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[[File:Riverton and The City.jpeg|right|thumb|Riverton and The City]]
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[[File:Riverton and The City.jpeg|right|thumb|Riverton and The City]]
'''Multi-Genre Campaign'''


'''Multi-Genre Campaign'''

"The last thing I remember I was in a shitty roadhouse in Barstow having a perfectly civilized conversation when some Baja-Chicano douchebag with a sawed-off 12 gauge dropped the hammers on me. There was a monster flash of light and noise and then everything goes dark. The next thing I know some yutz dressed like Prince Valiant is waking me up off the street in what looks like Colonial Williamsburg and I'm vowing to never mix Jimson Root, mescaline, and ether again."
"The last thing I remember I was in a shitty roadhouse in Barstow having a perfectly civilized conversation when some Baja-Chicano douchebag with a sawed-off 12 gauge dropped the hammers on me. There was a monster flash of light and noise and then everything goes dark. The next thing I know some yutz dressed like Prince Valiant is waking me up off the street in what looks like Colonial Williamsburg and I'm vowing to never mix Jimson Root, mescaline, and ether again."

-"Big Ed" Raznowski, Hells Angel
-"Big Ed" Raznowski, Hells Angel

You are not sure how you got here, but you are pretty sure getting killed was involved. Either that or it's all a dream. Or was it seventy-seven steps down? Could it be so simple as wandering into the wrong place? Everything here is different, everything is Wrong; the sun, the moons (Moons!) the sky-everything. Is this some sort of mass hallucination or are things as weird as you keep seeing? The dwarves and elves and swamp monsters were bad enough but you swear that something out of one of H. R. Geigers nightmares just looked at you and shook its head in disbelief.   
You are not sure how you got here, but you are pretty sure getting killed was involved. Either that or it's all a dream. Or was it seventy-seven steps down? Could it be so simple as wandering into the wrong place? Everything here is different, everything is Wrong; the sun, the moons (Moons!) the sky-everything. Is this some sort of mass hallucination or are things as weird as you keep seeing? The dwarves and elves and swamp monsters were bad enough but you swear that something out of one of H. R. Geigers nightmares just looked at you and shook its head in disbelief.   

From the enormous ruined City, full of ghosts and forgotten peoples, to the things out of legend and nightmare that pass you on the streets and in the forests, everything tells you that, wherever you are, you aren't in Kansas anymore...
From the enormous ruined City, full of ghosts and forgotten peoples, to the things out of legend and nightmare that pass you on the streets and in the forests, everything tells you that, wherever you are, you aren't in Kansas anymore...

Some (granted, Immortal and justifiably powerful) wiseass once commented, when asked just where this Place was located; “Find the drain at the bottom of the Multiverse and look there, just left of center.”
Some (granted, Immortal and justifiably powerful) wiseass once commented, when asked just where this Place was located; “Find the drain at the bottom of the Multiverse and look there, just left of center.”
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Funny how things work out.
Funny how things work out.

==The 7 Layers of Reality==

*The Binding Forces of the Multiverse
*These are not just the powers that a person wields, these are the basic underpinnings for the Reality that they come from
*These are the powers that define all of Reality. Everything, everywhere in The Multiverse is based off of some variation or combination of these seven principles, except The Void and that which is Left of Center
*There is an exception to every rule

'''The 7 Layers of Reality'''

Most Common in the Multiverse (the “default setting”)

-The Binding Forces of the Multiverse
Always some of it in every Universe to a greater or lesser degree

-These are not just the powers that a person wields, these are the basic underpinnings for the Reality that they come from
“An Engineer Builds a Device”

-These are the powers that define all of Reality. Everything, everywhere in The Multiverse is based off of some variation or combination of these seven principles, except The Void and that which is Left of Center
This is the making and inventing of artifacts and the slow progressions of complexity (i.e.- simple machines, complex machines, electrical, electronic, thinking machines). This encompasses all the disciplines of Science up to, but not into, the paranormal or supernatural

-There is an exception to every rule

Most versatile and varied, 2<sup>nd</sup> most common

Mixes well with all others as the lesser Layer

“A Wizard Casts a Spell”

1. Technology aka Tech (Any machine or artifact that requires more than one smart person to invent from scratch)
With Magic a Practitioner channels, by use of spells, foci, or innate abilities, an external source of energy (Mana, The Force, etc…) into an outward Effect. This source of energy is a pervasive field that exists throughout a particular universe to a greater or lesser degree. The Effect or Spell has to be Cast by the Practitioner and the intended Effects laid out when it is Cast. You Tap the power, you Shape the power, you Release the power.

-Technologists Invent Devices

-Best described as harnessing the world around you in the form of machinery
Power levels works in quantized steps 1 to 10 to 100 etc... Higher level adepts can be Godlike

Changing the Outer World ("So, I pulled out my Desert Eagle and shot his ass. Granted, his Kevlar stopped most of it, but that's the point of using a .50 cal, that whole 'most' part.")
Can be boosted by Tech, Magic, Symbol, or Faith

“A Psionic Intellectualizes a Kinesis”

2. Magic aka Ars Magica (Wizards and Witches)
This is the power of the mind. Using mental ability to alter the world around you and, to a greater extent, the world inside you. Most Psionics operate on a mental level that is far more powerful than the effects that are demonstrated by them in the physical world. It is far easier for a Psionic to grab you mentally and drag you kicking and screaming into their mental world, where the biggest brain wins-than it is to mentally pick up a rock and bash you in the head.

-Practitioners Cast Spells
At the higher Levels of Psi the power of a Mentalist become outwardly more powerful (picture the difference between Yuri Gellar, Jean Grey, and Cthulhu).

-Using Will & Intelligence to alter the flow of Power that exists in the world around you

Use of Mana, Aether, or the Power that infuses the world ("I Summon the Hand of Power! No? Then Hellfire! Hmmm... How about The Concerto for Fire and Explosives? Shit... Dimension Door!")
“Bleeds Over” into most other Layers as a lesser power

The more followers, the more power you get

3. Mind aka Psionics (Psi Powers, the Mind as a weapon)
“A Priestess Intones a Ritual”

-Psionicists Utilize Kinesis
That Old Time Religion, the power of Faith. You can either be the worshipper or, if things go your way, the Object of Worship. Imhotep didn’t start out a God, he Became a God. Either way you get to use all the Faith to move mountains if you want. Just like Magic-you Tap the power, you Shape the power, you Release the power.

-The Power is all in your mind. You use it to impose your Will on those around you
===Symbol (aka Diametric Opposition)===

Changing the Inner World ("Alter Cerebral Wave Beta-Thaleph to 7.6 Ki, release Lower Id and augment by .6 caution on the control band. He's got a tough Ego, let it chew through for a few nano-seconds until the Dream Sequence 6.3 starts Green.")
Requires that there be an opposing force

Focus Based

4. Spirit aka Shamanism, Necromancy, Faith (Clerics and Priests, The Fae')
“A Semioticist Effects a Resonance”

-Priests Weave Prayers, The Fae' Alter Things to Suit Their Whim
This works one of two ways. Either there exists, somewhere in The Multiverse, an Artifact of Great Power (which by virtue of Its existence is a generator of Power) that you can tap into or you have created a Symbol of Power that you bear on or within yourself. Either way, you can change and alter that Symbol to channel its power to create effects. This is not magic, but if you look at it sideways and squint a little you might be excused for calling it magic.

-It's all a matter of just how much you Believe

The Power of Belief ("I Intone the Possibly Proper Litany in the spirit of That Which Might or Might Not Exist That Such a Potential Entity Would Deign to Aid One Such As Myself.")
Works equally well in most of the Multiverse but is very hard to master

Occasionally mistaken for Natural Laws

5. Diametric Opposition aka Primum and Entropy (The Power of Opposites)
“A Quantum Mechanic Spins a Formula”

-Semioticists Create Resonances
Mathematics taken to its most paranormal degree. A Quantum Mechanic (Reality Bender, Mathemagician, Spinner) can perceive the mathematical underpinnings of The Multiverse and change the equations to alter local Reality. A competent Mechanic will do this while working with the natural physical laws of the particular Universe that they are in, making for an almost seamless change to the world. Less competent ones cut and paste as they go along, leaving gaps in the fabric of Reality.

-Channel Power from your Symbol in order to make the changes to the world. Push the balance in your favor. Just don't forget; someone Out There is pushing the other way

Tapping The Powers of Diametric Opposition-Chaos/Order, Light/Dark, Good/Evil ("The Universe is just an interval between Creation and Destruction, Time is merely that which exists between the two. Stasis is opposed to Time")
There is only one Aspect Universe, The Netherworld

The Netherworld is accessible from almost all other Universes

6. Quantum Flux aka Reality Manipulation (Manipulation of Matter at a Basic Level)
“An Avatar Raises an Attribute”

-Quantum Mechanics Assemble Formulae
Aspects are the physical anthropomorphication of a particular abstract Concept. Some Aspects are Created by the Fabric of The Netherworld and others start off as mere mortals and develop into an Aspect. The Avatars of Death are an example. As is Arthur Pendragon, who is the Aspect of Secret Knowledge. They can be the Aspect of a Place (Genius Locarum) or a Thing (The Underground Railroad) and can take Forms both Minor and Godlike. All are connected to The Netherworld and Their Avatars are usually much more powerful when encountered there.

-Your Power is a constant battle between two perspectives, the way you want things to be and the way they really are. The mathematics define All.
==Places of Interest==

Meddling With The Forces That Bind Reality ("Once I was through with him not only was he a chair, but he had Always Been a chair. His whole family? Yep, chairs.")
<div><ul class="thumbs">
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:The Near East.jpeg|300px|alt=The Near East]]<br />The Near East<br />&nbsp;</li>
<li style="display: inline-block;">[[File:The Near West.jpeg|300px|alt=The Near West]]<br />The Near West<br />&nbsp;</li>

7. Aspect aka The Netherworld (Corporeal Manifestation of a Psychological Ideal)
-Aspects Draw Upon Powers
-These are the physical incarnations of Concepts. Ideas cast into people They are not born-instead the Multiverse demands that they exist
Becoming The Physical Embodiment of A Concept ("Listen, if you don't believe that the bartender is an Avatar of Death, I dare you to go over there, look him in the eye, and tell him his mother blows goats.")
[[File:The Near East.jpeg|right|thumb|The Near East]]
[[File:The Near West.jpeg|right|thumb|The Near West]]
*[[LOC:Crossroads Overview|Crossroads Overview]]
*[[LOC:Crossroads Overview|Crossroads Overview]]
*[[LOC:Marrakesh-The Silver City|Marrakesh-The Silver City]]
*[[LOC:Marrakesh-The Silver City|Marrakesh-The Silver City]]
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==Left of Center-Player Information==
=Left of Center-Player Information=
'''PC Data'''

''Things to Remember When Traveling Left of Center:''
''Things to Remember When Traveling Left of Center:''

-Things tend not to have proper names, the people you are fighting are called The Horde, the city they come from is called The City, the river Riverton is next to is called The Great River, etc.
*Things tend not to have proper names, the people you are fighting are called The Horde, the city they come from is called The City, the river Riverton is next to is called The Great River, etc.
*It is never fully day, it's always a bit overcast.
-It is never fully day, it's always a bit overcast.
*The night sky is unrecognizable to anyone; for example, there are nebula remnants in the sky, Aurora Borealis displays are common, and there seems to be more than one moon.
*Things always seem a bit further away than they really are.
-The night sky is unrecognizable to anyone; for example, there are nebula remnants in the sky, Aurora Borealis displays are common, and there seems to be more than one moon.
*Concepts live here, so things can occasionally seem a bit off kilter.
*The Night-and-Day cycle seems to work on a standard 24-hour period.
-Things always seem a bit further away than they really are.
*Everyone you talk to speaks your native language, albeit with odd accents and idioms.
*Everything works, Technology, Magic, Necromancy-you name it and it will function here.
-Concepts live here, so things can occasionally seem a bit off kilter.
*There are natives here. For example, everyone in Riverton except Twowaters was born there.
*There is a horizon, it appears to be about 20-30 miles away.
-The Night-and-Day cycle seems to work on a standard 24-hour period.
*The sun, when you can see it, appears to be a normal yellow-white dwarf, just like where you came from. It doesn't always rise in the same place, however.
*Humans are not the only racial type here, for example Riverton is about 50% human, 30% Dwarves, and 20% other humanoids (green skinned w/gills, blue skinned, four-armed, a few elvish-types, a couple of Genetically Perfect Humans, and a few creatures that look like a cross between a known animal and a human). Outside of Riverton, there is a more diverse distribution of creatures.
-Everyone you talk to speaks your native language, albeit with odd accents and idioms.
*Geological features tend to conform to normal expectations.
*There is evidence (outside of The City) of an older, vanished civilization (Bridges, Roads, Aqueducts, Buildings, etc. that conform to a standard architectural style). To all indications it is long gone. Evidence would seem to indicate that they built to last.
-Everything works, Technology, Magic, Necromancy-you name it and it will function here.
*There is a paved road that runs North-South and another that runs East-West, they are known as The Great Northern Road and The Trading Road by the people of Riverton. They are both about 50' wide and appear to be indestructible by any means that you possess. These are artifacts of the Ancient civilization that was there before.
*Everyone you meet will tend to take things 'in-stride,' it's nigh-impossible to impress the natives with displays of "Magic."
-There are natives here. For example, everyone in Riverton except Twowaters was born there.
*Everyone but you seems to understand what a Concept is.
*Many of the soldiers that you encounter in The City will have no clue what's going on.
-There is a horizon, it appears to be about 20-30 miles away.
*The common term for people like you is 'Travelers.'
*People around here tend to use barter, but gold, silver, gems, and booze always seem to be welcome.
-The sun, when you can see it, appears to be a normal yellow-white dwarf, just like where you came from. It doesn't always rise in the same place, however.
-Humans are not the only racial type here, for example Riverton is about 50% human, 30% Dwarves, and 20% other humanoids (green skinned w/gills, blue skinned, four-armed, a few elvish-types, a couple of Genetically Perfect Humans, and a few creatures that look like a cross between a known animal and a human). Outside of Riverton, there is a more diverse distribution of creatures.
-Geological features tend to conform to normal expectations.
-There is evidence (outside of The City) of an older, vanished civilization (Bridges, Roads, Aqueducts, Buildings, etc. that conform to a standard architectural style). To all indications it is long gone. Evidence would seem to indicate that they built to last.
-There is a paved road that runs North-South and another that runs East-West, they are known as The Great Northern Road and The Trading Road by the people of Riverton. They are both about 50' wide and appear to be indestructible by any means that you possess. These are artifacts of the Ancient civilization that was there before.
-Everyone you meet will tend to take things 'in-stride,' it's nigh-impossible to impress the natives with displays of "Magic."
-Everyone but you seems to understand what a Concept is.
-Many of the soldiers that you encounter in The City will have no clue what's going on.
-The common term for people like you is 'Travelers.'
-People around here tend to use barter, but gold, silver, gems, and booze always seem to be welcome.

[[File:West of The City.jpeg|right|thumb|Map of Features West of The City & Riverton]]
[[File:West of The City.jpeg|right|thumb|Map of Features West of The City & Riverton]]

[[Category:Left Of Center]]
[[Category:Left Of Center]]

Latest revision as of 17:58, 10 May 2022

Riverton and The City


Multi-Genre Campaign

"The last thing I remember I was in a shitty roadhouse in Barstow having a perfectly civilized conversation when some Baja-Chicano douchebag with a sawed-off 12 gauge dropped the hammers on me. There was a monster flash of light and noise and then everything goes dark. The next thing I know some yutz dressed like Prince Valiant is waking me up off the street in what looks like Colonial Williamsburg and I'm vowing to never mix Jimson Root, mescaline, and ether again."

-"Big Ed" Raznowski, Hells Angel

You are not sure how you got here, but you are pretty sure getting killed was involved. Either that or it's all a dream. Or was it seventy-seven steps down? Could it be so simple as wandering into the wrong place? Everything here is different, everything is Wrong; the sun, the moons (Moons!) the sky-everything. Is this some sort of mass hallucination or are things as weird as you keep seeing? The dwarves and elves and swamp monsters were bad enough but you swear that something out of one of H. R. Geigers nightmares just looked at you and shook its head in disbelief.

From the enormous ruined City, full of ghosts and forgotten peoples, to the things out of legend and nightmare that pass you on the streets and in the forests, everything tells you that, wherever you are, you aren't in Kansas anymore...

Some (granted, Immortal and justifiably powerful) wiseass once commented, when asked just where this Place was located; “Find the drain at the bottom of the Multiverse and look there, just left of center.”

To be more specific, this Place is the Multiversal Exception to the Rules. It is the one place in all of the habitable Universes where all the Rules of Reality work equally well. No one Power is ascendant here. All of them work at one hundred per cent. Maybe it is the center of the Multiverse. Maybe it is the Place from which the First Races arose to Sentience and Power.

It is the stage from which countless dramas, comedies, and tragedies have played out. It is also the Place where things tend to go when they slip through the cracks of Reality and are forgotten.

Funny how things work out.

The 7 Layers of Reality

  • The Binding Forces of the Multiverse
  • These are not just the powers that a person wields, these are the basic underpinnings for the Reality that they come from
  • These are the powers that define all of Reality. Everything, everywhere in The Multiverse is based off of some variation or combination of these seven principles, except The Void and that which is Left of Center
  • There is an exception to every rule


Most Common in the Multiverse (the “default setting”)

Always some of it in every Universe to a greater or lesser degree

“An Engineer Builds a Device”

This is the making and inventing of artifacts and the slow progressions of complexity (i.e.- simple machines, complex machines, electrical, electronic, thinking machines). This encompasses all the disciplines of Science up to, but not into, the paranormal or supernatural


Most versatile and varied, 2nd most common

Mixes well with all others as the lesser Layer

“A Wizard Casts a Spell”

With Magic a Practitioner channels, by use of spells, foci, or innate abilities, an external source of energy (Mana, The Force, etc…) into an outward Effect. This source of energy is a pervasive field that exists throughout a particular universe to a greater or lesser degree. The Effect or Spell has to be Cast by the Practitioner and the intended Effects laid out when it is Cast. You Tap the power, you Shape the power, you Release the power.


Power levels works in quantized steps 1 to 10 to 100 etc... Higher level adepts can be Godlike

Can be boosted by Tech, Magic, Symbol, or Faith

“A Psionic Intellectualizes a Kinesis”

This is the power of the mind. Using mental ability to alter the world around you and, to a greater extent, the world inside you. Most Psionics operate on a mental level that is far more powerful than the effects that are demonstrated by them in the physical world. It is far easier for a Psionic to grab you mentally and drag you kicking and screaming into their mental world, where the biggest brain wins-than it is to mentally pick up a rock and bash you in the head.

At the higher Levels of Psi the power of a Mentalist become outwardly more powerful (picture the difference between Yuri Gellar, Jean Grey, and Cthulhu).


“Bleeds Over” into most other Layers as a lesser power

The more followers, the more power you get

“A Priestess Intones a Ritual”

That Old Time Religion, the power of Faith. You can either be the worshipper or, if things go your way, the Object of Worship. Imhotep didn’t start out a God, he Became a God. Either way you get to use all the Faith to move mountains if you want. Just like Magic-you Tap the power, you Shape the power, you Release the power.

Symbol (aka Diametric Opposition)

Requires that there be an opposing force

Focus Based

“A Semioticist Effects a Resonance”

This works one of two ways. Either there exists, somewhere in The Multiverse, an Artifact of Great Power (which by virtue of Its existence is a generator of Power) that you can tap into or you have created a Symbol of Power that you bear on or within yourself. Either way, you can change and alter that Symbol to channel its power to create effects. This is not magic, but if you look at it sideways and squint a little you might be excused for calling it magic.


Works equally well in most of the Multiverse but is very hard to master

Occasionally mistaken for Natural Laws

“A Quantum Mechanic Spins a Formula”

Mathematics taken to its most paranormal degree. A Quantum Mechanic (Reality Bender, Mathemagician, Spinner) can perceive the mathematical underpinnings of The Multiverse and change the equations to alter local Reality. A competent Mechanic will do this while working with the natural physical laws of the particular Universe that they are in, making for an almost seamless change to the world. Less competent ones cut and paste as they go along, leaving gaps in the fabric of Reality.


There is only one Aspect Universe, The Netherworld

The Netherworld is accessible from almost all other Universes

“An Avatar Raises an Attribute”

Aspects are the physical anthropomorphication of a particular abstract Concept. Some Aspects are Created by the Fabric of The Netherworld and others start off as mere mortals and develop into an Aspect. The Avatars of Death are an example. As is Arthur Pendragon, who is the Aspect of Secret Knowledge. They can be the Aspect of a Place (Genius Locarum) or a Thing (The Underground Railroad) and can take Forms both Minor and Godlike. All are connected to The Netherworld and Their Avatars are usually much more powerful when encountered there.

Places of Interest

  • The Near East
    The Near East
  • The Near West
    The Near West

Left of Center-Player Information

Things to Remember When Traveling Left of Center:

  • Things tend not to have proper names, the people you are fighting are called The Horde, the city they come from is called The City, the river Riverton is next to is called The Great River, etc.
  • It is never fully day, it's always a bit overcast.
  • The night sky is unrecognizable to anyone; for example, there are nebula remnants in the sky, Aurora Borealis displays are common, and there seems to be more than one moon.
  • Things always seem a bit further away than they really are.
  • Concepts live here, so things can occasionally seem a bit off kilter.
  • The Night-and-Day cycle seems to work on a standard 24-hour period.
  • Everyone you talk to speaks your native language, albeit with odd accents and idioms.
  • Everything works, Technology, Magic, Necromancy-you name it and it will function here.
  • There are natives here. For example, everyone in Riverton except Twowaters was born there.
  • There is a horizon, it appears to be about 20-30 miles away.
  • The sun, when you can see it, appears to be a normal yellow-white dwarf, just like where you came from. It doesn't always rise in the same place, however.
  • Humans are not the only racial type here, for example Riverton is about 50% human, 30% Dwarves, and 20% other humanoids (green skinned w/gills, blue skinned, four-armed, a few elvish-types, a couple of Genetically Perfect Humans, and a few creatures that look like a cross between a known animal and a human). Outside of Riverton, there is a more diverse distribution of creatures.
  • Geological features tend to conform to normal expectations.
  • There is evidence (outside of The City) of an older, vanished civilization (Bridges, Roads, Aqueducts, Buildings, etc. that conform to a standard architectural style). To all indications it is long gone. Evidence would seem to indicate that they built to last.
  • There is a paved road that runs North-South and another that runs East-West, they are known as The Great Northern Road and The Trading Road by the people of Riverton. They are both about 50' wide and appear to be indestructible by any means that you possess. These are artifacts of the Ancient civilization that was there before.
  • Everyone you meet will tend to take things 'in-stride,' it's nigh-impossible to impress the natives with displays of "Magic."
  • Everyone but you seems to understand what a Concept is.
  • Many of the soldiers that you encounter in The City will have no clue what's going on.
  • The common term for people like you is 'Travelers.'
  • People around here tend to use barter, but gold, silver, gems, and booze always seem to be welcome.
Map of Features West of The City & Riverton