VERS:Social Advantages
VERS -> Book I - Player Rules -> What They Can Do -> Advantages -> VERS:Social Advantages
Social Advantages | ||
Advantage | Description | CP |
Attractive | Have exceptional looks | 1 |
Aura of Command | Gain bonuses when leading | 4 |
Companion | A friend or servant to help you | 5* |
Contact | An informant or other with favors | 3* |
Empathetic | Build emotional bonds easily | 1 |
Fearless | Resist fear more easily | 2 |
Hideous | Have exceptionally horrible looks | 1 |
Membership | Belong to a special group | 3 |
Reputation | People know your name and deeds | 1* |
The following advantages hone and improve a character’s social mobility, from small perks like favors or being a member of an organization of one type or another to major things like a companion who will travel with the character.
Something about a character with the Attractive advantage is exceptionally interesting to those attracted to those of the character’s gender. Maybe it’s his voice, his hair, or his physique, but whatever it is, the character gets a +2 to Influence rolls with potentially interested NPCs. Being attractive has its drawbacks, however, and those who see you remember you, whether they were interested or not. The Attractive advantage costs 1 CP.
Aura of Command
Some people have a knack for command. People just automatically comply with their orders, even those who might not normally, such as rebellious recruits or even townspeople not involved in the military. Aura of Command is that certain something, and grants the character a +2 bonus on Leadership rolls as well as any other social interactions that the GM approves. Aura of Command costs 4 CP.
Companion gives the character an allied NPC who is her loyal ally and friend. Examples include the stalwart bodyguard, the enterprising squire, and the faithful pet. Companions may help with combat, or they may fulfill other duties the primary character cannot, such as repairing and building gear or doing research.
Regardless of their role in the troop’s dynamic, they are still NPCs and thus under the control of the GM. Also, it is important that while they are loyal, they are not suicidal, and will refuse tasks that may involve their injury or death just as a player might, nor will they act as a butler or housemaid to the character (unless actually built as servants, like a noble or rich merchant might have).
For more information about building Companions, see the Antagonists chapter in the GM section. Companion costs 5 CP per rank.
Contact gives the character the ability to gain information and favors from a single specific source. This information is not always accurate, nor does the favor always need to turn out to the player’s benefit. The bad tip and the unintentional set up are classic plot devices for a reason. However, Contacts should help far more often than hurt the character, otherwise there is no purpose. Contacts take many forms, but things like the King’s bard, the bartender, the war buddy who still works as security, or just the secretary whose life you saved are all classics.
When calling in a favor, ranks in Contact determine how deep the ally’s reach goes, granting a number of automatically successful non-combat rolls equal to their rank. Only rolls directly related to the favor can benefit from these automatic successes. For example, an automatic success on a stealth roll because the ally bribed (or ordered) the guard to look the other way, a Security roll because he supplied a wax copy of the key, or a Pilot Vehicle roll because he sabotaged the pursuing vehicle. Each automatic success used temporarily reduces the ranks of Contact for a month of game time while the informant mitigates the effects of their help. At the end of the episode, the character who called in favors must make a 12/- roll with a penalty equal to the number of favors called in. Failure means the Contact is permanently unable to help the character further, either because they lose their positions or maybe even get killed. A Contact may even become the center of the next mission, as the troop races to save their friend from a certain doom.
When requesting information from an informant, the player can get a bonus equal to the ranks in Contact to a single roll involving that information. Unlike requesting favors this does not negatively impact the informant.
A character can have Contact multiple times, each representing a different node in the character’s web of influence. Relationship NPCs can also be Contacts, but they do not have to be the same characters. Relationships are more roleplay aides and would be people that the character knows well and trusts, while Contacts are more like acquaintances that the character doesn't necessarily need to hang out or keep occupied. Contact costs 3 CP per rank.
Some characters are really good at feeling, emotionally bonding with those around them. This emotional openness makes social interaction much easier for them than it is for many others. Characters with the Empathetic advantage gain a +2 bonus on all Influence rolls. Empathetic costs 1 CP.
Some characters are emotionally grounded and rock solid in the face of terrifying situations and stressful events. Characters with the Fearless advantage gain +2 to Composure to resist Social Attacks and environmental Morale damage. Fearless costs 2 CP.
Some characters have faces only their mothers could love, cursed with countenances that could curdle fresh milk. While the Hideous advantage may make marriage a difficult proposition, it does have it’s advantages. Any NPC who might be repulsed by the character’s looks is more easily Intimidated or negatively Influenced, with the character gaining +2 to these rolls with those NPCs.
The Membership advantage gives a character entrance to an exclusive group, usually one with some prestige or other power or authority. Each organization offers its members certain benefits (see below) as well as a +2 bonus on any Social rolls involving those with a favorable opinion of the group. This bonus may become a penalty in some situations, such as when dealing with a group that hates or distrusts them. In order to belong to an organization the character must seek out a current member and formally apply to join. The entire process is a role-playing concern, but may include performing tasks, rituals or tests. Membership costs 3 CP.
The Reputation trait gives the character the ability to impress others with her stature, giving bonuses to social interactions with others. If the GM rules that an NPC is likely to know of the character's Reputation, then all Social rolls against them gain a bonus equal to the trait's rating. Not all people are awed by Reputation, however, and some people are hostile toward it, giving penalties instead. Reputation costs 1 CP per rank.
VERS Playtest v20.7 - Online Rule Reference | ||
General Rules | Basics | |
Making a Character | Character Profile - Mechanical Aspects (Attributes - Skills - Abilities - Gear) | |
Gameplay | Mental Conflict - Physical Conflict - Social Conflict - Stunts | |
GM Info | NPCs | |
Optional Rules | Not Yet Complete | |
Gamemastering | Not Yet Complete | |
Storytelling and Drama | Not Yet Complete | |
Advanced Techniques | Not Yet Complete | |
Appendices | Example Abilities | Fantasy - Psionics - Superheroes |
Example Gear | Prehistoric to Dark Ages - Medieval to Renaissance - Modern - Sci-Fi | |
Example NPCs | Animals - People - Fantasy - Horror - Sci-Fi |