolide artiste martiale

Citation   "Prêtez attention. Beaucoup de choses vont se produire dans les prochaines secondes."
Première Apparition   Dark Disciple #23, 1987
Véritable Nom   Jeanette de Vries
Identité   Publique
Joueur   PNJ
Équipe   Shadow Watch
Base d'Opérations   Chicago, IL, USA
Ampleur des Opérations   Locale
Origine   Surdouée
Archétype   Missile


Âge   29 Nationalité   Américaine
Taille   173 cm Cheveux   Noirs
Poids   58 kg Yeux   Bleux
Genre   Cis Féminin Sexualité   Hétérosexuelle

Jeanette est une femme mince approchant la trentaine, avec de courts cheveux noirs coiffés avec style. Sa présence peut être perturbante, car à moins qu'elle soit activement engagée dans une quelconque activité, elle se tient absolument immobile : tous les petits mouvements que réalisent les gens normaux pour maintenir leur équilibre sont exécutés si vites et si précisément qu'elle semble anormalement figée. Elle s'habille généralement de vêtements ajustés et élastiques, accompagnés de bottes robustes.


Vigueur 4
Agilité 9
Raison 4
Perception 3
Volonté 3
Vaillance 8
Précision 6

Endurance : 7
Points de Trame : 1

Points de Personnage Dépensés : 63
Expérience Inutilisée : 0


  • Esprit d'Équipe
  • Grand Dessein
  • Inquiétante


  • Athlétisme
  • Combat
    • Esquive +3
    • Takedown +3
  • Escamotage
    • Agilité Manuelle +3
  • Furtivité
  • Investigation
  • Survie
    • Tactique +3


Attaques Additionnelles 4
Célérité 4
Communication 1
Viseur tactique (Radio)
Immortalité 1
Ne vieillit pas
Régénération 3
Super Sens 3
Viseur tactique, Détection de l'Invulnérabilité (Vision Infrarouge, Vision Nocturne, Autre)
Super Sprint 3


  • Commlink
  • Smartphone


  Mouvement de Base     Double Mouvement     Mouvement Intégral  
Course   125 mètres 250 mètres 750 mètres (500 kph)
Nage   6 mètres 12 mètres 36 mètres (22 kph)
Saut   4 mètres 4 mètres 4 mètres


Jeanette est le plus souvent calme et distante. Elle n'apprécie, ni n'encourage ce qui passe pour une conversation polie, et beaucoup interprètent ce trait de sa personnalité comme du dédain. En fait, elle perçoit la vitesse à laquelle les gens normaux interagissent comme étant proche de l'insoutenable, comme de rester assis en plein trafic autoroutier, elle essaye donc de limiter ses interactions sociales autant que cela lui est possible. Bien sur, cela ne fait que renforcer son sentiment d'isolement et sa perception d'elle-même comme une outsider.


  • Culpabilité : Le personnage est mû par son désir de rédemption face aux noirceurs de son passé.
  • Rébellion : Le personnage ne trouve pas sa place dans la société.


  • Ennemi : Blueshift est toujours pourchassée par le Projet Genesis, et tout le monde ne lui a pas pardonné son passé criminel.
  • Étrangère : Le mal-être de Blueshift vis-à-vis des personnes normales est souvent perçu comme du dédain.


Jeanette s'est enfuie de chez elle alors qu'elle avait seize ans, après la mort de son père. Elle passa l'année suivante à éviter les autorités et le Projet Genesis, ce dernier finissant toutefois par la capturer. Elle fut secourue par un vigilante du nom de Dark Disciple. N'ayant nulle part où aller, la jeune femme resta avec Dark Disciple pour plusieurs mois, et c'est lui qui lui enseigna les arts martiaux (au premier chef un mélange de kenpo Américain, de muay-thaï, et de karaté shōtōkai). Elle quitta Dark Disciple lorsqu'elle fut contactée par Maître Sin, un esprit supérieur moralement ambigu qui lui assura qu'elle pouvait utiliser ses capacités pour aider l'humanité en dirigeant son équipe d'assaut. Elle resta avec Maître Sin pendant plusieurs années, développant ses capacités d'encadrement tout en apprenant à utiliser ses propres pouvoirs efficacement dans une équipe. En fin de compte, elle se lassa des objectifs mystérieux et des méthodes violentes de Maître Sin, et elle quitta son service. Leur séparation fut cordiale, il lui permit ainsi de conserver l'équipement spécialisé qu'il avait créé pour elle : elle utilise toujours son viseur tactique.

À la recherche d'une manière de récupérer sa vie, Jeanette se rapprocha du FBI, offrant d'échanger ses connaissances sur diverses organisations criminelles contre une immunité de poursuites. Après des mois d'incarcération, le FBI accepta son offre, et Jeanette passa les semaines successives suivantes à être débriefée. Une fois libérée, elle opéra comme indépendante pendant un certain temps avant de rencontrer Scanner, Stone, et Zero K. Découvrant qu'ils avaient des objectifs similaires et des personnalités compatibles, ils formèrent Shadow Watch. À part les membres de son équipe, elle n'a pas d'amis, bien qu'elle échange des cartes de vœux à Noël avec Siege, qui était aussi membre de l'équipe d'assaut de Maître Sin, et travaille maintenant pour le FBI.

Pouvoirs et Capacités

Blueshift a la capacité de penser et de se déplacer à des vitesses surhumaines. Sa force et son endurance sont au moins égales au summum du potentiel humain et sa coordination œil-main comme son contrôle corporel sont très au-delà des limites humaines. Ses processus biologiques sont beaucoup plus efficaces que ceux d'une humaine normale, lui permettant d'extraire près de 100 pour cent de l'énergie calorique de ce qu'elle mange et de faire des efforts pendant plusieurs heures avant de se reposer. Elle est capable de courir à plus de 500 kilomètres par heure, et son cerveau peut traiter les informations suffisamment vite pour fonctionner à cette vitesse.

Alors qu'elle était au service de Maître Sin, Blueshift a acquis un viseur utilisant des signaux à ondes millimétriques pour scanner et évaluer l'intégrité structurelle des objets physiques. À cette époque, elle l'utilisait pour s'assurer que la quantité de force utilisée contre ses adversaires était proportionnelle à leur résistance.

Blueshift a de l'expérience dans le leadership d'équipe de posthumains aux personnalités agressives, et elle est aussi une tacticienne experte. Elle maîtrise une diversité de styles de combats au corps à corps, mais elle préfère généralement les projections et les clefs de l'aïkido.


Attributs 37 + Compétences 4 + Avantages 3 + Pouvoirs 19 = 63 / 63


Le Chaos Rampant

Citation   "J't'aime, Môman."
Première Apparition   Tales Of Mystery #317, 1963
Véritable Nom   N/A
Identité   Secrète
Joueur   PNJ
Équipe   Solo
Base d'Opérations   La Terre
Ampleur des Opérations   Globale
Origine   Extra-Terrestre
Archétype   Miroir


Âge   Sans âge Nationalité   N/A
Taille   N/A Cheveux   Noirs/Aucuns
Poids   N/A Yeux   Rouges/Jaunes
Genre   Non-humain Sexualité   Aucune

Chthyra est un parasite psychique d'une réalité proche de la nôtre, c'est via sa forme astrale qu'il peut voyager jusqu'à nous. En conséquence, il n'a pas de forme physique dans notre réalité. Lorsque Chthyra se manifeste dans cette dimension, il (elle ? cela ?) a habituellement l'apparence d'un humanoïde à la peau d'un noir huileux ; d'une masse difforme de vrilles de ténèbres semblables à des cheveux ; ou bien quelque chose d'intermédiaire entre les deux. La forme astrale de Chthyra n'est présente que le temps nécessaire à ce qu'il prenne le contrôle du corps de son hôte, après quoi, elle disparaît pour occuper celui-ci.

L'hôte de Chthyra est toujours un enfant au tout début de l'adolescence. Dans les rêves de celui-ci, Chthyra peut prendre n'importe quelle forme, à n'importe quel moment. Ces formes peuvent êtres aussi belles ou terrifiantes (ou les deux), que Chthyra juge approprié.


Vigueur 0
Agilité 0
Raison 4
Perception 5
Volonté 12
Vaillance 0
Précision 0

Chthyra n'a pas d'existence corporelle physique dans notre réalité. C'est une créature de pure volonté malfaisante.

Endurance : 12
Points de Trame : 1

Points de Personnage Dépensés : 70
Expérience Inutilisée : 0


  • Inquiétant


  • Culture
  • Furtivité
  • Imposture
  • Manipulation
  • Social
  • Survie


Bouclier Mental 3
Communication 2
(Lien Mental, Traducteur Universel)
Contrôle Mental 5
(Hypnose Collective, +1; Portée Accrue, +1; Proximité physique ou émotionnelle, +1)
Déplacements Fantastiques 1
Nullifié si la Possession est rompue (Voyage Astral)
Drain de Volonté 3
(La victime doit dormir, -1; À Distance, +1)
Illusion 10
(Dégâts Illusoires, +1; C'est Dans Votre Tête, -1)
Immortalité 2
Se reformera en six mois s'il est détruit.
Possession 6
(Blackout, +1; Occupation, +1)


  Mouvement de Base     Double Mouvement     Mouvement Intégral  


Si Chthyra a quelque objectif que ce soit à part le désir de se nourrir, celui-ci est inconnu. Cependant, c'est un être intelligent et il (ou elle ou cela…) comprend l'humanité et les langages humains. Il "parle" a et à travers ses victimes, mais seulement pour étendre son influence. En tant que telle, toute communication avec Chthyra est typiquement sous la forme de menaces, de promesses ou d'autres déclarations ayant pour objectif d'inspirer la confiance, la peur, ou le désespoir.


  • Exploration : Le personnage vit pour découvrir de nouveaux paysages et de nouvelles idées.
  • Passion : Le personnage a une nature instinctive, peut-être même sauvage.


  • Révoltant : La véritable forme de Chthyra est incompréhensible pour l'esprit humain.
  • Vulnérabilité : Chthyra n'a accès à notre réalité qu'à travers un hôte.


Chthyra est une parmi nombre d'entités plus anciennes que l'humanité et dont nous avons été la proie à travers l'histoire. D'ailleurs, de ces êtres, Chthyra est l'un des moins dangereux, car à la fois les voies dont il dispose pour pénétrer notre réalité et les dégâts qu'il peut y causer sont assez limités.

Chthyra passe dans notre réalité en infectant les rêves d'un enfant traumatisé, un dont les cauchemars sont à la fois fréquents et particulièrement saisissants. Une fois que la créature a pris le contrôle des rêves de son hôte, l'enfant devient un prisonnier dans son propre corps. De ce havre de sécurité, Chthyra cherchera à empoisonner les rêves de ceux à proximité physique ou émotionnelle de son hôte, étendant son influence et se nourrissant de leurs cauchemars. Une fois que le pouvoir de Chthyra sera étendu de son hôte sur une douzaine ou plus de victimes, il pourra commencer à contrôler leur esprit éveillé tout autant que leur rêves (NDT : à ce stade, il utilisera son Contrôle Mental avec le renfort Proximité physique ou émotionnelle, qui lui permet d'affecter quiconque, sur Terre, a un lien émotionnel avec l'hôte, sans considération de distance). Si personne ne vient s'interposer, les cauchemars éveillés vont rendre folles les victimes, entraînant des émeutes, des suicides en masse, de multiples meurtres et un chaos généralisé. La perte en vies humaines pourrait se compter en centaines ; de petites villes ou agglomération peuvent être entièrement exterminées.

Si ce processus peut atteindre sa conclusion naturelle, Chthyra sera repu et se retirera de lui-même de son hôte. Ostensiblement indemne, celui-ci va se réveiller normalement, n'ayant aucun souvenir de l'expérience.

Pouvoirs et Capacités

Dans sa réalité d'originé, Chthyra peut redéfinir la matière conformément à ses désirs et même créer des êtres vivants à partir de la fabrique de l'univers. Dans la nôtre, ses pouvoirs sont plus limités. Il ne peut pas, sur Terre, manipuler la matière, mais il peut altérer les perceptions d'autrui, les forçant à se confronter à des hallucinations totalement convaincantes.


Attributs 21 + Compétences 0 + Avantages 1 + Pouvoirs 48 = 70 / 70


Le Roi Lézard

Citation   "Tu vas être un cadavre parmi d'autres."
Première Apparition   Tales Of Mystery #554, 1983
Véritable Nom   Anthony Fields
Identité   Publique
Joueur   PNJ
Équipe   Solo
Base d'Opérations   La Nouvelle-Orléans, LA, USA
Ampleur des Opérations   Locale
Origine   Altéré
Archétype   Roc


Âge   26 Nationalité   Américaine
Taille   274 cm Cheveux   Aucun
Poids   363 kg Yeux   Jaunes
Genre   Non-humain Sexualité   Asexuel

Crocolisk est un humanoïde massif à la peau écailleuse épaisse et aux traits crocodiliens. Des plaques osseuses se projettent de ses avant-bras et de ses épaules, et s'étendent sur son dos jusqu'à sa queue. Celle-ci est utilisée pour son équilibre mais elle n'est pas préhensile. Crocolisk ne porte pas de vêtements, mais il aime la joaillerie, particulièrement les épaisses chaînes en or et les gros médaillons.


Vigueur 7
Agilité 4
Raison 1
Perception 3
Volonté 6
Vaillance 6
Précision 4

Endurance : 13
Points de Trame : 1

Points de Personnage Dépensés : 60
Expérience Inutilisée : 0



  • Athlétisme
  • Combat
  • Culture
  • Furtivité
  • Imposture
  • Manipulation
  • Social
  • Survie


Attributs Invulnérables 4
Immunité 6
(Asphyxie, Faim, Haute Pression, Pathogènes, Poisons, Radiations)
Invulnérabilité 9
Régénération 6
Sens du Danger 2
Ruse Bestiale
Super Nage 2


  • Téléphone Portable


  Mouvement de Base     Double Mouvement     Mouvement Intégral  
Course   12 mètres 24 mètres 72 mètres (43 kph)
Nage   30 mètres 60 mètres 180 mètres (120 kph)
Saut   7 mètres 7 mètres 7 mètres


Crocolisk est hargneux, emporté, et téméraire a en être idiot. Il s'approprie ce qu'il désire, et ne s'attend pas à ce que ses actions aient aucune conséquence. Il n'a que du mépris pour les faibles et ceux qui les défendent. Quelle que soit la manière d'approcher la question, on ne peut pas dire qu'il soit intelligent, mais il possède une ruse animale qui lui fait ressentir presque surnaturellement lorsqu'il est en danger.


  • Passion : Le personnage a une nature instinctive, peut-être même sauvage.
  • Rébellion : Le personnage ne trouve pas sa place dans la société.


  • Pouvoir Incontrôlé : La taille et le poids de Crocolisk lui rendent une vie normale impossible.
  • Révoltant : Crocolisk est un monstre, dedans comme dehors.


Anthony Fields a toujours été un criminel. Dès son plus jeune âge, Anthony pris ce qu'il désirait et fit souffrir ceux qui s'interposaient. À l'époque où il devint légalement adulte, il avait déjà un casier judiciaire bien rempli, incluant de multiples cambriolages, vols à mains armées, et agressions. Du fait d'un côté de la corruption et de l'inefficacité du New Orleans Police Department, et de l'autre de témoins peu coopératifs, Anthony ne servit jamais plus de soixante jours pour n'importe lequel de ces crimes.

C'est alors qu'il était sur parole pour une simple accusation de cambriolage qu'il agressa et braqua violemment le propriétaire d'une supérette, conduisant à son arrestation pour ce crime, enregistré par la caméra vidéo de la boutique. Après sa libération sous caution, et en attente de son jugement, Anthony fut contacté par un inconnu qui lui offrit une manière de rester libre à jamais -- il serait suffisamment fort pour s'évader de n'importe quelle prison, et sa peau serait pare-balle. D'abord, Anthony rejeta l'offre, jusqu'à ce que l'inconnu lui offre une motivation supplémentaire notable en cash. Anthony accepta, avec la ferme intention d'ignorer l'accord après avoir été payé.

L'inconnu drogua Anthony et l'emmena jusqu'à un laboratoire isolé près des docks. Le jeune homme était inconscient durant l'opération, mais lorsqu'il se réveilla, il était seul, et il était devenu un monstre. Fidèle à sa parole, l'inconnu avait laissé une pile de cash sur une table à côté de lui. Anthony était réellement libre face aux conséquences de ses actions, et Crocolisk venait de naître. Il a depuis commis des crimes sans nombre, et été capturé plusieurs fois, mais n'a jamais été maintenu emprisonné longtemps.

Pouvoirs et Capacités

Crocolisk est un humanoïde reptilien de presque 3 mètres de haut. Il est suffisamment fort pour soulever 30 tonnes, et ses écailles sont virtuellement impénétrables. En plus de ses altérations les plus évidentes, Crocolisk a une physiologie reptilienne qui lui permet de retenir son souffle pendant des heures, de passer presque une année sans manger, et de se remettre de presque toutes les blessures.

Crocolisk est inhumainement fort et rapide, mais il n'a pas beaucoup de souffle. Il ne peut pas brûler son énergie au summum pendant très longtemps.


Attributs 31 + Compétences 0 + Avantages 0 + Pouvoirs 29 = 60 / 60


Gorille, psychique, et supergénie

Citation   "L'hou-main veut-il une ba-na-neu ?"
Première Apparition   Tales Of Mystery #166, 1959
Véritable Nom   Bongo
Identité   Publique
Joueur   PNJ
Équipe   Solo
Base d'Opérations   La Terre
Ampleur des Opérations   Globale
Origine   Altéré
Archétype   Calculateur


Âge   24 Nationalité   Américaine
Taille   170 cm Cheveux   Gris anthracite
Poids   170 kg Eyes   Marrons
Genre   Non-humain Sexualité   Hétérosexuel

Ganyeka paraît être un typique gorille des plaines occidentales, avec un poil brun-gris sombre, un crâne large à la crête prononcée, et des arcades sourcilières marquées. Plusieurs grandes cicatrices sont visibles sur son cuir chevelu. Bien qu'il n'utilise pas de vêtements, il porte habituellement une ceinture sur une de ses épaules avec plusieurs poches reliées à celle-ci. On l'a parfois vu arborer casque et protections corporelles balistiques lorsqu'il s'attendait à être confronté à de la violence.


Vigueur 6
Agilité 3
Raison 8
Perception 4
Volonté 9
Vaillance 3
Précision 3

Endurance : 15
Points de Trame : 1

Points de Personnage Dépensés : 73
Expérience Inutilisée : 0


  • Grand Dessein


  • Athlétisme
  • Combat
  • Culture
  • Informatique
  • Ingénierie
  • Investigation
  • Médecine
  • Science


Champ de Force Télékinétique (Champ de Force) 8
Inefficace contre les attaques intangibles (-1)
Communication 1
(Lien Mental)
Pouvoirs Mentaux [Ultra-pouvoir] 9

Pouvoirs Mentaux

Contrôle Mental 9
Détention Mentale 9
Illusion 9
Dégâts Illusoires (+1); C'est Dans Votre Tête (-1)
Télépathie 9


  • Heavy Tactical Vest
    • Invulnerability 3
  • Heavy Pistol
    • Blast 3
  • M84 "Flash-Bang" Grenade
    • Blindness 4 + Blindness (vs. hearing) 4, Exploding
  • Binoculars
  • Laptop
  • Nightvision Goggles
  • Smartphone


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   30 feet 60 feet 180 feet (20 mph)
Swim   6 feet 12 feet 36 feet (4 mph)
Jump   18 feet 18 feet 18 feet


Ganyeka is suspicious of humans, and aloof, at best, to any humans he encounters. Although he bears a great deal of resentment against humanity for the way he and his people (gorillas, and western lowland gorillas in particular) have been treated, he also feels isolated from them, as he will forever be an outcast from human society, the society in which he was raised. Ganyeka is a proud and lonely creature.


  • Anger: The character is driven to overcome challenges and exceed their limits.
  • Nobility: The character was born to rule and command the respect of their lessers.


  • Outsider: Despite his vast intelligence, Ganyeka will always be a gorilla.


Ganyeka was once a completely normal western lowland gorilla named Bongo. Born in captivity in a medical research facility in Louisiana, he was subjected to hundreds of medical experiments by the time he was four years old. Most of these were drug trials, and had no lasting effects on him. However, at the age of twelve he was subjected to a series of surgeries and gene therapies intended to induce and then treat Alzheimer's disease.

The treatments had an unexpected side effect: they gradually increased Bongo's intelligence until he was even smarter than the doctors treating him. Bongo learned quickly, and the more he learned, the more his resentment grew. One day, Bongo had had enough: he struck out at the doctors, his tormenters. At first his rebellion was purely physical, but his wardens were armed with cattle prods and tranquilizer darts, and he knew that he was doomed. Defiant, he roared at his attackers, and was astonished as they crumpled to the ground. Bongo escaped from the facility, swearing revenge on humanity for what was done to him.

Since then, Bongo's anger has cooled. He has taken a new name, Ganyeka, which means "excel" or "surpass" in the Zulu language. He no longer blames all of humanity for what was done to him, but he has no love for humans. He seeks to find a place for himself in the world of humans. And if they do not have a place for him, he will make one.

Ganyeka has a deep disdain for physical violence, deeming it a "human" trait, and his early experiences have instilled in him an aversion to causing physical pain to others. He can be gentle, and he has a soft spot for human children, who remind him of the family he will never have. At the same time, he has no reservations about using his psychic powers to manipulate, hurt, or even kill humans who deserve it -- and no one deserves it more than someone who interferes with his plans.

Ganyeka understands English (and numerous other human languages), but he can't speak verbally: his vocal apparatus remains that of an ape. He communicates telepathically. His mental "voice" is that of Bob Marley: a conscious decision on Ganyeka's part.

Powers and Abilities

Ganyeka has the strength and agility of a healthy mountain gorilla, and one of the most powerful minds on Earth. He is capable of mastering any science he devotes himself to, but in practice his primary interests pertain to biology, zoology, and medicine.

Ganyeka has profound psychic abilities. He can read others' thoughts and memories, and he can cause other people to see, hear, touch, smell, and/or taste things which do not actually exist. He often uses this ability to interact with humans without their realizing that he is a gorilla. With effort, he can even override a person's decision-making process, making them into his puppets.


Attributes 36 + Skills 0 + Advantages 1 + Powers 36 = 73 / 73


Ominous protector of Manhattan

Quotation   "This is MY city."
First Appearance   Moonwolf #32, 1975
Real Name   Diggory "Diggs" Tyler
Identity   Secret ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Spookshow
Base Of Operations   New York, NY, USA
Range Of Operations   Local/Interplanetary with team
Origin   Gifted
Archetype   Shadow


Age   31 Nationality   American
Height   5' 8” Hair   Bald (Brown)
Weight   192 lbs. Eyes   Brown
Gender   Cis Male Sexuality   Heterosexual

Diggs Tyler is a handsome, bald, black man in his early thirties. He typically dresses in tailored suits or expensive casual wear in the latest style. When he adopts the persona of Grimknight, he wears a non-reflective black body suit, black full head mask, and sturdy black boots and gloves. Over this attire he wears a hooded cloak, the Mantle Of Arawn. In daylight the cloak appears to be pale grey, while at night the cloak is an opalescent white.


Brawn 6
Agility 6
Reason 3
Perception 6
Willpower 5
Prowess 5
Accuracy 4

Brawn and Agility 4 during the day; Brawn and Agility 6 at night.

Endurance: 11
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 60
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Connected


  • Combat
    • Surprise Attacks +3
    • Sweep Attacks +3
  • Computing
  • Culture
  • Deception
  • Investigation
  • Legerdemain
  • Manipulation
    • Conversation +3
    • Interrogation +3
  • Social
  • Stealth
    • Shadowing +3


Attribute Invulnerability 2
Invulnerability 6
Invulnerability 4 during the day; Invulnerability 6 at night.
Power Invulnerability 2
Super Senses 1
(Night Vision)
Teleportation 5
Mantle Of Arawn – Radius Effect (+1)


  • Binoculars
  • Covert Surveillance Device
  • Covert Tracking Device
  • Digital Camera
  • Digital Recorder
  • Mini-flashlight
  • Radio
  • Smartphone
  • Zip Ties
    • Invulnerability 1, Endurance 1


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   60 feet 120 feet 360 feet (41 mph)
Swim   12 feet 24 feet 72 feet (8 mph)
Jump   18 feet 18 feet 18 feet
Teleport   1 mile 2 miles 6 miles (4,000 mph)


Diggs Tyler is friendly, engaging, and fun-loving. While he may come across as a bit of a Casanova when dealing with the opposite sex, he is never overbearing or disrespectful. He is the flame, not the moth. His years of working as a private investigator have made him skilled at forming a bond with people he's just met and getting them to open up to him. This has served him well in the District Attorney's Office. As Grimknight, Diggs is far less friendly, using his powerful presence and his skill at reading people to intimidate and interrogate suspected wrongdoers.


  • Justice: The character seeks to ensure that misdeeds are met with appropriate punishment.
  • Honor: The character believes that their worth is tied to their adherence to a code of conduct.



Diggs Tyler was a private investigator for several years while he worked his way through law school. (Most private investigators work either for insurance companies or lawyers, so this was a natural match.) After graduation, he became a prosecutor in the New York County District Attorney's Office, where he has served the borough of Manhattan with distinction.

Tyler is a descendant of Gwynn Ap Nudd, King of the Faeries and the Otherworld (also called Annwn). He was not aware of his heritage until he was selected to be the next Knight of the Summerland due to the mysterious death of the previous Knight of the Summerland. However faint the blood connection may be, Tyler is a faerie by birthright, which permits him to wear and use the Mantle of Arawn, a powerful faerie artifact.

Powers and Abilities

During the day, Grimknight's strength and speed are at the peak of human potential, and his skin is tough enough to withstand small arms fire. At night he is even stronger and tougher, able to lift 7 tons overhead and withstand high explosives.

In addition to his supernatural strength, speed, and toughness, Grimknight wears the Mantle of Arawn. The Mantle of Arawn is a faerie artifact which permits the wearer to bend space and teleport thousands of miles in an instant.

Grimknight also carries a number of useful but ordinary pieces of equipment, such as binoculars, radio tracking devices, bugs, and digital recorders.


Attributes 33 + Skills 5 + Advantages 1 + Powers 21 = 60 / 60

Karen 7

One little war machine trying to find her place in the world

Karen 7
Quotation   "Waffles are an excellent source of energy and raw materials."
First Appearance   Legacies #1, 2011
Real Name   Karen Elizabeth West
Identity   Secret ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   New Justifiers
Base Of Operations   United States
Range Of Operations   National/Interplanetary with team
Origin   Artificial
Archetype   Calculator


Age   16 Nationality   American
Height   5' 1” Hair   Blonde
Weight   275 lbs. Eyes   Blue
Gender   Inorganic Sexuality   Asexual

Karen 7 appears to be a female human of approximately 16, but she is actually a sentient machine.


Brawn 8
Agility 7
Reason 7
Perception 3
Willpower 2
Prowess 7
Accuracy 6

Endurance: 10
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 66
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Linguist
  • Mental Calculator
  • Perfect Recall


  • Combat
    • Zero-G Combat +3
  • Computing
    • Forensics +3
    • Programming +3
  • Science
    • Physics +3


Communication 2
(Computers, Radio)
Immunity 8
(Asphyxia, Exposure (Cold), Exposure (Heat), Pathogens, Poisons, Pressure, Radiation, Vacuum)
Invulnerability 5
Super Senses 4
(Hyperacuity, Infrared Vision, Night Vision, Ultraviolet Vision)


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   70 feet 140 feet 420 feet (48 mph)
Swim   14 feet 28 feet 84 feet (10 mph)
Jump   24 feet 24 feet 24 feet


Karen 7 lacks the skills to handle everyday emotions. When faced with a complex emotional issue, she seems cold and uncaring to those around her. Most people can pick up on this easily. However, Karen will protect and defend anyone she deems a friend or with whom has what she thinks is an emotional tie. She doesn't really have a way of showing emotional attachment and thinks this is the best way. In combat Karen is extremely focused on the target at hand, normally picking out the greatest apparent threat.

She also makes what she sees as the most logical decision based on various victory conditions. This is often misunderstood as being cold or amoral. She is willing to sacrifice a few to save many.


  • Exploration: The character lives to seek out new places and new ideas.
  • Serenity: The character seeks freedom from the mistakes or tragedies of their past.


  • Enemy: Karen 7 is pursued by Karen X, her predecessor.


Karen 7 (along with Karens 1 through 6) was created by Doctor Herbert West, a brilliant if somewhat unbalanced inventor and engineer, who was well known as a weapon designer for both the government and a number of paranormals during the 1960s through the 1990s. The Karen units were based on a military prototype West had been developing in the mid-1990s. The unfortunate death of West's daughter in 1996 in an automobile accident marked the end of West's professional career. He withdrew from the world and devoted the remainder of his life to the Karen Project: an attempt to create a perfect, immortal receptacle for Karen West's stored memories and personality.

Unfortunately, Dr. West died before accomplishing that goal. When Karen 7 woke up, she was alone in a burned-out laboratory that had been abandoned for months, with no knowledge of where or who she was. Since then, Karen 7 has roamed the world, learning about humanity and trying to find a place where she belongs.

Powers and Abilities

Like her predecessors, Karen 7 was created using an experimental skeletal combat chassis, composed primarily of Grade 5 and Grade 38 titanium alloys with some carbon fiber structural members. The combat chassis has increased lifting capabilities, reinforced sub-dermal body armor, and a highly responsive fiber-optic control system: combined, these systems give Karen 7 strength and speed well beyond anything attainable by human beings. In addition, she possesses an array of enhanced senses, enabling her to perceive wavelengths of light above and below those visible to humans.

As a synthetic being, Karen 7 is immune to most environmental hazards which would endanger a human being. She is unaffected by heat, cold, poisons, pathogens, radiation, and vacuum.


Attributes 40 + Skills 4 + Advantages 3 + Powers 19 = 66 / 66

Karen X

One little war machine determined to survive

Karen X
Quotation   "I will not be replaced by an inferior unit."
First Appearance   Legacies #6, 2011
Real Name   Karen X
Identity   Public ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Solo
Base Of Operations   United States
Range Of Operations   Global
Origin   Artificial
Archetype   Cannon


Age   16 Nationality   American
Height   5' 1” Hair   Blonde
Weight   375 lbs. Eyes   Red
Gender   Inorganic Sexuality   Asexual

Karen X appears to be a female human of approximately 16, but she is actually a sentient machine.


Brawn 8
Agility 8
Reason 7
Perception 4
Willpower 4
Prowess 5
Accuracy 7

Endurance: 12
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 96
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Linguist
  • Mental Calculator
  • Perfect Recall


  • Athletics
  • Combat
  • Computing
  • Engineering
  • Science
  • Survival


Communication 2
(Computers, Radio)
Flight 3
Jet Pack
Immunity 8
(Asphyxia, Exposure (Cold), Exposure (Heat), Pathogens, Poisons, Pressure, Radiation, Vacuum)
Invulnerability 6
Super Senses 4
(Hyperacuity, Infrared Vision, Night Vision, Ultraviolet Vision)
Weapon Systems [Ultra-power] 8

Weapon Systems

Blast 8
Particle Beam
Blast (Explosive) 7
High Explosive Missiles
Blast (Seeking) 7
Seeking Missiles
Blindness (Explosive) 7
Ultraviolet Ray Burst
Hold 8
Neural Paralyzer Eye Beams
Power Suppression (vs. Electronics) 8
Ion Blaster


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   80 feet 160 feet 480 feet (55 mph)
Swim   16 feet 32 feet 96 feet (11 mph)
Jump   24 feet 24 feet 24 feet
Fly   400 feet 800 feet 2,400 feet (300 mph)


Karen X lacks the skills to handle everyday emotions. When faced with a complex emotional issue, she seems cold and uncaring to those around her. Most people can pick up on this easily.


  • Anger: The character is driven to overcome challenges and exceed their limits.
  • Insecurity: The character feels as though they don't measure up to their peers.


  • Enemy: Karen X is the avowed enemy of Karen 7, the unit which was to have replaced her.
  • Vulnerability: The Karen X unit is considerably heavier than most people and has to be constantly aware of this.


Karen X was the sixth Karen android created by Doctor Herbert West, a brilliant if somewhat unbalanced inventor and engineer, who was well known as a weapon designer for both the government and a number of posthumans during the 1960s through the 1990s. The Karen units were based on a military prototype West had been developing in the mid-1990s. The unfortunate death of West's daughter in 1996 in an automobile accident marked the end of West's professional career. He withdrew from the world and devoted the remainder of his life to the Karen Project: an attempt to create a perfect, immortal receptacle for Karen West's stored memories and personality.

While Karen 6 was more lifelike than her five predecessors, Dr. West was disturbed by Karen 6's lack of empathy. He was working on Karen 7 when a misaligned induction array exploded, killing Dr. West and destroying his laboratory. As Karen 6 watched the laboratory burn, she chose a new name for herself: Karen X. Since then, Karen X has roamed the world learning, improving herself, and destroying anyone who stood in her way.

Powers and Abilities

Like her predecessors, Karen X was created using an experimental skeletal combat chassis, composed primarily of Grade 5 and Grade 38 titanium alloys with some carbon fiber structural members. The combat chassis has increased lifting capabilities, reinforced sub-dermal body armor, and a highly responsive fiber-optic control system: combined, these systems give Karen X strength and speed well beyond anything attainable by human beings. Karen X was originally equipped with a number of weapon systems, and she has continued to refine and enhance her offensive capabilities. In addition, she possesses an array of enhanced senses, enabling her to perceive wavelengths of light above and below those visible to humans.

As a synthetic being, Karen X is immune to most environmental hazards which would endanger a human being. She is unaffected by heat, cold, poisons, pathogens, radiation, and vacuum.


Attributes 43 + Skills 0 + Advantages 3 + Powers 50 = 96 / 96


Celebrity super-scientist

Quotation   "We'll give it all we've got!"
First Appearance   Citadel #1, 2011
Real Name   Chloe Zhang (Zhang Qianwei)
Identity   Public ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Citadel
Base Of Operations   New York, NY, USA
Range Of Operations   Local/Global with team
Origin   Equipped
Archetype   Gadget


Age   28 Nationality   Chinese-American
Height   5' 5” Hair   Black
Weight   106 lbs. Eyes   Brown
Gender   Cis Female Sexuality   Heterosexual

Chloe is a photogenic, athletic Chinese-American woman. She dresses in the most fashionable clothes, yet makes them look effortlessly natural.


Brawn 3
Agility 5
Reason 7
Perception 4
Willpower 5
Prowess 3
Accuracy 5

Chloe's Brawn, Agility, and Accuracy are one rank lower without her armor.

Endurance: 8
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 77
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Connected
  • Exceptional Beauty
  • Famous
  • Headquarters
  • Linguist
  • Professor
  • Savant
  • Team Player
  • Wealthy


  • Athletics
  • Combat
  • Computing +1
    • Programming +3
  • Culture
  • Engineering +1
    • Electrical +3
  • Investigation
  • Manipulation
  • Science +1
    • Nanotechnology +3
  • Social


Flight 6
Jet Wing
Gadgets and Weaponry [Ultra-power] 6
Immunity 4
Sealed systems – Must be activated (-1) (Asphyxia, Pathogens, Poisons, Radiation)

Gadgets and Weaponry

Blast 6
Jet wing miniguns
Hold 6
Jet wing mini-rocket: restraining foam – Exposed (-1)
Invulnerability 6
Machine Control 6
Machines with onboard computers only
Power Suppression 6
Jet wing mini-rocket: fire suppression foam
Super Senses 6
Detect EM Radiation (360° Vision, Detect [Element], Hyperacuity, Infrared Vision, Ultraviolet Vision, X-ray Vision)
Telekinesis 6
Jet wing grappling cable – Exposed (-1)


  • Smartphone


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   50 feet 100 feet 300 feet (34 mph)
Swim   10 feet 20 feet 60 feet (7 mph)
Jump   9 feet 9 feet 9 feet
Fly   5 miles 10 miles 30 miles (20,000 mph)


If one word could be used to describe Chloe Zhang, it would be "active". Nearly every moment of every day is occupied with something, whether it is research into new semiconducting polymers, competing in a snowboarding competition, acting in a film on location in Mongolia, promoting the Special Olympics, or dancing at the newest and most exciting club.

Despite the frenetic pace of her lifestyle, she always seems as ease with the people around her, and she is never too busy to be gracious. She is a genuinely nice person.


  • Aventure : Le personnage a l'esprit aventureux et ne refuse que rarement l'opportunité d'une quête vaillante.
  • Protection : Le personnage veut protéger les autres, particulièrement les innocents et les indigents.


  • Vulnerability: All of Manticore's powers are dependent on her armor and equipment.
  • Enemy: Chloe Zhang is internationally famous, which makes her a very easy target for her enemies.


Zhang Qianwei is the daughter of Zhang Ka-shing, one of the twenty richest people in the world, who emigrated to the United States from Hong Kong in 1998, and obtained American citizenship for himself and his two children. Over the course of the next few years, he moved the corporate headquarters of his company, Zhangsun Telecom (market value $170 billion, according to Forbes), to Manhattan from Hong Kong. However, the company still has extensive holdings in China, primarily in land development and telecommunications. In the rest of the world, the majority of their holdings are in telecommunications, hotels, and resorts.

Qianwei was educated in the United States, where she is known as Chloe Zhang, but until recently she spent most of her school vacations in Hong Kong, where she is a bona-fide celebrity: she has been on the cover of numerous magazines (the Hong Kong edition of Cosmopolitan over a dozen times in the last ten years), appeared in several films (she is friends with John Woo and Jackie Chan, in addition to a lot of Chinese show-business types that no one in the USA has ever heard of), and has released a few pop albums which have been quite popular in Asia.

She is also an avid skydiver, skier, snowboarder, and surfer. She often has lucrative endorsement deals despite her amateur status, and she spent six months on Wheaties boxes a couple of years ago, which is the first place most people in the USA saw her. Chloe donates all of the proceeds from her endorsements to charities, such as the Special Olympics.

In addition to her artistic and athletic pursuits, Chloe is absolutely brilliant. She has doctorates from Stanford and Georgia Institute of Technology, and she has developed a number of breakthroughs in telecommunications. For example, she invented a nanotechnological process which permits multiple signals to transmit simultaneously on the same antenna without interference (aka MIMO, a technological underpinning of the WiMax standard).

Recently, Chloe's 80-year-old father decided to retire back to Hong Kong, where her older brother runs the Asian divisions of the company, leaving her in New York to run the North American and European divisions (although she is technically Vice President In Charge Of Research And Development).

Tabloids have connected Chloe to numerous handsome and/or famous men, and some of these rumours have been true, but she has no interest in marriage at this time. She has stated in interviews that she wants to be a wife and a mother -- but not yet. "I have too much still to do," she explains. "It would not be fair to a husband or a child."

Fun fact: In China, Chloe's superhero persona is known as "Dragon's Lovely Daughter", while in Japan, she is known as "Super Demon Rider Girl".

Powers and Abilities

Chloe Zhang possesses superhuman cognitive ability, but her most significant posthuman ability is her extraordinary focus. She is capable of concentrating on several problems simultaneously, and even carry on a conversation while doing so. When combined with her reduced need for sleep (she rarely sleeps more than two hours per night), she is more productive in one day than an ordinary person would be in a month.

Her most flamboyant abilities are granted by the Manticore armor and jet wing, both of which are her original designs. The armor enhances her speed and reflexes, it provides defense against all but the most powerful conventional weaponry, and it houses a wide array of sensory equipment. In addition to its use as transportation, Manticore's jet wing is a flying weapon platform. The jet wing has machine guns and a selection of special purpose mini-rockets, as well as a net cannon and a grappling line.


Attributes 32 + Skills 3 + Advantages 9 + Powers 33 = 77 / 77

Master Sin

The Alchemist of Crime

Master Sin
Quotation   "I take the long view."
First Appearance   Mongoose #232, 1971
Real Name   Sin Bayan
Identity   Secret ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Solo
Base Of Operations   Korea
Range Of Operations   Global
Origin   Zenith
Archetype   Calculator


Age   Unknown Nationality   Korean
Height   5' 5" Hair   Black
Weight   125 lbs. Eyes   Brown
Gender   Cis Male Sexuality   Asexual

Master Sin is a master of disguise. His most frequent guises are those of a frail old Korean man in a wheelchair, a handsome young Korean man with long hair, and a middle-aged Korean man with a queue wearing a hanbok.


Brawn 3
Agility 4
Reason 9
Perception 8
Willpower 6
Prowess 5
Accuracy 4

Endurance: 9
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 70
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Connected
  • Headquarters
  • Linguist
  • Master Plan
  • Minions
  • Wealthy


  • Athletics
  • Combat
  • Computing
  • Culture
  • Deception
  • Engineering
  • Investigation
  • Manipulation
  • Medicine
  • Science
  • Social
  • Survival


Attribute Invulnerability 7
Immortality 5
Immunity 4
(Pathogens, Poisons, Sleep Deprivation, Starvation)
Mind Shield 7
Regeneration 2


  • Light Tactical Vest
    • Invulnerability 1
  • Cell Phone
  • Mini-flashlight
  • Multi-tool


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   40 feet 80 feet 240 feet (27 mph)
Swim   8 feet 16 feet 48 feet (5 mph)
Jump   9 feet 9 feet 9 feet


Master Sin is a calm, reserved man. He is often lost in thought, and rarely says anything that isn't important. He also has a wry sense of humour, but few people get to know him well enough to see that side of his personality.


  • Control: The character detests the chaos of human society, and seeks to impose order.
  • Responsibility: The character is burdened by the responsibility of their powers.



According to legend, Master Sin was an alchemist and astronomer in the court of Queen Seondeok of Silla during the Three Kingdoms period of Korea. It was during his tenure in the court of Queen Seondeok that Master Sin first discovered the alchemical secret for arresting the aging process, a formula he has continued to refine and perfect. After the end of Queen Seondeok's reign, Master Sin formed the Jade Moon Society, a secret society dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge and the bringing into harmony of humanity and nature.

As the centuries passed, Master Sin's disappointment in humanity increased in proportion to his control of it. By the 12th century, his influence had spread to India and Persia, and by the end of the European colonial era his servants had infiltrated secret societies around the world, all secretly controlled by the Jade Moon Society. Master Sin's ultimate goal is a world in perfect ecological balance, but this fact is withheld from the Jade Moon's subordinate secret societies and their numerous front organizations. Only the fanatically loyal members of the Jade Moon Society itself are aware of this hidden agenda.

Powers and Abilities

Master Sin was born human, but his alchemical formulas and centuries of experience have given him intelligence and wisdom far beyond those he was born with. He has mastered most sciences, and his thirst for knowledge ensures that no realm of human study is long neglected. His experience and keen intellect make him a formidable opponent. Given sufficient information, Master Sin is capable of predicting and preparing for nearly any eventuality. Many members of the Jade Moon Society believe that he can predict the future.

Physically, Master Sin is near the peak of human potential, and his rejuvenating elixir prevents him from aging and allows him to recover from nearly any injury. Despite his lack of more flamboyant abilities, Master Sin is one of the most dangerous people on Earth. His resources and his influence are both virtually unlimited.


Attributes 39 + Skills 0 + Advantages 6 + Powers 25 = 70 / 70


Highly trained agent specializing in smoke grenades

Quotation   "Better to fight for something than live for nothing."
First Appearance   Miss America #181, 1969
Real Name   Hilary Watson
Identity   Secret ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Fume Troopers
Base Of Operations   Earth
Range Of Operations   Global
Origin   Equipped
Archetype   Sword


Age   27 Nationality   Canadian
Height   5' 6" Hair   Brown
Weight   115 lbs. Eyes   Brown
Gender   Cis Female Sexuality   Homosexual

When in civilian attire, Miasma is a fit, attractive woman with brown skin and close-cropped brown hair. However, few people outside of her Fume Troopers have seen her in civilian attire. When on a mission, Miasma wears a PVC trenchcoat over a close-fitting black jumpsuit, combat boots, gloves, full-face gas mask, and a wig of long, curly red hair, thus completely concealing her Black Canadian heritage.


Brawn 3
Agility 3
Reason 4
Perception 3
Willpower 3
Prowess 4
Accuracy 4

Endurance: 6
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 43
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Common Sense
  • Connected
  • Headquarters
  • Master Plan
  • Minions
  • Team Player
  • Vehicles


  • Athletics
  • Combat
    • Grenades +3
  • Deception
  • Manipulation
    • Leadership +3
  • Stealth
  • Survival
    • Tactics +3


Invulnerability 6
Trenchcoat – Chemicals and corrosives only (-1)
Immunity 3
Gas mask and trenchcoat (Asphyxia, Pathogens, Poisons)
Super Senses 1
Special goggles permit seeing through smoke and fog (Other)


  • Heavy Tactical Vest
    • Invulnerability 3
  • Assault Rifle w/ Grenade Launcher
    • Blast 3, +1 Accuracy (fires multiple rounds at target)
  • M67 Fragmentation Grenade
    • Blast 5, Exploding
  • M7A2 CS Gas Grenade
    • Blast 5 + Blindness 5, Exploding (poison)
  • Mk 141 Stun Grenade
    • Blast 5, Exploding, Stunning
  • Knockout Gas Grenade
    • Blast 8, Exploding, Stunning (poison)
  • M18 Smoke Grenade
    • Blindness 2, Exploding (lasts 10 rounds)
  • M84 "Flash-Bang" Grenade
    • Blindness 4 + Blindness (vs. hearing) 4, Exploding
  • Radio


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   30 feet 60 feet 180 feet (20 mph)
Swim   6 feet 12 feet 36 feet (4 mph)
Jump   9 feet 9 feet 9 feet


Miasma is cool, tough, and professional, but she sometimes can't help taunting posthumans whom she has outfought or outsmarted.


  • Honor: The character believes that their worth is tied to their adherence to a code of conduct.
  • Vengeance: The character seeks revenge for some past wrong done to them or their loved ones.


  • Enemy: Miasma is considered an international terrorist by the USA (but not by Canada or most European countries).


The woman now known as Miasma was once a respected member of Joint Task Force 2, the elite special operations force of the Canadian Armed Forces. After being made the scapegoat for a successful mission that became a public relations embarrassment for the Canadian government, she was found guilty at her court-martial, stripped of her rank, and discharged from the military. Shortly afterward, a mercenary calling herself Miasma began offering her services to anyone who could meet her price. Favoring non-lethal munitions and gas grenades, Miasma and her Fume Troopers have established themselves as professionals who can get the job done quickly and efficiently, even in the face of posthuman opposition.

Powers and Abilities

Miasma is merely human, but she is a skilled combatant with the best military training, and she is an expert strategist. This is why she has expertise, which is extremely rare for villains and GMCs: Miasma is a human being who takes on posthumans and wins. Miasma also has access to cutting-edge personal armor and weaponry. The ballistic armor in her jumpsuit provides protection against most small arms, while her trenchcoat is resistant to most corrosives. Her gas mask allows her to breathe in any atmosphere which contains sufficient oxygen, and protects her from a wide spectrum of toxins and contaminants.

While she and her Fume Troopers carry firearms, they generally use grenades against posthumans. Among their preferred weapons are incendiary grenades, fragmentation grenades, CS gas grenades, knockout gas grenades, and "flash-bang" grenades.


Attributes 24 + Skills 3 + Advantages 7 + Powers 9 = 43 / 43

Miasma's Fume Trooper


A Fume Trooper wears a PVC trenchcoat over a close-fitting black jumpsuit, combat boots, gloves, and a full-face gas mask.


Brawn 2
Agility 2
Reason 2
Perception 2
Willpower 2
Prowess 3
Accuracy 3

Endurance: 4
Plot Points: 0

Character Points Spent: 25
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Athletics
  • Combat
  • Stealth
  • Survival


Invulnerability 6
Trenchcoat – Chemicals and corrosives only (-1)
Immunity 3
Gas mask and trenchcoat (Asphyxia, Pathogens, Poisons)
Super Senses 1
Special goggles permit seeing through smoke and fog (Other)


  • Heavy Tactical Vest
    • Invulnerability 3
  • Assault Rifle w/ Grenade Launcher
    • Blast 3, +1 Accuracy (fires multiple rounds at target)
  • M67 Fragmentation Grenade
    • Blast 5, Exploding
  • M7A2 CS Gas Grenade
    • Blast 5 + Blindness 5, Exploding (poison)
  • Mk 141 Stun Grenade
    • Blast 5, Exploding, Stunning
  • Knockout Gas Grenade
    • Blast 8, Exploding, Stunning (poison)
  • M18 Smoke Grenade
    • Blindness 2, Exploding (lasts 10 rounds)
  • M84 "Flash-Bang" Grenade
    • Blindness 4 + Blindness (vs. hearing) 4, Exploding
  • Radio


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   20 feet 40 feet 120 feet (14 mph)
Swim   4 feet 8 feet 24 feet (3 mph)
Jump   6 feet 6 feet 6 feet


Attributes 16 + Skills 0 + Advantages 0 + Powers 9 = 25 / 25


The Man Mountain

Quotation   "I think you should give up now."
First Appearance   Renegades #1, 1986
Real Name   Wayne Hill
Identity   Public ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Renegades
Base Of Operations   Los Angeles, CA, USA
Range Of Operations   Local/National with team
Origin   Altered
Archetype   Tank


Age   32 Nationality   American
Height   8' 6" Hair   Blonde
Weight   625 lbs. Eyes   Green
Gender   Cis Male Sexuality   Heterosexual

Monolith lives up to his name. At eight and a half feet tall, and extraordinarily muscled, he is an impressively massive individual. In contrast to his fearsome build, Monolith has a kind, boyish face. He doesn’t have a set uniform other than having a stylized “M” on his shirts. In all kinds of weather he typically wears a white tank top or t-shirt, weight lifting gloves, jeans, and specially-made high-top sneakers or combat boots.


Brawn 8
Agility 3
Reason 2
Perception 6
Willpower 5
Prowess 5
Accuracy 2

Endurance: 13
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 64
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Common Sense
  • Connected
  • Headquarters
  • Team Player


  • Athletics
    • Throwing +3
  • Combat
    • Grappling +3
  • Culture
    • Popular Media +3
  • Manipulation


Attribute Invulnerability 6
Communication 1
Renegades headset (Radio)
Immunity 7
(Asphyxia, Exposure (Cold), Exposure (Heat), Pathogens, Poisons, Pressure, Vacuum)
Invulnerability 8
Super-jumping 4


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   30 feet 60 feet 180 feet (20 mph)
Swim   6 feet 12 feet 36 feet (4 mph)
Jump   1,600 feet 3,200 feet 2 miles (1,000 mph)


Monolith is good-natured and easy going, but he takes his responsibilities as a role model seriously. He volunteers for many children’s charities and lends his name and likeness to fund raising campaigns. People who spend time with Monolith are surprised that he is, in spite of his fame and his enormous size, just a regular guy who likes sports, movies, and popular music. He is also a talented public speaker who connects with audiences through stories about his superhero exploits, anecdotes about the difficulties he has due to his size and weight, and self-deprecating humor.


  • Justice : Le personnage cherche à s'assurer que les forfaits de toutes natures sont punis de sanctions appropriées.
  • Protection : Le personnage veut protéger les autres, particulièrement les innocents et les indigents.


  • Enemy: Monolith has made many enemies, but Cesspool is the most vile and persistent.
  • Uncontrolled Power: Monolith's size and weight make it impossible for him to have a normal life.


Wayne Hill was born in an abandoned worksite trailer deep in the backwoods of Oklahoma. His parents had committed a series of armed robberies crossing three states and were hiding from the FBI and state authorities. The trailer was left behind after an industrial company dumped experimental toxic chemicals at the site. The chemicals dramatically altered Wayne's physiology while he was in the womb. Due to Wayne's size and the absence of medical care, his mother died in childbirth. Wayne's father never forgave him, and the boy's early years were marked by abuse and neglect. When he was 10 years old, his father was killed in a shoot-out with authorities, so Wayne became a ward of the court and was placed in a federal orphanage for "special" children.

As Wayne grew to maturity, he vowed to use his special abilities to help the less fortunate and downtrodden. When he turned 18, Wayne took the superhero name Monolith, moved to Los Angeles, joined the Renegades (a state-sponsored team of posthumans), and became sanctioned by the state of California as a state police officer. When not fighting evil, he makes frequent charity campaign appearances, especially for organizations that help children.

Powers and Abilities

Monolith is strong enough to lift locomotives and punch through all but the most resilient synthetic materials, and he is tough enough to withstand an attack from any conventional weapon. He can survive in nearly any environment, and his posthuman biology is immune to virtually all toxins and diseases. Monolith's speed and agility are greater than his size might lead one to assume, but still well within human norms. However, his massive leg muscles allow him to jump extraordinary distances: his longest measured leap is well over two miles.


Attributes 31 + Skills 3 + Advantages 4 + Powers 26 = 64 / 64

Noble Glaucus

Warlord of Lemuria

Noble Glaucus
Quotation   "The race of man is as the race of leaves."
First Appearance   Phalanx #33, 1964
Real Name  
Identity   Public ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Lemuria
Base Of Operations   Lemuria
Range Of Operations   Global
Origin   Alien
Archetype   Sword


Age   312 Nationality   Lemurian
Height   6’ 8” Hair   None
Weight   410 lbs. Eyes   Yellow
Gender   Cis Male Sexuality   Heterosexual

Noble Laucus is a Lemurian. He is a tall, muscular humanoid with blue skin and spiny fins growing from his head. He typically wears gold bands on his arms and around his neck, and metallic blue briefs.


Brawn 7
Agility 6
Reason 4
Perception 5
Willpower 7
Prowess 7
Accuracy 6

Endurance: 14
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 74
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Animal Empathy
  • Minions


  • Athletics
  • Combat
  • Science
  • Survival


Immunity 2
Breathes water rather than air (Exposure (Cold), Pressure)
Invulnerability 8
Super-swimming 4
Sea Creatures Control (Animal Control) 4
Trident of Critias
Water Mastery ([Element] Mastery) 4
Trident of Critias


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   60 feet 120 feet 360 feet (41 mph)
Swim   1,600 feet 3,200 feet 2 miles (1,000 mph)
Jump   21 feet 21 feet 21 feet


Noble Glaucus is arrogant and angry, but he is not malicious. He fervently believes that his people, the Lemurians, have suffered at the hands of the Atlanteans and the surface dwellers, and that the future of Lemuria depends on conquering or eliminating these threats to Lemurian sovereignty.


  • Nobility: The character was born to rule and command the respect of their lessers.
  • Vengeance: The character seeks revenge for some past wrong done to them or their loved ones.


  • Vulnerability: Noble Glaucus is not amphibious. He will suffocate in open air.


Noble Glaucus was born to a noble Lemurian family in the early 1700s. From an early age, he has fought against the predations of the surface world and the Atlanteans.

Powers and Abilities

Like all Lemurians, Noble Glaucus is stronger and much tougher than surface dwellers, and he can survive at the deepest depths of the ocean. Unlike typical Lemurians, Noble Glaucus also carries the Trident of Critias, which grants him control over sea creatures and command over the seas themselves.


Attributes 42 + Skills 0 + Advantages 2 + Powers 30 = 74 / 74


Tortured psychic on the run

Quotation   "Stop thinking at me!"
First Appearance   Forgotten Tales #19, 2001
Real Name   Ryan Joseph Beisley
Identity   Secret ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Solo
Base Of Operations   Portland, OR, USA
Range Of Operations   National
Origin   Gifted
Archetype   Mirror


Age   36 Nationality   American
Height   6’ 3” Hair   Blonde
Weight   185 lbs. Eyes   Grey
Gender   Cis Male Sexuality   Homosexual

Scanner usually wears a black suit and tie. He seems uncomfortable at the best of times, and nervous or irritable the rest of the time.


Brawn 1
Agility 2
Reason 5
Perception 6
Willpower 9
Prowess 2
Accuracy 2

Endurance: 10
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 61
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Unsettling


  • Combat
    • Danger Sense +3
    • Distracting +3
    • Mind Blast +3
    • Telepathy +3
  • Culture
  • Deception
    • Lying +3
  • Investigation
  • Medicine
  • Social
    • Streetwise +3


Scanner Psychique [Ultra-power] 9

Scanner Psychique

Communication 1
Explosive (+1) (Mind Link)
Danger Sense 9
Mind Blast 9
Mind Hold 4
Mind Shield 4
Telekinesis 1
Telepathy 8
Explosive (+1)


  • “Burner” Cell Phone
  • Multi-tool


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   20 feet 40 feet 120 feet (14 mph)
Swim   4 feet 8 feet 24 feet (3 mph)
Jump   3 feet 3 feet 3 feet


Scanner is uncomfortable around other people, and prefers to be alone. He isn’t deliberately unpleasant, but he finds the dichotomy between what other people think and what they say almost physically painful. He is more likely to reply to what people are thinking at him rather than to what they have said. Most of the time, this makes his behaviour socially unacceptable.


  • Rebellion: The character doesn't fit into the larger society.
  • Individualism: The character believes that the rights of the individual hold the highest moral value.


  • Uncontrolled Power: Scanner is unable to completely block out the thoughts of those around him.


Ryan never fit in with the other children. He always seemed strange and aloof, and he seemed to like it that way. It was not until he was in his early teens that his telepathic abilities began to surface. Disturbed by the “voices” Ryan said he heard, his parents had him committed to a mental institution for treatment. He was freed from this institution a decade later when two posthumans broke into the facility to rescue another patient. Since then, Scanner has been on the run and on his own.

Powers and Abilities

Scanner is one of the most powerful telepaths on earth. He also has a variety of other mental abilities, but these are not as potent as his telepathic abilities. Unfortunately, he does not have complete control over his telepathy. He is unable to completely screen out others’ thoughts, making it uncomfortable for him to be near crowds.


Attributes 27 + Skills 6 + Advantages 1 + Powers 27 = 61 / 61


Aspect of the Storm

Quotation   "Awful lot of weather we've been having here lately."
First Appearance   Legacies #4, 2011
Real Name   Alvin Craney
Identity   Secret ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Justifiers
Base Of Operations   Phoenix, AZ, USA
Range Of Operations   National/Interplanetary with team
Origin   Aspect
Archetype   Elemental


Age   27 Nationality   American
Height   5’ 4” Hair   Brown
Weight   110 lbs. Eyes   Brown
Gender   Cis Male Sexuality   Heterosexual

Alvin's grandparents immigrated to the USA from Bogatá, Columbia. Even though he is second-generation American, Alvin is fluent in Spanish and has a slight Spanish accent. He's a small, lean man, at times either feisty or self-deprecating, as the mood strikes him. He's shy around women, who typically describe him as "cute and funny".


Brawn 3
Agility 6
Reason 3
Perception 4
Willpower 4
Prowess 3
Accuracy 6

Endurance: 7
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 70
Unspent Experience: 0



  • Combat
    • Aerial Combat +3
  • Computing
  • Culture
    • Popular Media +3
  • Science
    • Meteorology +3


Damaging Aura 1
Static electricity
Flight 5
Wind; Radius Effect (+1)
Immunity 2
(Exposure (Cold), Exposure (Heat))
Weather Control ([Element] Mastery) 8


  • Cell Phone


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   60 feet 120 feet 360 feet (41 mph)
Swim   12 feet 24 feet 72 feet (8 mph)
Jump   9 feet 9 feet 9 feet
Fly   1 mile 2 miles 6 miles (4,000 mph)


Alvin is socially awkward, a bit naïve, and speaks with a lisp. He's filled with self-doubt about his role as Aspect of the Storm, partly because he's never been good at anything in his whole life, and partly because he doesn't really understand his own powers. He can be temperamental and unwilling to cooperate with people if he thinks they are ignoring him or are condescending.


  • Protection: The character wants to protect others, particularly the innocent and the helpless.
  • Responsibility: The character is burdened by the responsibility of their powers.



Alvin Craney was a clerk at the Phoenix Airport weather monitoring station when Paragon killed Thunderbird. When Thunderbird died, an enormous storm-eagle appeared in the sky and Thunderbird's powers were passed to Alvin.

Alvin was raised in Phoenix by Carmen, his grandmother. He lives alone in a small apartment with his cat, Mr. Salad. Carmen watches Mr. Salad when Alvin is away.

Powers and Abilities

As Aspect of the Storm, Alvin has direct control over the atmosphere over an enormous area. He can control the winds, make it rain or snow, summon lightning, and make the air hot or cold.


Attributes 29 + Skills 3 + Advantages 0 + Powers 38 = 70 / 70


The Iron Lich

Quotation   "You interfere with my plans at your peril."
First Appearance   Phalanx #5, 1962
Real Name   Grand Duke Albert Thornmallow
Identity   Public ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Solo
Base Of Operations   Grand Duchy of Ventimiglia
Range Of Operations   Local
Origin   Engineered
Archetype   Calculator


Age   248 Nationality   Scottish
Height   11’ 6” Hair   None
Weight   3500 lbs. Eyes   None
Gender   Neuter Sexuality   Asexual

Thornmallow long ago cast aside most of his flesh and the weaknesses to which it is heir, replacing it with a metal body of his own design. He has had several such bodies, improving the design each time. His current body is a metal colossus almost twelve feet tall, weighing roughly 3,500 pounds. Thornmallow's metal shell is fueled by necromancy and diesel fuel; an exhaust pipe rises from each shoulder, and black, foul-smelling smoke billows from these pipes whenever Thornmallow physically exerts himself. In lieu of a head, the metal body has a thick round window in its chest, behind which is a noxious fog or liquid which glows with a sickly yellow light. Floating in this yellow miasma is the skull and a few withered organs of Albert Thornmallow: all that remains of his original human body.


Brawn 7
Agility 2
Reason 5
Perception 3
Willpower 6
Prowess 3
Accuracy 8

Endurance: 13
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 118
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Connected
  • Headquarters
  • Linguist
  • Master Plan
  • Minions
  • Unsettling
  • Wealthy


  • Combat
    • Arcane Combat +3
  • Culture
    • Occult History +3
  • Deception
  • Engineering
  • Manipulation
  • Medicine
  • Science
    • Biology +3
    • Chemistry +3
    • Metallurgy +3
    • Parapsychology +3
    • Physics +3
    • Robotics +3
  • Social


Great Key ([Element] Mastery) 9
Dimensional Mastery (Dimensional Travel, Teleportation, Transformation Rays)
Immortality 2
Immunity 10
(Full -- all effects)
Invulnerability 7
Occult Science [Ultra-power] 4
Soulfire (Blast) 8
Hard radiation and necromancy
Super Senses 3
Detect Life (360° Vision, Detect [Element], X-ray Vision)

Occult Science

Attack Reflection 4
Barrier 4
Damaging Aura 4
Illusion 4
Object Animation 4
Power Suppression 4
Telekinesis 4


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   20 feet 40 feet 120 feet (14 mph)
Swim   -- -- --
Jump   -- -- --


Thornmallow is as patient as death and as vindictive as an ex-lover. He never forgets, and he never forgives, no matter how small the insult. However, he rarely indulges himself in feuds or rivalries, deeming them to be a distraction from his research. Thornmallow is content to bank the fires of his hatred and take his revenge when it is most efficient. However, he is not without virtues. Thornmallow respects those whose passion for knowledge mirrors his own, and he even displays a grim sense of humor on occasion. He does not allow these traits to interfere with his goals, of course.


  • Exploration: The character lives to seek out new places and new ideas.
  • Nobility: The character was born to rule and command the respect of their lessers.


  • Gruesome: Thornmallow is an arcano-mechanical horror.
  • Vulnerability: Thornmallow’s massive body is incapable of swimming or jumping.


Albert Thornmallow was born in Scotland in the year 1765. A brilliant child, he excelled in his studies but was never well liked by his tutors or his classmates. As he grew older, Albert made few friends, and he preferred it that way: Albert was much happier in the company of such luminaries as Paracelsus and Albert's namesake, Albertus Magnus, whose works he pored over until the early dawn, cursing the weakness of his body that it required sleep. Albert continued to be fascinated by both the natural sciences and the supernatural, reading voraciously and studying the work of every great thinker he could discover. And yet, for all his genius, Thornmallow was unable to reconcile the arcane secrets of the ancients with the natural philosophy of his time. He felt, nay, he KNEW, that the ultimate secrets of life and death were almost within his grasp, but they continued to elude him. Had it not been for two exceptional events, Albert Thornmallow may have lived and died as a brilliant but unloved man.

The first exceptional event was the work of Antoine Laurent Lavoisier, who overthrew the phlogiston theory and replaced it with an atomic theory of matter based on identifiable elements that make up the air, water, organic material (earth), and fire. Lavoisier's work in chemistry in the late 18th century shook the foundations of all the physical sciences, including biology. They shook Thornmallow, as well. With the revelations of Lavoisier at his disposal, Thornmallow could combine his arcane research with modern science. The building blocks of life, of matter, of the universe itself were finally subject to his control. He could rework the fabric of reality, the weak and fragile fabric of life, according to a better design -- his design -- if only he had the funding. Unfortunately for Thornmallow, what small fortune his parents possessed had funded his early education. By the time Albert had graduated from the University of Ingolstadt, where he had made much use of the best anatomy theater in Europe, his parents were both dead, and Albert's funds were exhausted.

A second exceptional event was to rescue Albert from obscurity. During a festive May Day celebration in the spring of 1792, the entire royal family of the small Eastern European country of Ventimiglia were all killed in a bizarre photography accident. The last living relative in the line of succession was none other than Albert Thornmallow. Albert ascended to the throne of Ventimiglia in the winter of 1792, and has held it ever since. Finally, Albert had the resources at his command to fulfill his ambitions. Over the next hundred years, he delved into the secrets of life, and of death, mastering numerous sciences arcane and mundane along the way, but always returning to his passions: biology and necromancy.

The Grand Duchy of Ventimiglia is a small, mountainous country bordered by Germany and the Czech Republic, with a population of just over 70,000 people, and a land area occupying roughly 470 square kilometers. Thornmallow is a gifted warlock and a brilliant scientist, but a mediocre ruler; Ventimiglia's fortunes have been mixed under his rule. While he successfully kept Ventimiglia out of the entanglements of the World Wars, it was at the cost of a Soviet occupation lasting nearly 70 years. Thornmallow did not care: he allowed the Soviets to handle the drudgery of administrating his country while he occupied himself with his studies. The years since the Soviet withdrawal have been difficult for Ventimiglia, requiring Thornmallow to take a more active role in its governance. He has overseen the creation of an elected Parliament, and has drafted a Constitution granting the Ventimiglian Parliament specific and carefully circumscribed authority (reserving all other powers to himself).

Thornmallow rarely engages posthumans directly, doing his best to avoid them unless their destruction is actually his goal. Thornmallow is viciously vindictive, and will hold grudges for generations. However, Thornmallow considers it a waste of his time to make a special trip simply to settle an old grudge. Any appearance he makes will certainly have some other purpose.

Thornmallow's primary motivation is the accumulation of knowledge. To this end, he conducts bizarre experiments and collects rare artifacts and tomes. He does not usually allow the matter of an artifact's current ownership to interfere in this acquisition. A secondary motivation for Thornmallow is his own longevity. He has every intention of living forever, in one form or another, and would certainly investigate any scientific or arcane discovery which might extend his already considerably-extended lifespan.

Powers and Abilities

The enchanted metal colossus which serves as Thornmallow's body is strong enough to lift around 30 tons, and is virtually indestructible. In addition to his merely physical strength, Thornmallow is one of the most skilled occult scientists on earth. Although he is capable of potent and varied effects, most of these require significant preparation and equipment. In the press of combat, his options are as varied but somewhat limited in power. In his subterranean laboratory, however, there is very little which is beyond his power to accomplish.

Thornmallow also carries a massive staff which resembles a double-bladed spear, called the Great Key, which allows him to control the arcanowave vibrations of reality itself. Thornmallow has created several Great Keys, each more powerful and more massive than the last. His current Great Key weighs approximately 800 kilograms, and is capable of opening dimensional portals, creating powerful barriers, and absorbing a variety of natural and magical energies, in addition to other effects. Most of the effects of the Great Key are activated by Thornmallow slamming its base against the ground. At need, Thornmallow can also wield the Great Key as a blunt instrument in combat, but he rarely engages in combat directly, preferring to observe a battle and aid his allies indirectly or through the medium of summoned creatures or arcano-mechanical horrors like himself. Even when on an otherwise peaceful errand, Thornmallow is always attended by two or three of his hellhounds: massive armor-plated wolves with steam-driven steel jaws. If pressed into physical combat himself, Thornmallow is likely to use the Great Key to escape at the first opportunity.


Attributes 34 + Skills 8 + Advantages 7 + Powers 69 = 118 / 118


The Master Of Time

Quotation   "Repent, harlequins!"
First Appearance   Astonishing Outsiders #281, 1991
Real Name   Gerald Gearman
Identity   Public ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Solo
Base Of Operations   New Orleans, LA, USA
Range Of Operations   National
Origin   Equipped
Archetype   Elemental


Age   47 Nationality   American
Height   5’ 10” Hair   Brown
Weight   180 lbs. Eyes   Brown
Gender   Cis Male Sexuality   Heterosexual

Ticktockman wears a dark jumpsuit with a large mechanical clock face on the chest, and heavy boots and gloves. When his time belt is active, the clock hands spin furiously, and his outline and features appear blurry and indistinct. When stealing, Ticktockman prefers to get in and get out in the most efficient manner possible. When acting to punish wastrels and the inefficient, he takes more time in order to ensure that his message has been received and understood.


Brawn 2
Agility 4
Reason 3
Perception 3
Willpower 2
Prowess 8
Accuracy 4

Ticktockman’s Agility, Prowess, and Accuracy are rank 2 when his time belt is inactive.

Endurance: 4
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 60
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Master Plan
  • Minions
  • Mental Calculator


  • Combat
  • Computing
  • Engineering
    • Temporal +3
  • Investigation
  • Legerdemain
    • Sleight Of Hand +3
  • Science
    • Physics +3
  • Social
    • Efficiency +3


Communication 1
Danger Sense 3
Probability prediction
Force Field 5
Force field generator
Time Mastery [Ultra-power] 6
Time control belt

Time Mastery

Extra Attacks 6
Intangibility 6
“Out of phase” with the timestream
Regeneration 6
Strike 6
Super-running 6
Super-speed 6
Time Control 6


  • Cell Phone
  • Tablet


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   5 miles 10 miles 30 miles (20,000 mph)
Swim   8 feet 16 feet 48 feet (5 mph)
Jump   6 feet 6 feet 6 feet


Ticktockman rarely commits crimes simply for the money. He usually is either making a point by disrupting the activities of people who are wasting time frivolously, or he is stealing some piece of technology required for his research. When he is acting to punish those who waste time and impede efficiency, he often stops to make a speech, condemning wasteful activities. He begins such speeches with the command, "Repent, harlequins!"


  • Control: The character detests the chaos of human society, and seeks to impose order.
  • Glory: The character wants fame and acknowledgment of their greatness.



Gerald Gearman was a time and motion studies expert, working to increase the efficiency of business processes for his clients. Gearman was also a science fiction fan and closet inventor, who had spent the last several decades working on a device to enhance human efficiency by altering the flow of time around the body in the same way that the warp engine of the Enterprise permits the ship to exceed the speed of light on Star Trek. Surprisingly, Gearman succeeded, and his invention worked. However, when he tried to get business leaders to look at his invention and evaluate it for inclusion in their processes, people laughed at him and assumed he was a crackpot.

Determined to prove that his time belt could increase the efficiency of business processes, Gearman began appearing in public places and demonstrating his ability to stack boxes, sort forms, and perform other business related tasks. To his surprise, he was accused of being a vandal and of being disruptive, the exact opposite of what he wanted to achieve. Bitter and angry, Gearman adopted the identity of Ticktockman, and began attacking organizations that he deems inefficient and short-sighted. A frequent target of his attacks has been Zanni’s casino: with its Mardi Gras theme and focus on leisure, Gearman believes that Zanni's embodies everything that he opposes.

Powers and Abilities

Ticktockman can generate and control time-manipulation fields. This allows him to move more quickly than his surroundings, punch with staggering speed, or even appear to become insubstantial. He also has a team of professional mercenaries who are equipped with gear similar to (but not as advanced as) his own, which he calls his “Minutemen”.


Attributes 26 + Skills 4 + Advantages 3 + Powers 27 = 60 / 60

Ticktockman's Minuteman

Origin   Equipped
Archetype   Pawn


A Minuteman wears a dark jumpsuit with a large mechanical clock face on the chest, and heavy boots and gloves. When his time belt is active, the clock hands spin furiously, and his outline and features appear blurry and indistinct.


Brawn 2
Agility 2
Reason 2
Perception 2
Willpower 2
Prowess 3
Accuracy 3

Endurance: 4
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 28
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Athletics
  • Combat
  • Stealth
  • Survival


Force Field 3
Strike 3
Super-running 3
Super-speed 3


  • Cell Phone
  • Radio


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   400 feet 800 feet 2,400 feet (300 mph)
Swim   4 feet 8 feet 24 feet (3 mph)
Jump   6 feet 6 feet 6 feet


Attributes 16 + Skills 0 + Advantages 0 + Powers 12 = 28 / 28


Stone-fleshed scientist whose heart burns for revenge

Quotation   "You should not have interfered."
First Appearance   Mongoose #121, 1959
Real Name   Bernard Vulcan
Identity   Public ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Solo
Base Of Operations   Chicago, IL, USA
Range Of Operations   National
Origin   Altered
Archetype   Elemental


Age   52 Nationality   American
Height   6’ 7” Hair   Grey
Weight   480 lbs. Eyes   Grey
Gender   Cis Male Sexuality   Heterosexual

The only part of Vulcan's body not covered by his armor his is head. He is gaunt, with a square jaw, broad forehead, and close-cropped hair. His skin, eyes, and hair are normally all grey and rough, with an appearance not unlike granite, but the lasers in his suit's collar bathe his head in intense heat, making it glow like molten magma, and making the air around his head shimmer. His armor is rigid and bulky, having the appearance of a space suit or diving suit, with smooth areas around his limbs and torso, and pleated sections at the elbows, hips, and knees. Most of the armor is a deep red, almost black.


Brawn 6
Agility 3
Reason 6
Perception 3
Willpower 5
Prowess 3
Accuracy 6

At room temperature, without his armor, Vulcan is nearly immobile.

Endurance: 11
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 80
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Master Plan
  • Minions


  • Combat
    • Heat Ray Gun +3
  • Computing
  • Engineering
  • Investigation
  • Medicine
  • Science


Invulnerability 10
Environment suit (without his armor, Vulcan has Rank 6 Invulnerability)
Heat Ray Gun [Ultra-power] 8
Immortality 1
Immunity 10
(Full -- all effects)
Heat Ray Gun
Barrier 8
(Melted metal, stone, and concrete)
Blast 8
Blast 7
Explosive (+1)
Blindness 8
Blindness 7
Mass Blindness (+1)


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   30 feet 60 feet 180 feet (20 mph)
Swim   6 feet 12 feet 36 feet (4 mph)
Jump   18 feet 18 feet 18 feet


Vulcan believes that he has lost everything that he loved and that once made him human. He no longer values, or believes that he feels, such human emotions as pity, or regret, or compassion. In fact, he feels all of these things, but he suppresses these feelings as part of his mechanism for coping with the pain at the loss of his daughter. He will make a point of being merciless and ruthlessly logical as part of his emotional defenses against his pain.

Vulcan plans obsessively, analyzing each possible obstacle and formulating a counter to it. When faced with what he expected, he is efficient and precise in his response. When faced with the unexpected, he reacts by using the most direct means at his disposal: typically, his heat ray gun. He does not respond gracefully to the unexpected.

  • Vengeance: The character seeks revenge for some past wrong done to them or their loved ones.
  • Anger: The character is driven to overcome challenges and exceed their limits.
  • Gruesome: Vulcan is incapable of passing for a normal person.
  • Vulnerability: At room temperature, without his armor, Vulcan is nearly immobile.


Bernard Vulcan was a biomedical engineer at Panco Medical Technologies, where his primary field of expertise was lasers. He was successful and reasonably happy with his daughter Elizabeth, whom he raised by himself after his wife died from complications during Elizabeth's birth. When Elizabeth was 14, she was diagnosed with an inoperable cancer of the brain stem. After consulting with every expert money could buy, Bernard was told that the available technology made surgery impossible, and Elizabeth's recovery unlikely. She would be dead within months. After that, Bernard focused every hour on research, trying to invent a new type of surgical tool which would enable doctors to operate on Elizabeth and save her life.

He created a laser so precise that it could vaporize individual cells, and a process which would crystallize human tissue so that the cells would be safely immobilized during the surgery. Unfortunately, while testing the crystallization process, he was interrupted by William Dees, CEO of Panco, who had terminated Vulcan’s research funding weeks weeks before. A struggle ensued, and Dees shoved Vulcan backward into a rack of equipment and volatile chemicals. The research facility was destroyed, and Vulcan's flesh was turned to stone. Later, he created an armored suit which bathed his stony flesh with enough heat to grant him near-normal mobility. Thus enabled, he began plotting his revenge.

Powers and Abilities

Vulcan’s crystallized body is immune to virtually all environmental hazards, and he may in fact be immortal. In addition to heating up his tissues enough to be flexible, Vulcan’s suit provides him with nearly impenetrable armor. He carries a heat ray gun of his own design, which is capable of melting through metal and stone as if they were butter.


Attributes 32 + Skills 1 + Advantages 2 + Powers 45 = 80 / 80


Super-strong web-spinning acrobat

Quotation   "Consider yourself lucky. I could have done much worse than web you to a streetlight."
First Appearance   Shadow Watch #3, 1986
Real Name   Charlotte McCoy
Identity   Secret ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Shadow Watch
Base Of Operations   Chicago, IL, USA
Range Of Operations   Local/National with team
Origin   Alien
Archetype   Sword


Age   24 Nationality   American
Height   5’ 8” Hair   White (Brown)
Weight   148 lbs. Eyes   White (Blue)
Gender   Cis Female Sexuality   Heterosexual

Widow is an athletic young woman with long brown hair. In her guise as Widow, her entire body is covered by a thin layer of extraterrestrial nanotechnological goo. The goo can take on any color or texture, but because of the neuroses of the previous wearer of the goo, it now tends to display itself in ways that represent spiders. Because of the symbiotic nature of the entity, Charlotte is always wearing it, even when in street clothes. At these times, it takes on the color and texture of underpants.


Brawn 6
Agility 7
Reason 4
Perception 4
Willpower 4
Prowess 6
Accuracy 6

Endurance: 10
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 60
Unspent Experience: 0


  • Quick Change


  • Athletics
    • Gymnastics +3
  • Combat
    • Dodging +3
    • Hold +3
  • Computing
  • Culture
  • Investigation
    • Analyzing Evidence +3
  • Science


Clinging 2
Communication 1
No range – must touch (-1) (Computers)
Communication 1
Flight 2
Swinging (-1)
Hold 6
Exposed (-1); rank 5 first round, rank 6 thereafter
Immunity 3
Able to survive in space (Asphyxia, Exposure (Cold), Vacuum)
Invulnerability 3


  • Commlink
  • Covert Tracking Device


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   70 feet 140 feet 420 feet (48 mph)
Swim   14 feet 28 feet 84 feet (10 mph)
Jump   18 feet 18 feet 18 feet
Fly   100 feet 200 feet 600 feet (70 mph)


Charlotte is smart and outgoing, and she loves helping people. Charlotte enjoys being Widow because it gives her opportunities to be adventurous while making the world a better place.


  • Enthusiasm: The character is reckless and enthusiastic, and may be young and naive.
  • Justice: The character seeks to ensure that misdeeds are met with appropriate punishment.


  • Enemy: Charlotte may be mistaken for the infamous Scarlet Spider.


Charlotte McCoy is the daughter of Jonathan McCoy and Wendy McCoy, of Oak Brook, Illinois (a suburb of Chicago, Illinois). Charlotte has an older brother, Jacob, whom she has always idolized.

When Jacob focused on the natural sciences and physics at university, Charlotte focused on chemistry and forensic science. When he had a life-changing experience and began to participate in "extreme sports", so did she. Charlotte wasn't in competition with him: he was her role model.

With "extreme sports" come extreme risks, and after a particularly bad fall during a freestyle motocross competition, Charlotte found herself in the hospital with a mild concussion and several broken bones. As luck would have it, she was being wheeled into the emergency room at the same time as a local photographer, Carson Cross (ex-husband of the famous model and actress, Mary-Elizabeth Bell), who'd suffered a gunshot injury. What no one knew was that Carson Cross was in fact the infamous Scarlet Spider.

As Cross died, the extraterrestrial nanotechnological goo that granted Cross his Scarlet Spider powers sought a new host. Charlotte was the nearest candidate. Frightened and confused, both Charlotte and the entity fled the hospital. Later, authorities theorized that the Scarlet Spider had attacked and kidnapped Charlotte for reasons unknown. The Scarlet Spider had a history of irrational behaviour, so this was a reasonable deduction, given the facts available.

Eventually, Charlotte and the entity came to an understanding. She learned that the entity was designed by an alien race as a protective covering for space exploration, and that its original host had perished many years ago. She sensed a great relief that it had finally found a human host not plagued by insecurity and depression. For her part, Charlotte was excited when she realized that she would have the powers of the Scarlet Spider: strength, speed, and resistance to harm.

Powers and Abilities

The entity that gives Widow her powers provides her superhuman strength and speed. It allows her to cling to surfaces at will, and it provides her with protection equivalent to a bullet-resistant vest. The entity is able to excrete thin adhesive strands (originally intended as safety lines during space travel), which Widow can use to swing through the city like Tarzan, or to engulf and restrain her opponents. The entity can listen and respond on radio frequencies, and Widow uses this ability in conjunction with micro-transmitters to track and follow persons of interest. The entity can also act as a computer interface, allowing Widow to mentally access computers by touching them.


Attributes 37 + Skills 4 + Advantages 1 + Powers 18 = 60 / 60

Zero K

Living heat sink

Zero K
Quotation   "Oh, you’re in trouble now."
First Appearance   Justifiers CSI #12, 1988
Real Name   Kestrel Thomas
Identity   Secret ID
Player   NPC
Team Affiliation   Solo
Base Of Operations   New Orleans, LA, USA
Range Of Operations   Local
Origin   Gifted
Archetype   Elemental


Age   17 Nationality   American
Height   5’ 3” Hair   Black
Weight   117 lbs. Eyes   Brown
Gender   Cis Female Sexuality   Heterosexual

Kestrel is an athletic young African-American woman. She changes her “Zero K” disguise periodically; the most recent version is a white and blue body stocking with a white utility belt and and goggles.


Brawn 3
Agility 4
Reason 2
Perception 2
Willpower 3
Prowess 3
Accuracy 3

Endurance: 6
Plot Points: 1

Character Points Spent: 60
Unspent Experience: 0



  • Athletics
    • Gymnastics +3
  • Combat
  • Culture
  • Social
  • Stealth


Fire Absorption (Absorption) 7
Cold Control ([Element] Mastery) 8
Heat Resistance ([Element] Resistance) 6
Immunity 1
(Exposure (Heat))
Super Senses 1
(Infrared Vision)


  • Club
    • Strike 1
  • Knife
    • Strike 1
  • Pepper Spray
    • Blast 1 + Blindness 2 (poison)
  • Binoculars
  • Mini-flashlight
  • Smartphone


  Base Move     Double Move     All-out Move  
Run   40 feet 80 feet 240 feet (27 mph)
Swim   8 feet 16 feet 48 feet (5 mph)
Jump   9 feet 9 feet 9 feet


Kestrel is defiant and independent, and can come across as abrasive. She demands respect, and she has little patience with people who fail to give it to her. The mistakes she made when she was younger motivate her to go overboard and prove that she is a good person who can be trusted, but secretly she fears that is not worthy of that trust.

She does not make “ice” puns.


  • Guilt: The character is driven by a desire for redemption from sins from their past.
  • Responsibility: The character is burdened by the responsibility of their powers.


  • Vulnerability: Zero K's powers do not work in extreme cold.


Kestrel was a gifted gymnast who was invited to take part in the USA Gymnastics Women's National Team Training Camp. Unfortunately, when she and another girl were trying to break into a snack machine, Kestrel’s heat-absorption powers manifested, injuring the other girl. Kestrel was sent home to New Orleans in disgrace. Back home, she soon fell in with a bad crowd. It was during a robbery that went horribly wrong that Kestrel’s heat-absorption powers manifested again. Kestrel instinctively used her powers against her best friend in order to save a shopkeeper’s life. Kestrel and the rest of her gang fled; Kestrel assumed that she had somehow killed her friend. She swore from that day that she would use her powers responsibly, and make up for the harm she had caused.

Powers and Abilities

Zero K is capable of draining the heat from the world around her, at a maximum range of several miles. She can selectively drain the heat from the atmosphere or her opponents, resulting in a variety of cold-based effects: a rain of razor-sharp icicles, an obscuring snowstorm, a wall of ice, and so on. She is virtually immune to any heat-based attacks, but her powers are dependent on there being existing heat for her to absorb: the colder the ambient temperature is (not including effects that she herself creates), the less potent her powers are.


Attributes 20 + Skills 1 + Advantages 0 + Powers 39 = 60 / 60